Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • Also thinking of all our friends, LINDY.

    Thanks to ALL who have posted, I have read and enjoyed all. I know what LYNETTE means about a quiet life! There really isn't much news from here either. Except that I am going to get my nails done today! Stepson is coming down to be with my OH while I go for this very welcome treat :-) It feels like a very frivolous thing to do but I am being encouraged to have a wee break. It didn't take very long for me to agree....

    At long last, the painter is coming - tomorrow. This kitchen of mine must be the longest job ever to be completed. Of course, I have been able to use the room for weeks, but it will be good to look at the finished thing.

    Enjoy the garden centre, LINDY. Looking forward to hearing about your purchases - I have no doubt at all that there will be some!

    AQ - looking forward to feedback about your trip. There seem to be a great many old churches in SA. Just as well !

    PatO - sorry about the eternal cough. Nothing more annoying.

    OG - assume you are still very busy. You aroused my curiosity when you said 'lots happening but not all bad'.

    Better go and put my glad rags on and venture forth to the nail place.

  • LYNETTE/LINDY   ETC   OH is asymptomatic and only realised he had a problem when gardening a few months ago. He felt a bit dizzy and had to sit down.

    We haven't yet heard from cardiology what they are going to do, but after the initial shock that things didn't go to plan, he will just carry on as normal.

    LYNETTE    Do hope things get a move on for your brother.

  • We had a good outing, and enjoyed the sunshine on the autumn leaves on the journey, which is rural all the way.

    I bought two pretty golden sprays, for putting over mirrors etc., and one large pine cone type tree decoration. Otherwise, only came home with some meat from the very good food hall there. Friend bought kitchen gadgets for her daughter, and dog treats for the many dogs in her family. Plus a very attractive version of the "candle bridge" type of lighting, to put in her cottage window. Both got back very tired as it had been surprisingly crowded.

    (We had bowls of pea & ham soup, for lunch, with lovely chunks of artisan bread)

  • Ha ha LINDY- I knew that you would buy something, just as I would have done.

  • Good Evening Everyone,

    Lindy, I see you had a good day out, and managed to spend some money! I don't think I would  have been able to resist, either.

    Hope your day went well also, Heather,

    Pat, I also have had an irritating cough since the beginning of the year. I have found some lovely liquorice flavoured herbal sweets with Stevia, which I take out with me. They seem to help. (they taste good too)

    Hello to everyone else. Good to read all the news.

    Special thoughts to those with difficulties, health or otherwise.

  • The displays were quite astounding, Heather.  And they have the biggest choice of artificial Christmas trees that I've ever seen. Every possible kind, plus several that can be put outdoors.

    I could have come home with a cuddly stuffed reindeer which we both fell in love with but we both have dogs which would probably eat them!

    Rosy -   Another, with a persistent cough.  It seems there are a lot of them around. I had one last year and was very surprised that it lasted so long, as I've never been "chesty."

  • Hallo all: Busy here the last two days; today went off for lunch with some friends I haven't seen for months and months, which was nice.

    Lindybird: The poppies are lovely - when did they start those displays? I see they did them at the Tower (someone posted photos).  I liked the smaller display with the names of those lost by area residents.

    George: Hope you're taking something to help quiet your cough at night.  No news from Margo; we're all wondering.  As always, good to see you!

    AQ: Just took a quick drive around Eudunda. I'm always surprised by the dearth of people out on the streets in these small towns (not that it's much different here in the rural towns of the - say - San Joaquin Valley).  Saw the Eudunda Bakery and wondered if you'd stopped there.  

    Lynette: Hope the work got started and that it goes smoooooothly.

    Heather: Take care of those nails. :-)

    Hi to dibnlib, Rosy and everyone else!

  • My area broke all the records for heat today (80 F, 26.6 C). We should be having our first snow. I did see the doe deer and her twin fawns right before thunderstorms moved in at sunset. The fawns have grown!

    Annette: I walked up to my small town the other day to pay my sewer bill, and I was struck by the fact that I didn't see anyone at all on the streets. It looks like a ghost town, although the population is still listed at 402 people. Also, I noticed that the entire town has declined into poverty. I didn't pass any residence that I would call middle-class, including my own. R.T. Hawk's mate followed me to town and flew over me several times. I haven't seen R.T., but I reckon he's still around.

    George: I hope your cough is ebbing off now! I'm glad your heart is beating fine! Nice to hear from you.

    Rosy and Pat: I hope you, too, are kicking the cough.

    AQ: So glad you're out travelling again. Love your stories.

    Lindy: Your poppy photos were lovely. So moving. The Shetland webcams have been freezing when I watch. I think Internet service is challenging in such a remote place.

    dibnlib: I so hope that the doctors can find an effective treatment for your OH. Best wishes to you both.

    Heather: Hope your nail appointment was soothing. You've had a rough time lately. I was happy to read that you have an app that makes communicating with your OH easier. You're in my thoughts.

    Lynette: I do hope the work has started in earnest on the house.

    ForestBoar: I understand the demands on your time, and we're happy to see you whenever you pop in. I'm glad that the hoists will, at least, ease the physical work you must do.

    Hello to everyone.

  • Good Morning, All.

    Goodness, Diane, that's warm for November!  We had a very mild September and October, and are only just now finding our warm sweaters and beginning to put the heating on. At least it makes the winter shorter.  Liked your tale of R.T. Hawk's mate following you. Sad to see an area go down.

    You reminded me that I forgot to mention Keith in my last post - Keith, it's nice to hear from you, and we don't expect you to post in a regular fashion when you have so many demands on your time. Hope that your wife can be made comfortable. Keep going to your support group, to keep up your spirits!

  • Please don't laugh, You could not make it up. The fitters came and did a very good job of the bathroom system. But wait for it, we cannot use it until it has been load certified by a 'qualified engineer'! They started on the bedroom and found that their company had made a decision that their surveyor had made the wrong decision on that installation and given them the wrong components which cannot be installed!!! Now waiting for them to arrive again to have another go. On a stress level of 1-100 I reckon about 1000000!!!! No comment on the fitters, they were absolutely brilliant and equally frustrated.

    Ps: the whisky bottle seems to have evaporated quite considerably!