Morning all. Here's to a good week for all.

  • Lindybird said:
    I was unable to find it in me to write or post a New Year poem in the circumstances, this year :-(

    I very frequently can't find words.  Photos are, therefore, highly useful.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Good morning everyone

    I am so sorry to read that BRENDA is unwell and in hospital. I'll be thinking of her and hoping for better news before too long.

  • oGood morning, HEATHER, and ALL.

    AQ - shopping with the three little girls sounds horrendous; has your Daughter accepted your offer of a shopping trip on her own?  I am sure you will be okay with twins and books!

    LINDA - didn't realise that was a small poppy - the colour makes it look so glamourous!  Can echo your night of being hot and having overactive thoughts.  Hope your day with OH is improving; I wake up grumpy, and moving is even slower than usual, so I try to keep my mouth shut early morning until the stiffness and pain begin to wear off and I feel more like a human being!

    How's this for service?  One of our windscreen wiper blades split yesterday - nothing really, but our plan today is in Carlisle direction and our Motability dealer is in Dumfries.  OH phoned dealer in Carlisle, near where we shall be shopping, and was asked for the vehicle history; dealer was able to find it on the Motability database, and says it is due for free replacement of two front and one rear blade, so it is booked in for this afternoon while we shop!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - Yes, a small, delicate poppy. I think it must be one of the Icelandic ones. Although we do have some in the garden which are similar looking, in orange and yellow,  & they reseed themselves at random. This is a small plant, which stays put and blooms in June.

    Great news about the wiper blade. Hope all goes well. You couldn't have the builders in, today, here - it's pouring with rain!

    Had chat with my OH, who of course got soaked taking Bonnie out this morning. He's not in the best mood either!  We're now debating whether to go out in the rain or put off our errands till later........

  • Great service from the Motability garage, OG.  I always say you get better service in Scotland - I have frequently had my car serviced in Perth because it's so much easier (and cheaper!) than in Sussex.  Sounds daft, but makes sense.

  • Sad news that Brenda is in hospital. We do wish her well.

    OG  Good news about the car. Well done that garage.

  • Good afternoon, all.  We managed to snap some birds today despite the weather - click on this lovely rook to see some more:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Just wrote a long post, and lost it........


    Clare - Nice bird pics.  Over recent years, you've made me appreciate Corvids more!  Handsome birds.

  • Went out in pouring rain to nearby town, to do our errands, including Charity Shop bags (again!) and collection of online order from M&S Sale, which included a neat sweater for my OH, and warm hat plus T shirt type top for me, very serviceable.

    Going out this morning enabled me to go back to bed for a couple of hours this afternoon, to catch up on my sleep....

  • Clare pointed out that a picture can be cheering, so here's one: