Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • Heather -  Don't remember you telling us such a curious fact!!

    My OH went around last Sunday morning and introduced himself, he met the man of the house at the door but said "he's young enough to be my grandson!" afterwards. I've not spoken to anyone yet, but there have been lot of deliveries, and comings and goings. At least they'll be settled in by Christmas.

  • Lindy: Love the poem! What a shame, I really thought you had found the elixir of life for a while!!!!!!!!!

    On the positive front all hoists working as they should, just need to work out our approach to using them efficiently.

  • Good to read that equipment is working, FB. I would imagine that they will make a big difference to you both.

    Painter busy in the kitchen so I am finding things to do upstairs :-) As you can see.

  • DIANE  love the donkey with the musical ear.

  • Has anyone heard anything of MARGO, BRENDA, OG? Can't help but be concerned, we have all been online friends for so long.

  • Not heard from any of  them recently. Hope they're all OK - knowing OG, she will be busy with something!!

    Brenda will be busy, having her son and wife back in the UK, and helping them no doubt after her d.in.law had surgery: I've not texted Brenda fo r a long time as I felt she had her plate full.

    Keith - sorry I could only come up with poetry, instead of the real thing! Very glad to read that the installation is now complete - you will, as you say, have to get used to new routines from now on. But hopefully it will be easier for both of you.

  • Now, I have a half hour.....   I think I will try and post some more of our trip, before we all forget about it.

    We left it as we left Turkey, and sailed south, all the way to the beautiful Isle of Santorini, and worldwide famous beauty spot.  These islands, as there are several, are what's left of a huge volcanic event.  They sit in a near circle called a Caldera ~ you can easily find all about it on the Web.

    We arrived as dawn broke, and went up on deck when we were up and about, to see ourselves arrive: here is the ship anchored as I snapped it later on, from land:

    We went ashore by tender, as there is no pier large enough for the big ships:  there is a small harbour there where we alighted and were pointed towards the queues for the cable car, as all of the town was on the cliff edge above us.  The only other ways upward were walking along a very, very long and arduous path or taking a ride on a donkey, which everyone we met said they would not do as they looked pathetic and were probably badly treated. :-(

    So into the cable car we got:  my OH hates heights and I hate being suspended from anything, so we had to bite our knuckles for the short journey upwards.  We came to the large town, which is entirely painted white and goes along the cliff edge for a couple of miles at least!   It was very busy ~  there were two other large ships anchored and several smaller ones.  We wandered along cobbled narrow streets and I tried hard not to turn my ankle! Here is a view of the cable car we had just left:

    The views over the bay were spectacular, to say the least - we could see the ships anchored below and several of the other islands.

    We explored until we needed a cold drink:  we found a lovely cafe where they were playing gentle Greek music and there were tables with good views of the bay:

    This was the view from there:

    On our walk back, we could see some of the town clinging to the cliffs:

       ~~  note the hidden swimming pool at the bottom of the picture!

    This is the cathedral:

    The tiny streets were jammed with people and goods, and overflowing small shops selling every kind of thing. I would have loved to have bought some glass but the larger pieces were much too impractical to take back on the plane. I bought some jewellery as gifts, and a table runner with olives embroidered on it.

    A good view of that part of the town:  there was just as much of it behind us, too.

    Looking down at the jetty we had come from, and the cable car structure on the cliffs:

  • Beautiful pics, LINDY. I'm so glad that you enjoyed that holiday, after the disappointing time in Malta.

  • We wandered until we found a cool outside terrace on a taverna, and bought ourselves a Greek Salad for lunch - lots of olive oil on tomatoes, with salty Feta cheese crumbled on top, plus a big chunk of rough bread which I was worried I might break my teeth on!!  We were entertained by a huge Greek family gathering at nearby tables, all ages and the young ones glued to their phones but the little ones giggling.

    We walked some more and then decided we would go back, as it was very hot. We took over a half hour to queue for the cable car again, as a lot of others had the same idea.  We were met on the jetty and escorted back to the ship, where more than anything, we just wanted another cup of tea!

    View looking back from the deck:   notice all the tiny white buildings on the cliffs!

    We sat on deck and waited for the ship to leave:  there was an announcement as two ladies had failed to return. We had been very careful as we were warned that the ship would not wait for anyone!!  Eventually, after about 15 minutes, there was another announcement that they were being brought on a boat, so everyone crowded over the railings to cheer them as they were disembarked!!

    We sailed away - the cliffs went by in a very dramatic fashion as we left: on this picture you can see the zig zag path up the cliff:

     The last picture is of another white town far to the North.  On the other islands there were monasteries and other things to explore, if you were staying for a full holiday in the area.  EDIT:  The island has its own airport, on a flatter part of the island opposite to where we visited, so you can stay there if you wish.

    A truly special day, and I will never forget it.

  • Heather B said:

    Beautiful pics, LINDY. I'm so glad that you enjoyed that holiday, after the disappointing time in Malta.

    Thank you Heather.   Yes, it made up for it.  Although I did enjoy some of the Malta trip, and we said we were glad that we had been, but we will not be going there again.  Its now exactly a year since then, and I still hav'nt posted all my pictures of Valletta on here!!