Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 23 October 2016


I hope everyone is enjoying autumn, and you all have a wonderful week.

I'm sending strength to those facing illness or adversity.

Brown County State Park, Indiana
Photo labelled Public Domain (Copyright Free)

  • Thank you Diane for starting us off. It’s a chilly spring day here, overcast with sun struggling. I should be out weeding.


    Twins were very tired after their play at our house and had long naps. The Little People will remain in their cots (with side removed) a little longer as parents have yet to buy mattresses. Twins helped Daddy put beds together, making task 5 times longer, but Dau was happy they were out of her way!

  • Hallo everyone.

    Diane: Thank you for starting us off. It's so nice to see you back on the thread.  :-)

    Rosy:  Just have a glass of wine or two and you won't have to worry about the party.

    AQ: We are just gearing down garden chores for the winter, thank heaven.

    Do hope this week is a kind one to all. We're expecting rain on Thursday. :-)

  • ROSY  Have a great time.

    How the seasons change. OH saw his first squirrel of the season the other day and a couple of days later he saw and heard 19 Whopper Swans fly over. Needless to say..... I missed both.

  • Good Morning. Had to sign in earlier today, then had two failed attempts to post..... a few swearywords ensued. 

    Thank you to Diane for starting us off again, and with such a lovely scene.

    Dry here, and some sunshine promised. A cold wind, though. Going for a walk now, wrapped up.

    Agree with Annette that it's to be hoped that everyone has a good week.

  • Good morning!  I became a lurker halfway through the week; came to my computer a few times yesterday but did not have the motivation to write anything, and only speed read, so have probably missed a lot of your news.  Only excuse is that I still feel quite unwell – still coughing and spluttering, and feeling generally discombobulated!

    I did notice good news from Brenda – a big cheer; and bad news from Margo -so sorry.  I also saw that Linda is at the caravan – good weather for it too: enjoy all those lovely autumn walks!

    Here, painting finished yesterday, so this morning OH is busy with vacuum cleaner and dusters, and this afternoon J will be working out what fits where as they begin to get some of his furniture down from the loft.  Nobody went to church – all tired and snuffly.

    Diane – thanks for starting the thread and the week, with that lovely Autumn photo.  Is Brown county north of you?

    AQ – I did read about the twins’ wonderful day at your house – and that you are nannying next week – are you really ready for that?

    Annette – enjoy that rain Thursday – unless they change their minds by then!

    Dibnlib – Whoopers are arriving here in large numbers.  I see the young lady flying with the Bewicks is continuing despite the knee injury!

    Must go and make lunch.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morning all: Not much to report other than gray skies and weather forecasters trying to control their excitement over the chance of rain this coming week.  Must clean out fountain and get some more tidy up stuff done in the garden.

    OG: Getting furniture down from the loft (assume it's not really big stuff) sounds like a real challenge. How big is the access door I wonder.  Hope nobody drops anything!  In the meantime, stay clear of the guys and keep after that cold. Saw coverage of the Bewick's swan migration and the young woman who's accompanying them, but didn't realize she'd been injured.

    dibnlib: Had to smile at image of 19 Whopper swans flying overhead.   I'd run for cover! :-)

    Rosy: Hope the party went well.

    Lindybird: How long are you staying in Wales?

    Off to putter and try to get organized.

  • Annette - We came on Thursday afternoon and will return on Tuesday morning. Fine weather is being kind to us.

    Dibnlib - Didnt like to say, but those are mighty big swans!  There are a family of swans here, last year they raised six babies, this year they have four youngsters.

    I saw the progress of the young woman determined to learn more about them, by flying with them. She must be very stubborn!

  • We dressed warmly and walked in the hills, with views of the sea in the distance. We stopped for lunch afterward in a good cafe but sadly they were understaffed for the large numbers of folks all wanting coffees and lunches, so had a long wait for our Welsh Rarebit and gave up on ever being served with tea afterwards :-(

    We drove back to base along the coast and I was moved by the scenes unfolding in the sunshine. I've written a short poem I'll share with you here.


    To the left, green slopes stretch.

    Tiny white sheep are haphazardly embroidered - 

    The barred mountain behind keeps guard.

    To the right, sharp hard dark rocks.

    We rise up toward the warm sky,

    Ride over the ridge, and look down:

    A sunlit coastline is laid out with smooth land reaching to

    Join hands with an impossibly coloured sea -

    Five blues, all merging.......

    Each so beautiful that Nature here has surpassed her own expectations.

    All is waiting peacefully for the day to continue to unfold.

  • Good Morning, All.

    We're so lucky to be dry, here, as I can see that some parts of UK are quite wet, and later today "torrential" rain is forecast for Southern England.

    It's a new series of Autumnwatch starting today, from Arne in Dorset. Just seen lovely footage of the baby Golden Eagle they're going to feature.

    Have a good day Everbody, and special HUGS to Margo.