Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 January 2017


Hello from very icy Indiana.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Cardinal on Ice
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Keith - I'm sorry to hear that you're having a challenging time at the moment. Not helped by having January weather which is not exactly cheerful. Best Wishes to you both.

    OG - It isn't a sudden decision to decorate  - we took a look at the hallway way back in November and decided it needed some tlc. We wallpapered it years ago but the paper is looking slightly shabby in places, plus has started peeling off a little. As, if we glue it down, it may be possible to see the places it's been done, we have to either rip off all the paper or paint over it. The latter seems preferable, as the hallway is approx 15ft. long, with a small extra 'turn' at one end. The sticking point is that it has SEVEN doors in it! -- it's murder to wallpaper!  

    My OH has repainted the ceiling white now, and we have some biscuit coloured paint for the walls which is going to be slapped on tomorrow, by both of us. Fingers crossed that I like it!  (He already stuck down the wayward bits)  After that, my OH will tackle the door frames.

  • Margo - thank you for posting what you are going through at present. We are all rooting for you and do hope that you will feel a little better soon. Thoughts and prayers are with you both at this very trying time.

    OG - Misty OK but she will have to have blood test next time. I am trying to make it every 5/6 months instead of every three as it costs over a £100 with that and medication, a lot of money when one is on a pension.

    Balmoral chicken sounds intriguing - what does it consist of?

  • Limpy - what a beautiful one of the swans in flight.

    Forestboar - hope things sort themselves out for you soon.

    Well we've had three depressing days of cloud cover so hopefully soon it will lift and we will get a glimmer of the sun. Said it may be colder at the weekend, hmmm.

  • Love the pics, Limpy, especially of the bittern which is usually a shy bird.  Glad you got a couple of him/her.

  • I've never seen a bittern, although I have heard one ...

  • Yesterday I took my camera for an outing to east & NE suburbs. On way home, sitting waiting for lights to change, a big black monster ran into back of my car. His not a scratch, mine just a distorted bumper and a boot that won’t open, still driveable. I spent the rest of the hot humid day phoning insurance & visiting crash repairs. We only have one car, so repairs need to wait until loan car is available . . . end of next month.  Finally came home so late I bought fish & chips for tea, then settled to watch TV. At 8 pm thunderstorm struck. At 8.25 pm power went, not restored until 12.45 am. We are lucky as some thousands won’t get power back until weekend. One of my tomato bush savaged by the wind. Much cooler today, low 20s.

  • Evening all: Another busy day working on freelance gig here; almost done then it's on to the next one.

    Margo: So good to see your post but sorry you are going through such a bad period right now. We're all thinking of you and your wonderful OH.

    Clare: I love beach huts (have paintings at the ones at Southwold on my wall - somewhat more colorful, even in the flesh).

    Limpy: I can imagine you and Clare spending your days having so much fun out and about with your cameras! :-)

    AQ: Oh what a shame about the street party. Hate to see all that effort for nought. Oh dear, hope you suffered no ill effects from the rear-ending, but a month before a loan car is available? That seems awfully long. Do hope things are better tomorrow.

    Harelady: I bet your son and partner are thrilled to bits the long-awaited baby. You too.

    Lynette: Burns night again! Happy birthday for Saturday!  :-)

    Lindybird: I heard good news about the ivory trade the other day - apparently China has passed a law outlawing the sale (at least I think that's what it said).  Wonder where your hummingbird photo was taken - it and the plant look familiar. You must be feeling fairly confident that Bonnie is well over the puppy phase if you're redecorating. Seven doors though? Eeeek.

    PatO; I'm sure you've told me before - and Lord knows I've said many times that Watford is my home town  - but whereabouts do you live?

    Keith: Gosh, your "personal" weather station sounds complicated.  Hmm. Will be interesting to see what prompted the CPS to pursue a dangerous driving charge in that accident.

    Having coffee with another Brit friend tomorrow morning, then to the gym where I'll avoid looking at the TV sets.  Home in the afternoon, then on Saturday at the crack of dawn I'll be boarding one of 10 busses hired by the Santa Barbara Democrat Women to take us the Women's March-Los Angeles, one of many, many events taking place around the country (the main one is in Washington DC) designed to alert the new administration that we aren't going to tolerate any of their nonsense!  Grrrr.  Many people are driving, taking the train, busses to LA; others are attending a smaller gathering here.

    Hope Friday is kind to all.

  • Annette, I'm just over the West Sussex border in Surrey, near East Grinstead.  One of those places that can't quite make up its mind which county it's in!  My sister used to live in Watford.  This morning the temperature is -2, but at least it's bright and sunny.

  • Good Morning, All.   Sun coming through my window already, although lower temps predicted. (At least it's stopped blinkin' well raining for a while....)

    Annette - Apologies if I've used one of your photos - I have a whole batch of pics stored here on my tablet and they're not labelled in any way.  A lot of them are just things that friends have sent me, so no idea where they're from. Good for you, going on the march tomorrow. It's just been said on our TVNews that the world will be watching the Inauguration speech today, to decide what sort of administration this will prove to be.

    AQ - How upsetting that you're going to go through so much inconvenience, all because someone else wasn't concentrating. Hope all can be sorted out.

    I went to Friends yesterday for lunch, beautiful home made soup with five veg in it, and wafer thin ham, tomatoes and crusty bread. Yum! Chatted to her and her OH: they are supporting two different near neighbours fighting cancer at present, it seems rife amongst our age group.

    Back to our redecorating today - must go get hosed down and old togs on, so I can do my bit.