Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • Morning all:  Just finished my freelance blurb for - eeeek- March/April 2017!

    Heather: Sorry your OH's infection is back; assume he's not a happy camper...  I've seen mirrors on gateposts on bendy roads with blind corners, but never on houses.  I too am wondering about Margo and Brenda. OG is probably busy wallpapering or canning or doing the church newsletter or otherwise zooming around the countryside.

    Lindybird:  Cute verse, but if your OH is anything like mine, he wouldn't miss you until the whisky didn't magically renew itself one day...   :-)   My niece was in Santorini for a few days, sometime within the last year, but in a very small beach side town. Oh my, that's a very steep ride up the hill. Re the houses, not sure I'd want to be perched that precariously on the side of a cliff (earthquakes and all that).  Lovely though.

    Diane: I note you say the Scottish fella "claimed" to serve the best haggis this side of the pond. I wouldn't know a haggis, good or bad, if it fell out of the sky and landed on my head.

    Keith: Wonder what the alcohol limit is for hoist operation. Seriously, hope all goes smoothly.

    Off to set the world to rights...

  • Just read this on our local TV station's weather page: "high amplitude ridging aloft...." what on earth are they talking about!! :-)

  • I went to Santorini many years ago, and travelled up the hill on a donkey - no cable car in those days!  The donkey didn't like me and rubbed my left leg along the wall on the way up, snapping the strap on my sandal.  We walked down, which was not easy with a broken sandal!  Lovely island.  I imagine the buildings have spread now - and it's almost certainly more crowded - than when I was there.  Then we were the only (pretty small) cruise ship.  Lovely to see the pictures of how it looks now.  Thank you for sharing them, Lindybird.

  • You're welcome, Pat. (Call me Lindy, it's quicker to type!)

    I expect a few things might have changed over a few years, but of course the town would be largely unchanged as it's so old. The cobbles and steps were worn by the passing of many feet. 

  • Unknown said:

    Just read this on our local TV station's weather page: "high amplitude ridging aloft...." what on earth are they talking about!! :-)

    Sounds pretty ridiculous!

  • Just trying to catch up on all your news.

    Lindy - pea and ham soup, not had that for ages. My mum use to make it from scratch, delish.

    Well, what a surprise, new landlord and his workforce didn't turn up so it looks like the work won't be finished in time for Christmas so not sure whether we will be going up to see him. Goodness knows when he will turn up.

    Diane - looks like you are having some unseasonal weather. That is such a shame re your local town.

  • Annette, I had to rise to that challenge and consult Professor Google!

    Its all do do with pressure changes in the upper air, and slices in the vertical and marked thermal contrasts, apparently. It might mean that is going to rain, but then again, it might not!

    Interesting pictures as usual, Lindy. Thank you.

    Diane, I liked the look of that Restaurant menu. Impressed that it even has a 'Chippy" section.  Back in the summer, my son drove to Toronto (from Cincinnati) and was delighted to find a Fish and Chip shop there, run by a couple from Birmingham. His first 'proper' fish and chips. in years. Even the granddaughter was impressed. Usually, the favourite is pizza.

  • Oh dear, ForestBoar, seems as though you are having a great time re descisions etc.   Do hope it gets sorted out for you soon.  Just read further down that things are go

    AQ - looks like you had an interesting trip last Sunday.

  • Just seen the vid, Diane, what a laugh - did he really like it or was he complaining!! just lovely.

    Lindy - just love your pictures of your holiday cruise and the places you visited, nicely envious.

    Enjoy your weekend folks.   Colder weather is acomin' so they say.

  • Keith, I hope you are getting proficient at managing those hoists, and have time to visit your local support group (as Annette calls your local)

    How frustrating for your brother, Lynette. Not much he can do about it, I suppose.

    My mother  also used to make pea and ham soup, when she had boiled a bacon joint (back in the day)