WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 8, 2016

Here's to a new week. Sending the very best thoughts to all.  

Daughter and dog now en route home. Phew. Cat has stopped skulking about and peering suspiciously around every corner.

In case you missed it, Lindybird is back from her cruise.

Rosy: Daughter made it easy this time - she corralled a friend and her son to do most of the feeding but there was just one day when neither could do it. Grandson put everything in labeled tubs so all I had to do was toss it over the fence! Why are cats so inflexible? :-)

  • We were taken by a guide (a very dishy, bearded young man!) around the inside of the city of Dubrovnik, which has had a terrific history and could fill several books, including a huge earthquake which destroyed about two thirds of it at one time, and of course some more modern warfare which destroyed some buildings, since restored.

    Here is the entrance gate:  the statue above it is of their local saint:

    There were many many people all trying to look at the city:  I have never in my life been in such a multicultural crowd of so many nationalities!

    Once inside, you turn sharply and are shown that the entrance was designed to be a trap for intruders, as its a turning bottleneck.  We went down into the city:  Note the Croatian flag:

    The streets certainly looked old, worn and well used. Every main street had many narrow ones off it, all of them promising interesting things, but we had to keep up with our guide.  One of the first things I noticed was a very large fountain:

    Then we looked around -  this is the main street with a clock tower at one end -

    Here are a couple of the streets:

    A small market:

    There were a lot of amusing signs.  One said "Eat Hot Food!"  and another said "Genuine Fake Watches Here!"

  • We were taken to several small museums, an art gallery and a monastery. This is one of the original Senate buildings, now used as the Mayor's Office: notice the many pigeons sitting along the parapet - they were making a mess below and sometimes scoring hits on the unwary who sat upon the steps!

    Here is a street scene:

    And one of the important Senate buildings:

    Inside a church, there were many relics, some of the Saint I mentioned before (I forget his name, now) We were not allowed to photograph those. But this was an impressive tribute to one side of the main altar, paid for by someone important:

  • Fantastic, LINDY! I hope to be back later.

  • Failed again - sorry - busy.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Sorry, me too, just tired. Tomorrow is another day:-)

  • It certainly is, girls!   How quickly the week goes around when you're busy.....:-)

    Goodnight, All.

  • Lovely photos, Lindy. Thank you.

    Also busy.  Hello and Goodnight Everyone!

  • Hey Heather & Annette – No fuss about always replying. Gee whizz I’ve been very slack with my replies most of the year or longer.


    Welcome home Diane.


    I’m enjoying my cruise with Linda.


    Yesterday I visited State Library for research. Staff cuts not yet resolved. Staff wearing protest t-shirts and have work bans on non-essential tasks. I found them very friendly, not that I needed help, just looking up church booklets for info. Coming home, standing at bus stop, I nearly missed my bus as I forgot we have a new number! I had planned some weeding today but expecting 29 C and already nasty hot north wind. I shall take care of my sinuses inside. Today my flickr pic is yet another closed church – at Hanson – looking pretty surrounded by gazanias. Gazania, imported from South Africa as a drought tolerant garden plant. Having escaped long ago, it was declared a prohibited weed last year as it overtakes native vegetation. Scroll through pics to see Forster church, still in use, nestling under the River Murray cliffs.

  • Evening all:  Everyone one in bed here and it's only 8:30'ish.  Granddaughter went out with some friends from work last night and then had a busy day today. I went off with Ms. D to see Storks - a y sweet movie, but a bit too cute for me and why, oh, why do they have to have the sound so loud in these theaters?  I'm sure the youngest generation is going to be wearing hearing aids before they turn 40!

    Lindybird: Was hoping my double post made up for my minimal responses this week. :-)  I've heard Dubrovnik is lovely city; love those old streets. Genuine fake watches?!  Rolex no doubt.

    AQ: That's a pretty church in Hanson.  Gazania is pretty popular here as a drought resistant ground cover, but I hadn't heard of any problems with it taking over until your post.  Apparently, it's classified as having a "Moderate-Alert" impact on native plants.

    Fading fast so will sign off - take care all.

  • Good Morning, All.  Grey skies again here, and we had the heating on here, last evening.

    Enjoyed your pics, AQ - such a neat little church, looking pretty amongst the flowers. Some of the stained glass is very impressive in the other churches, what an effort it must have been to install them in such remote places.

    Annette - Must agree about the loud sound levels in cinemas - I cringe when the music starts.

    We had a phone call yesterday to say that an upholstered footstool which we ordered in May (!) is now ready for collection. It will match the sofa and armchair we bought a few years ago for our tiny sitting room.