Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 30 October 2016


The new moon (the dark moon) is tomorrow.

Everyone have a wonderful week. Hope all my friends here are enjoying the last of autumn (spring for AQ).

A very strange day here with record-breaking heat near 80F or 26.6 C. So very weird. We should be getting cold now and having our first snow.  

Thinking of Margo, Heather's OH, Brenda's daughter-in-law, and all who are facing adversity.

Haven't heard from George for awhile. Hope you're okay, George. Also, Rita. And Nairnred (Jenny). And Heron77. And ChrissyB. Also, hi to June, my fellow Midwesterner over on the Gabfest.

  • Heather. Thank you. A wonderful sight. 'Lest we forget' indeed.

  • Good afternoon everyone have been about but I have a rotten cold and I can't seem to get rid of it I am coughing a lot which is causing broken sleep. Just reading here it seems every household has some form of illness and I send my best healing thoughts to them.

    Dibnlib about a year ago I was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat and I was taken in and had something inserted at the top of my leg which they directed into the heart and found the part of the heart that was causing the problem then they said they burnt the bit out  and that then sorted it but I was in hospital all day. My heart is now beating properly. I am not saying this is what is wrong with your O/H but they can do wonderful things now.

    Has anyone heard anything from Margo?  

    george g

  • GEORGE  Thanks for that. OH knows about the procedure you mention, but he thinks they won't be doing that at the moment as it is more invasive. He thinks they are more likely to try another cardioversion in a few months time. We are still waiting to hear from them. Glad to hear that your heart is now in full working order. Take care and do look after yourself.

  • George -  I've just ticked the "like" button on your post, not because you are not well, but because its nice to hear from you!!

    Sorry to hear about your cold.  There is a lot of it about at the moment, and also folks getting a cough they can't get rid of. Such a nuisance when it keeps you awake, and sleep is what you need so that you can recover.

  • Dibnlib:  It always makes me laugh that Benson is not keen on walkies when its wet weather!!

  • I haven’t gone yet, Linda. Escape is today. I’m not yet dressed & Chauffeur Friend is collecting me in half an hour. I didn’t have time to get back yesterday - after Friend’s phone call, I was busy checking locations of more lonesome churches for today. We are going to Eudunda (where weather was unkind last Sunday) and lots of former churches on back roads up that way. Report on today after I report on Sunday’s trip. Now I must dress, don’t want to be gallivanting in my d-gown!


    {{{HUGS}}} to Margo, Diane and all on the Not-Well-List.

  • 'Cough you can't get rid of' - yes, I can relate to that one!  Mine has been hanging around, on and off, for more than a year now and is causing me great difficulties.  Waiting appointment with an ENT person.

  • Hello all, my weekly visit as I usually don't have much to report.

    Nice to hear all about your news.

    For those who are suffering in one way or another - hope you will be feeling a lot better soon.

    Dibnlib - sorry to hear your OH's cardioversion didn't work but let's hope that something will be done to help him.

    Lindybird - love those pics from Caernarvon castle - was there in May.   The poppy installation looks great and nice to see they have let the public plant crosses for loved ones departed .

    It has been a proper November day - mist to start then drizzly rain on and off but the colours of autumn this year are fabulous and really brighten the day up.  Managed to take one or two whilst going to the gym this morning and to our Ladies' meeting this afternoon. Can't get enough - don't need to travel to Vermont to see The Fall.

  • Work should have got underway at my family home this week so am going to text my brothers' partner to see if it has happened!!!!! rather than text brother and put him under more stress.   Its now a year since work stopped so he has had to put up with a building site for 12months now and the Historic buildings lady from Salford planning is hot on the heels of the new landlord to get the work done. Hmm, will it happen or not.

  • Good Morning.   Bright sunshine through the window here today. It does feel colder, though.

    AQ - I find I become confused over whether you've had "tomorrow" yet, or its yet to come!!  Enjoy yourselves!

    Lynette - Your poor brother is going through it, living like that. I remember the pictures you posted of how rough it all looks. Hope it can be finished soon.

    Going to do some HW this morning, then off out with Friend to Bents, the h u g e  garden centre in Lancashire. They have the most fantastic Ch#*¢*as displays.

    Big {{HUGS}} to Margo and Brenda and George, plus thoughts are still with Diane, and Heathers OH.