Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 15 January 2017


Hello from very icy Indiana.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!!!

Cardinal on Ice
U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service photo
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright-Free)

  • Pat O said:

    Heavy frost again overnight in this part of the world.  Enjoy your sunshine, you people north of Watford!

    Not exactly sunshine here, Pat!!  Very grey and misty, and you get wet just by going out of the door! Even tho the rain has now stopped (for how long, LOL?)

  • Good Evening all.  I hope you don't mind if I share some photos I took at Minsmere today.

    Click on the swans to see some more.

    We were both sorry to read Margo's post and we're keeping her in our thoughts.

    "Birds are, quite simply, little miracles - and as such they require care and consideration."

    Magnus Ullman

    My Flickr account is here

  • So sorry to read you are not up to strength Margo. Keep positive - you know you have a lot of people here praying and thinking positive thoughts for you every day.

    As for Grandchildren OG - my son & his partner have been together 12 years and this child is an absolute blessing - they all are of course but this one especially.

    Beautiful frosty start here in Aldeburgh with the mist on the river at the back but very cold again tonight. I was reading a report on the Rutland Osprey website from Senegal - they are not daft are they Ospreys!!

  • Evening all. This has been an interesting week weatherwise and for other reasons.

    Firstly good wishes to all those who are suffering, I can only wish you well. Our Monday actually went quite well And at least caused no problems. Tuesday to Today weatherwise was challenging to say the least. We live around 1700 ft above sea level and as the Met Office seem to struggle with our forecast I purchased a weather station, which has, in our location, proved rather accurate: if it agrees with the Met Office it generally happens, if it doesn't it is usually right. So Tuesday morning it was foggy out side. Check up and the cloudbase is 60ft below us, hence cloud not fog. Wednesday cloudbase was 60 feet above us hence fog not cloud so going down lower meant you still had it. Today it ended up being cloud not fog so a clear run to Ross-on Wye to get OH's phone sorted out.

    Tuesday also brought another problem? Surrey Police rang early to let us know that the CPS are going to pursue a charge of causing death by dangerous driving and I will be offered a victim impact statement which leaves me in a quandary as having spoken to several people who witnessed the accident said it appeared to be two people in the wrong place at the wrong time. Currently I now await the CPS letterto explain their reasoning then I will have to see. In the meantime I am going through sorting out a correct medication procedure to keep my asthma ( diagnosed in September on return from Grantown) with my varying circumstances.

    Its a long post but I am not getting many opportunities to post.

  • Forgot to mention that the Met Office is threatening sun all day tomorrow!

  • They're threatening sun all day for us as well, but with a maximum temperature of only 4.  Saturday sun all day as well, but maximum 2.  I'm looking forward to next Wednesday which promises sun all day and a temperature of 8 - it will seem like summer!  But I expect it will all change before then ...

  • Hope your weather station agrees tomorrow KEITH, and you can enjoy that sunshine!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sadly not at the moment - one can only hope!

  • Limpy - What gorgeous pictures. I've never even seen either a bittern or a bearded tit! - never mind photographed one!

    Well done on a lovely set of photos. :-)

  • Oh Linda - somewhere I have a photo of a bittern at WWT Slimbridge - first and only -  a beautiful bird.