Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • Good Morning.  Yes, my mother made pea and ham soup years ago, and it's a childhood memory to have it again now.

    Woke to see a pretty sky a few minutes ago:  puffy scattered white clouds tinged with bright orange and pink, almost surreal. It's already changed to just a light pink tinge.

  • I see Andy Murray is tantalizingly close to the number One spot in the world rankings. Good Luck to him, he's worked hard.

  • LINDY  What wonderful pics.  How sad about the donkeys. Why do these people not look after the lovely animals who bring in their income. Just had a call from OH asking if he had left his mobile at home.  Glad it wasn't my friend calling off our morning walk. Yesterday it rained most of the day so we may not do the full walk as it can get very boggy indeed. At the mo, it is pleasant. Hope it sates that way though the forecast is not great for a dry bonfire night.

    LYNETTE   Sorry your brother is having more problems.

    Had a  message from my cousins husband. Apparently things have taken a downward again. Thinks were looking up, then they moved her to another ward and everything has regressed again. Nightmare.

  • Good Morning Everyone. Dry today after a very wet day yesterday.

    DiL's surgeon is very happy with her progress. He doesn't need to see her for four weeks.
    OH has had his first asthma attack in years. No results appointment yet after is various hospital tests. He did have an appointment at East Grinstead yesterday when he was told that he will be entered on the list for an eye graft on his right eye now.

    Margo is visiting her sister every day in hospital. Her sister appears to be deteriorating and Margo, understandably,  wants to spend as much time with her as she can.

    I will try to catch up with all your posts.

  • Just lost a long post and got signed out at the same time.

    In brief, then - thank you BRENDA, have been thinking about you and the family. Don't worry about catching up xx

    MARGO - Thinking about you and your family, also.

    My OH had another fall last night ( he forgot to wake me up when he got out of bed) No injury and I managed to get him up.

    Will make every effort to get back later.

    Take care, all.

  • BRENDA   Thanks for the news, good and not so good.

    HEATHER   Sorry to hear your husband has taken another fall. It must be very wearing on you both.

  • Brenda:  Good to get some news for you:  we have all been wondering. Glad to hear that your d.in.law is doing so well.

    Heather:  Another fall. You must be worried, and probably not sleeping too well if you're thinking it might keep happening. {{HUGS}}

  • Morning all:

    Rosy: Thanks for interpreting our local weather forecast.  Sounds like a fancy way of saying "we aren't sure."  I've taken to just looking out the window. :-)   I'd think you're more likely to find a fish and chip shop in Toronto than someone serving haggis down the road from Diane.

    dibnlib: Sorry about cousin. Seems like a complicated case.

    Brenda: Great that DiL is doing so well, but young people do bounce back quickly.  Thanks very much for the update on Margo.

    Heather: Don't worry about updating us - take a nap; sounds like you might need it.

    Off to see what needs doing today...

  • Heather: I feel for you with OH's falls. Thursday night I had my second one and OH had to get younger stepdaughter over to help get me up. Didn't bother to call for ambulance as she arrived before it did last time (it was cancelled). The only association in my case is a state of prolonged stress, as the first one was shortly after my brother's death. Doctor suggested going back on mirtazapene. That is a BIG NO THANKS unless it is desperate!

  • Heather, So sorry that your dear OH has fallen again. You must use all means available to you and if that means going private, for your peace of mind and his, then go for it. I wouldn't hesitate. XX