Morning all. Here's to a good week for all.

  • Unknown said:
    Hmmm. I'm watching the President-Elect's first "news" conference and wondering why he felt it necessary to bring his attorney with him.....

    Whoever can work out Trump?  I hope your day seriously improves from this point.

    Glad you like the robin!  Did you click on him?

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • More lovely photographs, Clare - thank you so much for sharing them.  I can sit here enjoying the birds without moving a muscle!!

  • Good evening, all.  First opportunity to say anything today!

    Hairdresser phoned yesterday – unwell with a bad cold, so couldn’t come.  But instead of having a lazy day, we thought of things we needed to do.  After that, we were out in the evening at a lecture (and discussion) on “Saving Nature”.  It was a very thoughtful talk, positive about Scotland’s achievements but pessimistic on a global level unless we curb consumerism; provoked a lot of feedback. Sat by a good acquaintance at the supper after, and enjoyed good conversation with her.

    This morning we had a business meeting at church, which was encouraging but went on so long that we missed lunch – home just in time for podiatrist visit! No problems with the feet, and enjoyed late cheese and crackers – and a slice of cake which a friend at church had baked (she is a diabetic lady who loves to bake for other people).  We are both tired, so have decided not to go out in the icy rain and strong winds, so giving Bird Club a miss – sorry, really, as it’s about Ravens, but more important to have arrest to help immunity from winter ills.

    Linda – pleased you made a decision about garden storage.  We have a visible shed (from side windows of lounge and dining room) but painted it blue, and it is very attractive with yellow or orange flowers in front!

    AQ – minister who married Grandson in 2011 had a goatee beard, long hair in a ponytail and wore a kilt and a ghillie shirt- service was excellent and meaningful.  I hadn’t realised the Nanny-day was with all three girls – so pleased it went well!

    Annette – no lurkers allowed in my fridge, and even the freezer has very little left from Christmas.  Wonderful for you to get some rain – but everything will grow faster now, and you’ll have more to do!  Has there actually been enough rain to alleviate the drought situation?  Maybe Trump had to have his legal guy there to kick him when he puts his foot in his mouth!

    Heather – I do hope you had no serious roof damage in the gales.  You’re right – we have been on the edge of the weather: snow warning here for tomorrow, but could escape that at near sea-level. 

    Linda – lovely picture this morning!  Hope the car problem can be solved with little expenditure!

    Clare – Forth Road Bridge still closed in the evening rush hour – waiting for the wind to die down before they can repair the central barrier and move the vehicle – they were even talking about having to cut it up to move it out.  Journeys round by Kincardine Bridge are just crawling.  Some excellent photos from Christchurch Park – lovely Corvids in particular, and amazed at Mr Mandarin’s colour at this time of year!

    Dinner smells appetising, despite late lunch – better go stir something!



    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • As OG says the bridge is still closed. That driver must be thanking God he is still alive' and kicking himself for crossing the bridge when it was closed to high sided vehicles.

    Goo to read all the news.

    C of S here and it takes a good 6 months to get a new minister after one has left. Seems daft that nothing can be done till the incumbent has left.

    We thoroughly enjoyed a "Viennese Gala Night " at Eden Court last night. The RNSO were in great form as was the soprano. We got home to find a message from bro saying Mum was in hospital with a low temp and an infection. Better news today that her temp is back to normal. Do hope they can keep her in for a few days. 

    As Heather has said it has been a wild and windy day here. Not a good day for Bensons haircut. We didn't do for the usual walk at Dores which he gets as a treat for his good behaviour while being shorn. None of us would have regarded it as a treat today. Tomorrow he is off to the vet to have a scale and polish!!!! He will have to be anaesthetised so no food after 2000 and limited water.

  • A good day - got lots of things off the To Do List including popping into my hairdressers to see if she can fit me in next week, so that my following appointment in five weeks will be right for my hols. Sometimes I long for the days when I had long hair and just got a trim about every six months!

    This afternoon we went to pick up the car from the garage. They said they could not find anything wrong with the clutch pedal at all, and have regreased it to make sure it's OK. We've only been charged a modest amount, so are very pleased. It's a garage we've always trusted in the past, as we knew the owner personally, but he retired not long ago and it's been taken over by a younger man. Fingers crossed that we won't have any more trouble!

  • OG - Sorry you've had to miss Bird Club. Hope you can indeed rest after your busy day.

    Dibnlib - Take care in all the wind. I walked into our town and found a lot of small branches on the pavements and roads which had come down.

  • Grumpy here as hospital cancelled today's procedure at 4.50 last night...

    Offered 20th but youngest here then so no chance. Now Feb 1st and if that's a no go will wait till my Lundy holiday.

    Poor Benson Daisy is 7 and a bit but never had to be sedated as it seems her teeth are perfect ( apart from Burns) her veggie diet has helped

    There again if she needs a pedicure they do that if she is sedated for anything else.

    Nasty cold day gales and horizontal snow.

  • I saw mandarin ducks for the first time when canal boating in the Midlands. Couldn't believe my eyes!!

  • Pat O said:
    I can sit here enjoying the birds without moving a muscle!!

    Pat has taken the words out of my mouth, er, from my keyboard. Thank you, Clare, for beautiful pics of beautiful birds..


    OG – Yes, all three girls to nanny as it is our summer holiday time. Miss5 was mostly busy practising writing – Dau had printed a sheet with “I love Daddy”. Also Miss5 had arranged a “Museum”. Every surface in the room was covered with objects, here horses & unicorns, there vehicles, next shoes from dress-up box, etc, etc. I had to buy a “maginary” ticket to view LOL.


    Annette – Travel-Friend & I are waiting for time to pass for our 9-day bus trip to Victorian goldfields at end of March. No day trips until March as it is too hot.


    Linda – We don’t have a shed, all our stuff is in the garage. But we can see the back neighbour’s shed above the fence <sigh>. It is partly hidden by our abelia. The New Holland honeyeaters love flitting in & out of the abelia when the sprinkler is on.


    {{{HUGS}} to all who are not well, especially Margo & Brenda. Strengthening thoughts for Heather.


    The wool for Miss20’s jumper arrived yesterday. Another day and I’ll have finished knitting both vests for the twins. Jumper & vests won’t be needed for months! I’ll be hibernating today as temp rises to 36 C with rain later. Ugh. Salad for tea, now I just have to think of something cool & simple for lunch.

  • Dibnlib- have been sorry to read about the deterioration in your Mum's condition. If she has to go into care, hope that your brother can find one that he likes xx