WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 8, 2016

Here's to a new week. Sending the very best thoughts to all.  

Daughter and dog now en route home. Phew. Cat has stopped skulking about and peering suspiciously around every corner.

In case you missed it, Lindybird is back from her cruise.

Rosy: Daughter made it easy this time - she corralled a friend and her son to do most of the feeding but there was just one day when neither could do it. Grandson put everything in labeled tubs so all I had to do was toss it over the fence! Why are cats so inflexible? :-)

  • My OH decided to go dashing off to collect the stool, which is being stored in a large shop in Warrington, quite a way from here. Bonnie is, as usual, desolate that he's left her behind. She has, thank goodness, calmed down a lot now and is only "puppyish" occasionally. We now have a beautiful dog who everyone loves, who meets her :-)

  • Dear All

    As you know my sister has been very ill for a few weeks. Yesterday we received the devastating news that she only has weeks to live. The cancer is spreading rapidly and there is no option for any treatment. Just the most awful time for her husband, her daughter and son and of course myself and husband. It is probable that she will stay in hospice care as she is in terrible pain but at least it can be controlled. She is being so brave and telling us all not to worry. It is difficult beyond words at the moment. I may not post very much for a while as we all want to visit as much as possible. We can go in any time after 10.00am.

    Thanks for your kind thoughts.

    love Margo X

  • Good to read that Bonnie has settled down, LINDY. That is the best news.

    Sorry for lack of posts, lots still to do here and youngest daughter and her OH will be sleeping here tonight. They were very reluctant to ask for hospitality the night before our other visitors arrive, but I changed their mind, for them!

    Agree about the sound in cinemas, I seem to remember when stereo sound arrived, many moons ago. Sound came at you from all over the place. I think it was called stereo in those days but have a feeling that there was a phrase used to describe it.

    Better go and continue the chores. It is a rainy day, here. Got an email from the Danes yesterday, hoping that we will be able to join them for walks and picnics. They should have been here a week or two ago:-(

    Enjoy your new footstool, LINDY. Feet should always be up!

  • Margo, I was so saddened to read your devastating news.  My thoughts and prayers are with you, your sister and all your family.  I'm pleased to read that the hospice is able to keep her pain-free, and that she is being so positive.  Don't even think about posting here - you know we are all supporting you in the only we can, and your priorities are elsewhere.

  • So very sorry to hear your devastating news Margo. It's a terrible disease, I lost both my brothers to it. My thoughts are with you and all the family.

    Kind regards


  • MARGO - posts crossed, I've only just seen yours. I'm so, so sorry about your sister. Much love and cybersupport xxx

  • The hare photographer mentioned here is the one who gave our Bird Club talk this week.  It says he spent 5 hours with it - that is just one visit - he has been watching this hare for years!  He calls it "Bagpuss"!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • MARGO - I cannot describe my sadness at your news. It's to be hoped that your dear sister will be kept comfortable in the hospice - they're wonderful places and run by such kind people.  I'll be thinking daily of all of you.XXX

  • Hi everyone, I have just enjoyed reading all your posts, but I don't think I will be able to catch up with replies.

    Our daughter-in -law is slowly recovering from her operation. She was allowed to eat a very small amount of low fat food yesterday. Her first food since last Saturday. She has walked, with her physiotherapist, from the bed to the room door. I do admire her attitude and determination, although she does fall asleep quite frequently. She is having so many drugs pumped into her.

    Margo and I have been in contact quite a few times this week. Such a difficult and emotional time for her.

    So good to see that Diane has returned home. I do hope that she found everything fine on her return and she is now able to achieve some rest. 

    Best wishes to you ALL.

  • Margo, we can't find words.  Thinking about you all at this awful time.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.