Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 20 November 2016


I hope everyone has a wonderful week.

Sending good energy to everyone coping with adversity.

White-Tailed Deer Eating Snow
Labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

  • I liked your holly pics, Lindy.

    I have a lovely mental picture of these enormous walking parcels! Do be careful if you can't see you are going. Any guesses what is inside them?

    Hope you can deliver them successfully soon. We are all (can't be just me) waiting to 'meet' your new neighbours. At least they have some food in!

  • I hope you had a better day, Heather. Good that you and your OH have had some company. It is very difficult coping on your own.

  • The plumber came back today. I no longer have a leaky kitchen tap, but the shower remains a mystery. Spare parts are being ordered, apparently. The labour costs are mounting. The tap and shower are both less than  five years old, so OH is not happy.

  • Linda – gorgeous holly. How lucky you are.


    Annette – Dau is coping better with threesome. However she still isn’t getting much sleep (pesky MissJ) and her days are filled with kids activities. Besides kindy, Miss5 has weekly swimming lesson & has been trying Girl Guides (they start at 5). The twins go to PlayGroup & what used to be called Baby Bounce, now renamed somthing about music & play. I can’t keep up! Also Dau takes Toby to dog training classes. Her OH helps with weekend activities. Only few more weeks and all will cease for “school” holidays. Littlies don’t understand, so Dau tries to have Play Dates with friends at playgrounds to fill the empty spaces. There are activities but too pricey for a struggling family.


    Few more windows washed yesterday - I stopped before shoulders became sore. Garden is starting to wilt as the occasional hot days have effect. On the other hand my 2 tomato bushes have suddenly woken up & needed staking. My newly planted “perpetual spinach” is thriving, enough for our meal last night.


    Almost finished my jumper – in time for summer LOL. Last night I was on to the neckband. Already planning next one which will use 3 leftover colors, thinking wide stripes. I have to check with Miss20, eldest g-dau, as I promised her a jumper before I sprained my wrist.

  • Evening all:  

    Lindybird: Gosh. Buckets of water to one neighbor; packages to the others. What next?

    Lynette: How nice that your daughter's 40th went off well.  Have fun on Saturday. Hope there are no further interruptions with the family home.

    Rosy: Missed your plumbing problems when first mentioned; do you think they were installed incorrectly in the first place?

    AQ:  Hmmm. Maybe pesky MissJ will develop some good sleeping habits soon; that's a busy schedule for daughter.  So it's Miss20 already?  What's she up to these days?

    Keith: Interesting about the disability info, but the new requirements sound very positive.

    Had good visit with daughter. Spoke to granddaughter in Arizona who was out trying to do all her Xmas shopping in one day and needed to bounce ideas of me. OH and I had very lazy day yesterday; made up for it today.

    Hope Saturday is kind to all....

  • Good Morning, All.  Awoke to mist and fog, with frost over the garden.

    Annette - Good to hear that you and your OH allowed yourselves a lazy day for once. :-)

    Rosy - Well, you're halfway there with the plumbing! Hope the shower can be fixed.

    Lynette - See that your daughters celebrations went off well, after your careful planning.

  • Heather - Lovely that your family are rallying round to help keep your OHs spirits up. 

    AQ -  Your daughter certainly has a busy life, keeping up with the children's needs. She will find it much easier once they're all at school, but that must seem a long way off at the moment!  Can Miss20 really be 20?? Goodness, time has flown.

    PS - My OH went round with the neighbours parcels last evening, as I had staggered round there twice, nearly falling over trying to grasp them....He had a short "man conversation" with our new neighbour about women spending money!! as they've had a lot of deliveries, LOL!!

  • Hello all

    LINDY - I'm sorry that you are alone on here today!

    Thank you AQ, ROSY, LYNETTE, for your news.

    AQ - Good to read that your daughter is coping better with the children. Things can only get easier x Lets hope that all three will be sleeping properly, soon. Getting a night's sleep makes anything more bearable.

    ROSY - we also have some plumbing issues. The bath tap upstairs keeps dripping, last night it was almost a stream. Plumbers closed today so will phone on Monday. Unfortunately it is the hot tap that is dripping. Aforementioned plumbers were supposed to have sorted it  six weeks ago. Think we will need a new tap.

    ANNETTE - how is Lighting doing?

    LYNETTE - it sounds as if your daughter had a good birthday. And yes, where do the years go?

    LINDY - Interesting deliveries next door? My next door neighbour must do all her shopping online. There is hardly a day passes that a courier van doesn't arrive. Not that I spend all my time looking, of course...

    Youngest family here this afternoon for a couple of hours. OH  has had a better day, has been watching snooker on TV all afternoon.

  • Morning all:  I'm here! Just went for walk; sky clouding over and rain due this p.m.

    Lindybird: Assume, being a typical man, that your OH garnered little info of interest after "man chat" with neighbor. :-)

    Heather: Lightning doing much better actually. Her old (very old) self;, so we'll see. I'm giving insulin shots every day and have just one more pill to disguise in ham slice for her infection.  Have a good visit with your youngest - hope TV continues to provide OH with distractions.

    Sending a big hug to Margo; assume Brenda will let us know how she's doing when she gets a chance.

    Off to rummage for breakfast - I see an egg in my future...

  • I see its been a quiet Saturday on here again....  it often is, on Saturdays!

    Heather:  Good that your OH has had a better day. I can't criticise anyone having parcels delivered, as all the delivery men know the way to our front door with a blindfold on!!

    Annette:  Was hoping that Lightning was a little better, as you had not mentioned her.  It can be a pain trying to get pills down a cat. Either disguised in a favourite food, or the brute force of down the throat and someone else holding them...

    My OH has met our new neighbour three times now.  Each time I have to give him the 3rd degree on his return, as he says next to nothing about their chats.  Men talk so little, and never think that snippets of info can be interesting! This time, he said just a little, then two hours later commented that the new neighbours know about the impending possibility of the fields behind us being used for sports fields and housing.  At least they didn't buy the house with no idea that this might happen.  We do know that it might take some years, as planning has to be approved, and the money found etc.