Morning all. Here's to a good week for all.

  • Glad your holiday is sorted out, Lindy!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Clare, the CofE still has that policy - our local church had almost eighteen months without a vicar.  The Methodist policy is interesting - means there is a huge game of musical chairs in September, with 'advertising' happening the previous October, and 'stationing' (interviewing and placement) happening in the previous November/December.  It does mean ministers know in good time where they will be going, and congregations know who they will be getting - or not, as there is a shortfall of ministers.  

  • Pat O said:

    there is a shortfall of ministers.  

    This is the problem in our church - and we also have no set pattern as to how they move!  Unlikely to find a new one within a year - and could be two years!

    OH is on the search committee, and I am part of the worship planning group working to make sure we have cover, external or internal, every week!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hairdresser was sick so postponed to Friday.  Adjusted remainder of this week's diary - but still going out tonight, to lecture on Saving Nature" - with discussion and supper.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good evening, all.  I eventually made it to Felixstowe Ferry this afternoon - click on this pair of gulls to see the rest:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Had a busy day - dealt with paperwork in morning, then an outing in the afternoon. As it had stopped raining at last, we decided to go to a local merchant who specialises in sheds and outbuildings. We look out at the rear of our house, at the whole of the garden, which has meant that my OH was reluctant to have a shed from the outset - he did not want to look at one - this resulted in my garden tools being scattered between the back porch, the garage, and the very inconvenient box which is not really meant for this.

    After discussion, we decided (my idea!) to find something which is more of a storage box than a shed, and will fit under the kitchen window. Then we can't see it, at least from inside! I've been looking all summer: most of the ones on offer were way too flimsy. At the place we went today, they only had log stores, very popular now. But on speaking to the chap there, he said that he could build us one to our specifications, hooray!

    Sorry it's a long story, but hopefully it'll have a happy ending!

  • Photo-ing stained glass recently, I had an interesting chat with the minister. He was tattooed, jean wearing, motor bike rider, heavy metal music lover, but he still believes in the traditional service. Only 23 of regular 30 at service – it wasn’t such a hot day, maybe a few away on holiday. Where were those holidaying at the beach?

    Nanny duty yesterday from 1 pm. I started reading a trillion books, then Dau went off to shops for 2 hours. After a while I tried to get twins to have a nap. A lot of giggling. 5 mins and MissL was asleep. MissJ, little Miss Fidget, took another 10 mins. I was so pleased with myself. (I don’t suppose it will work next time!) Then I could spend time with Miss5. Only 20 days until school, she says. When Dau came home, I stayed until she had made meatloaf for tea. It was lovely to come home early (5.30 pm)

  • Sounds great, AQ!!  You worked your magic!! -

    though, as you say, it may not work as well, next time....

  • Evening all: Another day dealing with  paperwork, overdue phone calls etc before I delved into the refrigerator to see what exactly was living in there and needed to be tossed.  All shiny and much less cluttered now.

    Lindybird: That seal photo is intriguing (apart from the pose).  Where did he get that arm?!  Good you got your holiday digs settled - and the tool box for your gardening gear.

    OG: Haircut for me too on Friday. Hope "Saving Nature" was better than your Gardening club night.

    AQ: Got any trips planned for the Fall?

    More rain due here tonight and tomorrow night then we're due for a few days of sunshine, at which point I must rush out into the garden. prune the roses and whack back some wayward shrubs.

    Very best thoughts to all friends on the thread, whether posting or not.

  • Good morning everyone from the wet and wild north. A howling gale all night and as I sit here in bed have heard what sounded suspiciously like a roof tile sliding down. I will don waterproofs and do a property inspection when daylight arrives.

    AQ- That session of Nanny duty must have been one of the best! No wonder that you went home with a nice feeling and not exhausted.

    LINDY- I have the joy (!) of seeing a shed from my kitchen but fortunately because of the layout of the house, can't see it from anywhere else,thank goodness. Your solution sounds just the ticket.

    OG- Hope that you both enjoyed the talk. I have just looked online at the 'rain radar' map and from that, it looks as if you may be escaping the worst of the squalls.

    ANNETTE- I appreciate that others are having bad effects from the rain in your area but am so happy for your garden and perhaps the crop growers also, after the very prolonged drought.

    CLARE Really enjoying your photos and your photography. There are a lot that would make great postcards.....

    (Another!) quiet day, here I think. I do have to take in more paperwork to the solicitor's office. OH and I had simple mirror wills but everything seems to be less than simple. I see this going on for a very long time.

    I'm sending very best thoughts to all especially DIANE, MARGO and BRENDA. I wonder if BRENDA made it back from Scotland before she became ill?