Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 29 January 2017


I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Mountain Bluebird
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Photo Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Heather - Good that Amy is recovering. Always a worry.

    OG - I suppose snatches of rest are better than none at all. Hope you can find some respite.

    Annette & Diane - Sorry your country is in such turmoil. Sometimes I wonder how history will view our era. 

    (Annette:  it was Clare, I think, who posted the pic of Trump with wings!)

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    We enjoyed some brief sunshine this morning, after several days of rain, including all night for two nights. It was good to get out in the garden.

    Our Youngest admitted today that he hurt his own toe this week, in a similar way to his father: he fell on the steps and thinks he might have broken a bone in his toe. After consulting the NHS website online, he thinks there is no treatment for this, so will battle on with it after taking some painkillers.

    I was pleased to see that there are proposals to erect a statue to Princess Diana - it's taken long enough.

  • Today’s max was 31.5 C at 6 am. Now mid-morn, there are great glomps of rain falling here & there, hence horribly humid. I enjoyed the tennis. Lovely with no tantrums, no screaming, no racquet-smashing.

  • Diane: Well as far as I'm concerned, Jerry Brown can stay on in perpetuity.  :-)

    OH and I went off to a talk this afternoon given by a marine biologist who's been doing research on fish populations on and around California's offshore oil platforms.  Some are no longer operating; the oil companies contracted to take them away when they drilled them, but they've evolved into habitats/reefs for all kinds of creatures (a lot like shipwrecks).  Now they're thinking to leave the pilings, etc so they're about 100 feet below the surface where they'll be out of the way of vessels,  won't need buoys or markers, but will still provide homes for critters.  The speaker was very engaging 

  • Good Morning, All.  Warmer here, which is welcome.

    AQ - What I did see and hear of the recent tennis was very civilised. Two nice guys. (EDIT : Just looked back through the thread, and found that Pat had said "Tennis was the winner today!" )   --    Trying to imagine your "glomps" of rain!!

    Annette - Your talk sounded really interesting: I'm always fascinated on the tv programmes where they show how the sea creatures come in and inhabit anything left on the seabed.

    Hope that OG is feeling some relief now, and can get some help this week.  Thinking of dear Margo.

  • Here's today's pic:


  • Linda – Cool picture. Any snow to spare? I am sweltering here. Glomp is my word for big fat raindrops that fall widely-spaced on the path. Not enough to actually water anything.

  • I think I understood, AQ!  We get that sometimes, when it's warm - almost as if it's reluctant to rain properly! Great word for it!

    Do wish we could send you some snow and cool temps: it's so tiring being way too hot :-(

  • Goodness, its been quiet on here today! Although maybe the Site is being difficult because of all the entries for the Big Garden Birdwatch this weekend....

  • Lindybird: I'm glued to TV/online coverage of all the problems a certain person has created around the world in between trying to find out where the next protest march is in LA!  :-)

  • Hello all

    I've been checking in but no energy to reply :-(  Love the pic, LINDY. I didn't go to the Cooperage with the boys, today. Stayed home and got dinner organised. It has been a brilliant weekend, they will leave here about 10am tomorrow. I've chickened out and come to bed, left them downstairs.