WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 8, 2016

Here's to a new week. Sending the very best thoughts to all.  

Daughter and dog now en route home. Phew. Cat has stopped skulking about and peering suspiciously around every corner.

In case you missed it, Lindybird is back from her cruise.

Rosy: Daughter made it easy this time - she corralled a friend and her son to do most of the feeding but there was just one day when neither could do it. Grandson put everything in labeled tubs so all I had to do was toss it over the fence! Why are cats so inflexible? :-)

  • Thanks for that news, OG. Hopefully she can rest now.

    Good Morning. Just sitting up in bed with a cuppa, courtesy of my OH, and have been watching the geese flying past my window!

    I hope that Margo is feeling re- energised after her transfusion this week.   {{HUGS MARGO}}

  • OG- many thanks for letting us know that DIANE has arrived back home.

  • LINDY- just sitting up in bed with coffee, courtesy of me :-)

    Quite a big shop to do this morning, ready for our visitors who arrive on Sunday. No list, no menus planned, need to vacuum and dust etc etc. Any planning is all still in my head but that must be good exercise for the brain cells. Or so I think....

    Thinking about BRENDA and her family and also MARGO and the family.

  • AQ - Just realised that I never made a reply to your long post. It was in my mind at one moment and escaped the next! I will get back here later.

  • I'm sure you will cope admirably, Heather.  You sound pretty unflappable when it comes to cooking/entertaining.  I find the problem of What to Give Them the biggest headache when we have visitors or guests.

    More photos from me, later, but right now I have other chores.....ugh.

  • I see that the Google doodle for today is about Mary Seacole, one of our most famous women - she was a nurse in the Crimea. Nice to see that we are being reminded of her.


    Heather: You just reminded me that I, too, read but didn't respond to AQ's chatty post. Sorry AQ, but Ms D. is a full time job. Am going to run the gauntlet by taking her to a movie today. School's out this week, so I'm sure the theatre will be packed with other small noisy restless people...


    Heather: You just reminded me that I, too, read but didn't respond to AQ's chatty post. Sorry AQ, but Ms D. is a full time job. Am going to run the gauntlet by taking her to a movie today. School's out this week, so I'm sure the theatre will be packed with other small noisy and restless people...

  • See we have "Two for the Price of One" on Annettes post this afternoon...... LOL!

    Fell asleep after lunch which was quite annoying as I had so many things planned to do today.  Never mind, I went to bed too late last night.

  • Next Instalment of my Mediterranean Adventure:

    We awoke on our first full day aboard ship knowing that we had been sailing south all night, and were booked for a trip ashore.  At 10.00am, everyone was eagerly looking out for the first signs of land as we approached Croatia.

    This was the first we saw of it:

    As you can see, a rather misty and cloudy day.  But it cleared up a bit later.  We went towards an inlet where there were two other smaller ships anchored against the quayside, and a rather dramatic modern bridge:

    After we came to a stop, we gathered and went ashore. This was Dubrovnik. We were taken by coach to a place which is a good viewpoint above the city, and then back down into the city itself to have a tour of the ancient, walled part. Here is the view we had from above:

    The island just off shore had a chequered history,as you might imagine. It had been a monastery at one time:

    Here are just some of the other two coachloads of tourists, trying to get a good photo! - It may be slightly wonky because I was standing on a low wall at the time, trying not to fall off!

    On our way back down, I took several (useless) pictures through the coach window of the city: