WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 8, 2016

Here's to a new week. Sending the very best thoughts to all.  

Daughter and dog now en route home. Phew. Cat has stopped skulking about and peering suspiciously around every corner.

In case you missed it, Lindybird is back from her cruise.

Rosy: Daughter made it easy this time - she corralled a friend and her son to do most of the feeding but there was just one day when neither could do it. Grandson put everything in labeled tubs so all I had to do was toss it over the fence! Why are cats so inflexible? :-)

  • Dear All

    Sorry for the lack of response from me. It has simply been the most harrowing week. My sister is so ill at the moment. They have been unable to control her pain even though District Nurse has given her injections through the day and night. For the last 2 weeks she has eaten very little and for the last 3 days noting at all. They have decided that she now needs to be in hospital for a couple of days at the least to manage the extreme pain she is going through. The hospital where she is going also has hospice care. She has appointment Thursday with the Consultant where it was hoped that some form of chemotherapy can be given. This does not look very likely at the moment. I am trying so hard to be positive but have to say the outlook does not look good for her. Sister and OH have had the most awful time and losing their beloved dog a week ago was a further blow for them.

    i had a blood test this morning in readiness for Consultant tomorrow and transfusion afterwards. Not sure how many units I may need but feeling I may need some.

    diane thinking of you.

    Heather pleased you have managed to get an earlier appointment for you OH.

    dibnlib sorry to read about your cousin.

    Annette sorry about Ms D and her broken arm.

    Linda so pleased you enjoyed your cruise, sounds as though you had a wonderful week. Good to read Bonnie was good.

    Sorry I have not mentioned everyone individually but not keeping up to well with any of the forums at the moment.

    Take care X

  • I've just come home from shopping and seen Margo's post:  so sorry Margo, to see that your poor sister is in such a bad way.  I do hope that perhaps in hospital they can manage her pain better.  It's a shame about their dog too, and coming at such a time.

    I hope you can get the transfusion OK tomorrow and that it will do the trick in helping you feel lots better.

  • Hello Everyone.

    Daughter-i-L 's surgeon is happy that all went well with the seven hour operation. He removed the tumour from the pancreas. He also had to remove the gall bladder, part of the stomach and part of the bladder. She is obviously on pain killers and has had an epidural. D-i-L say sys she feels as though she has been hit by a bus and, of course, is nil by mouth for a few days.
    Tests to know if the tumour is benign, or otherwise, will take seven to ten days.

    Thank you so much for all your thoughts and prayers.

  • Brenda: Thanks for letting us know the surgery went well. As Diane would say, sending healing thoughts to you all...

  • Thank you BRENDA and MARGO for your updates. Thinking about you and yours xx

    Hopefully, back later.

  • Thanks for finding the time to let us know how things have gone, Brenda.  You must all be very tired now. Thank goodness that your daughter in law is in good hands.

    Take Care of Yourselves, too. {{HUGS}}

  • Margo: Am sending healing thoughts to you and your sister. So sorry things are so rough right now.

  • Good evening. Found plenty to do today, despite difficulty walking.  OH happy to have painted the weathered window-frames.  Quiet evening.

    Linda – must have been wonderful to escape news here and abroad and just get away from it all.  I see the poppy window shrine thingy has now appeared at Caernarfon Castle; will you be going to see it?  How did your husband like the cruise – I seem to remember he was reluctant at first?

    Annette – enjoy your week with Miss D!  Sorry about the broken arm; those bouncy things can be very dangerous.

    Margo – sorry your sister’s condition is so distressing for you all.  I hope the hospital can do more for pain relief.  Hope your consultant visit goes well tomorrow.

    Brenda – pleased the surgery went well; that was a huge operation, taking all those parts away and, I imagine, very painful.  And now another wait for the results.  Still thinking of you all and praying.

    Just been called for a cup of coffee!  Another home day tomorrow, so should return at some time.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Quiet evening here, too, OG. OH decided that it was too cold to work outside today but he planted a load of tulips yesterday,into his display thingy which sits in front of the conservatory. All remaining standard fuchsias and trimmed geraniums are in the greenhouse, together with begonia bulbs/corms, whatever they are called! So, winter can come! It felt very cold this morning, about 1°c.

    It sounds as if J has abandoned plans to move out? My nephew is probably permanently back with his parents. He has various physical and psychological issues and is on UK benefits. I'm not sure whether he will still be entitled to these, in France. All very worrying, since his parents don't have big pensions. Also, not sure where he will stand re healthcare, if he is a permanent resident in France. Waiting to see what will happen to expats once the UK leaves the EU.

    ANNETTE- enjoy your time with Miss D! I'm sure that we will hear how things go.

    LINDY- so glad that you enjoyed your cruise. Looking forward to seeing pics. Yes, I believe the amount of food supplied is very generous indeed! Also happy to read that Bonnie enjoyed her hols too.

    Sorry no other individual replies, I haven't scrolled back so doing this from memory. OH desperately hoping that something can be done about his hearing loss. He hears nothing at all. He didn't go to Probus meeting last week, sent his apologies. He received a lovely letter from them, saying how much he was missed and hoping to see him again, soon. I wish that I could be sure about that.

  • So sorry your sister is in such pain Margo, such a terrible time for all of you. I really hope the hospital stay can help with her pain relief.

    Brenda pleased to hear your D-I-L 's operation went well and hope she recovers well.

    Best wishes to everyone and thinking of Diane at this sad time for her.


    Kind regards
