Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 January 2017


Hello from very icy Indiana.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Cardinal on Ice
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • I've been in Elgin all day and just arrived home. I am so so shocked to read this sad news about BRENDA. What on earth happened? Can't find any more words at the moment.

  • Having read the news about Brenda while I was at Minsmere earlier today I can honestly say that this is heartbreaking news.  Margo, you're incredibly brave to break such news to us all while you're struggling.  My thoughts and Limpy's are with Brenda's family.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Lindybird said:

    One piece of good news today: eight people have been pulled alive from the rubble of the hotel engulfed in an avalanche in Italy several days ago.

    Lindy, you're a star.  You always try to cheer us all up - thank you!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • At risk of sounding corny -- Brenda would have wanted all of us on here to carry on, with "business as usual".

    I was so glad to hear that the rescuers been successful in their huge efforts to try and save them, if there was anyone left alive in that crushed hotel. Apparently there were children amongst those saved, so well done to them all.

    EDIT :  They're now saying that ten souls are alive, although some of them are still trapped. Four at least have been found dead.

  • Morning all:

    Terrible news about Brenda. What on earth? I was somewhat worried when OG told us she'd gone into hospital and then more so as time went by. Maybe someone will hear more at some point, but in the meantime a truly wretched piece of news. It's all so sad. 

    Margo: Thank you.

    Lindybird: Didn't mean you'd used one of my photos; just that the hummingbirds and those plants are very common here. Photo is way above my fuzzy standards!  :-)  That's my kind of lunch. Yum.

    PatO: OK, so I won't ask you if the Watford library is still standing. 

    Torrential rain here this morning with flash flood alerts, etc, arriving thick and fast. Fortunately, the massive new flood control channels they took two years to put in (major effort under freeway and a great inconvenience while in the process) are doing a fab job. Took a look at our two creeks this morning; they've been mostly bone dry for four years but are raging streams now and a little bit scary (but no problems with former flood-prone streets just south of us.)

  • Well said Lindy...

    I gather she one of the well earned good eggs( don't know if they are awarded nowadays)

    I gather hotel dogs were also rescued not surprising as they were in the kitchen area.

    Daisy loves a kitchen :-)

  • Very sorry to hear the sad news about Brenda. My condolences go to all her family.

  • Thank you Margo & OG for the heartbreaking news of Brenda’s passing. My sympathy to her OH & family. I haven’t met Brenda in person but I feel she is a Good Friend. As you all are.

    Margo - I send prayers to you every evening (our time) hoping to give you strength for your day.

  • Good Morning, Everyone.  Dry here, and a bit of watery sunshine. Cold, though.

    We spent half of yesterday up ladders, sometimes getting in each other's way, but the hallway is now a soft biscuit colour. My OH is going to tackle the gloss painting around the door frames today - not sure about the doors themselves as some had been done separately in the past, to freshen them up.

    Bonnie excelled herself on Thursday, by not only catching a rabbit on her walk, but attempting to bring it back home. My OH did his best but could not save it, nor get her to give it up: it has been left in someone's garden somewhere, but we've no idea where! I'm sure the owners of the property will wonder how it got there.....

    I hope everyone has a pleasant weekend, at least it's brighter skies.