Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • I was upset yesterday to see the tree surgeons taking down more trees in a garden just round the corner. One of them was the tree the squirrels use.  This morning we saw that they have not completely chopped down the tree. Yippee, on our walk back towards home, there was a red squirrel in an adjacent tree. Not much of that left either and he struggled to find a quick escape route, but no doubt it will not take long for them to sort that out.

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  • The Magic

    Oh, for a bottle with magical powers.....

    One which works whatever the hours.

    A little drink, which the soul finds soothing

    Never hurt, nor stopped things moving.

    So bring me a glass which won't need refilling -

    For such a thing, I think I'd be willing

    To work much harder than I've done before -

    I'd do my duty, and then some more!

    For life can be hard, and we all need some comforts

    A little chat, a couple of munchies....

    But a drop of something warming and cheering

    Will be just the trick for my wide smile wearing!

  • Dibnlib-  I love that saying from 'Bambi' .  A great little character.

    Glad they didn't chop every bit of tree down.  I hate to see trees go, there are too few already.

  • Hi, all. I ate baked beans on toast for my supper tonight. Does that make me an honorary U.K. citizen?  :-)

    I just popped in to leave this link for Margo, in case she is reading this page. HERE 

    I thought it might make her and maybe some of you smile.

  • Oh Diane, that video is a riot. Baked beans on toast? What are you trying to do - establish Brit credentials in case you have to apply for UK citizenship next Wednesday?  

  • Annette: I'm trying to cover all of my bases. LOL

    Actually, when I lived in downtown Indianapolis, I used to go to a Scottish restaurant (owned by a fella from Scotland), and I often ate baked beans on toast. He claimed to serve the best haggis this side of the pond.  

    He sold Speyside and Highland Scotch.

  • LINDY   Thank you, it made mw smile.

  • Good Morning, and I'm laughing here, at DIANE'S hilarious clip!! Thanks for posting, Diane.

    Have you tried the beer battered fish & chips on that menu, Diane - it's yummy!

    Dry here this morning, but could be showery, so we're not sure whether to go for a walk. Yesterday I collected an outside lamp I'd ordered on the in'net (what a good system) and my OH is hoping to put it up by the front door, where our old one has gone shabby. It will look smart next to our new slate block house number which we bought in Wales.  Got to keep up with our new neighbours!

  • Love the clip of the donkey and the violinist - thank you for starting my day off with a laugh.

  • I'm still laughing, DIANE! Thank you.

    LINDY - have you met your new neighbours yet? I remember that one was tall and that they didn't have much furniture. Our Danish friend, the wife, comes from an island (Long Island in its English form) where the inhabitants are said to be very curious. She often prefixes a remark with 'I looked with my Long Island eyes'. Did I say on here before that a lot of the houses there, in the main town, have mirrors attached to the wall outside their houses so that they can see who is coming along the street? I probably have already told you, sorry...

    It is cold here today. -5c in Speyside area. Not as cold here in town, though.