WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY OCTOBER 8, 2016

Here's to a new week. Sending the very best thoughts to all.  

Daughter and dog now en route home. Phew. Cat has stopped skulking about and peering suspiciously around every corner.

In case you missed it, Lindybird is back from her cruise.

Rosy: Daughter made it easy this time - she corralled a friend and her son to do most of the feeding but there was just one day when neither could do it. Grandson put everything in labeled tubs so all I had to do was toss it over the fence! Why are cats so inflexible? :-)

  • Just going to bed (am IN bed, really!)

    OG -  Yes, my OH admitted after about two days that he was in fact, quite enjoying it.  I think he felt it might make him seasick, but it was very calm and the pills were not required. Now I need to persuade him to go again, sometime. I got excited when you mentioned the Memorial Poppies, and Googled it right away. I would so have loved to have seen the display in London, so am thrilled to see that the poppies will be in Caernarfon for a few weeks - we will definitely go! Thanks for the tip off!

    Jenny, nice to see a post from you.

    Heather - I thought of you both today, as my OH decided it was a good day to prune the trees. He still climbs the ladder, as although he hates heights, he wouldn't think that anyone else could do it right!  Bonnie helped by getting in the way, and I helped by clearing up some of the debris. Sorry your OH missed his Probus meeting, what a shame.

  • Margo & Brenda – Thank you for your updates, taking time for us despite being so worried. Healing thoughts on their way.


    Welcome “home” Linda. I’m looking forward to your pics.


    Annette – I bet MissD will be bouncing again in no time!


    Sunday’s bus trip was great. I felt much fitter than previously. The day started sunny, became windy, hence lots of dust on unsealed roads, finally the rain started during return trip, too late to bother us. I’m feeling a wee bit down as the NZ tour started yesterday. I keep thinking of what the others are seeing in Christchurch now. Instead I am visiting Dau & Little People for few hours this arvo so Dau can cook tea in peace. This instead of yesterday’s walk along River Torrens which was cancelled by library due to flood debris. Don’t worry I shan’t stress my knee – I expect to be invited to read a dozen books!!!

  • Evening all:  Ensconced in nice motel room with glass (well, cup) of wine and salad I brought from home, watching telly and the endless traffic on Interstate 10.

    Heather: That must be so isolating for your OH; no wonder he's so frustrated. What about cochlear implants?

    AQ: Suggest you book another NZ tour ASAP.  Just had a quick albeit fuzzy look at Burra (internet connection here is a bit slow). Reminds me of Jerome in Arizona (former mining town now tourist destination).  Will have to have a better look when back home.  I'll likely be invited to read dozens of books tomorrow.

    Take care everyone. Thinking of all going through bumpy times...

  • Good Morning and Happy Tuesday to everyone, already!  Where does the time go?  I'm sorry if I've not mentioned anyone who's posted recently, but I've been trying to get back into routine both at home and on the threads.

    Annette - Hope your journey was OK, and nice that you have a comfortable place to stay. I'm sure you'll have fun with Miss D!

    AQ - Good to hear that you've recovered so well from the knee op, and are enjoying getting around even if it's not as far afield as NZ. The twins will be pleased to see you, too!

    My OH was so tired yesterday, after trying to do too much: he took both of us to the Pet Supermarket, mowed the lawn, pruned our biggest trees, cleared up, went to the allotment and picked leeks and beetroot, then cooked the beetroot, took Bonnie out twice, and finally had a long conversation with his sister about Awful Cousin. He went to sleep in his chair for most of the evening as we watched TV.....

    Awful Cousin rang sis-in-law to describe her journey home, and tell of her travel plans for next year!!!!!!!  Aaaaaargh!

  • AQ- as ANNETTE said, book your trip to NZ, maybe give you something to look forward to xxx Hope that you don't do anything more strenuous than read aloud to the girls!

    LINDY- made me feel tired just reading about your OH's day. I know that you will have been busy too, finishing holiday laundry etc and organising meals, etc.

    ANNETTE- a room in a motel, glass of wine and a quiet supper plus a TV. What more could you want, lol.

    OH and I are beginning to pine for the November holiday we won't have, this year :-( Who knows, we might do a last minute thing.

    Again, quite cool outside, today. OH put on his gardening clothes but so far no go.

  • Sorry it's so cold there, Heather. It's certainly cooler here, but I've been out in the garden snipping off dead heads etc, without a coat on.

    Why don't you both go for a nice long weekend somewhere? A short break somewhere new might do the trick.

    The front doorbell just rang, and a parcel arrived - yesterday I sent for a present for our grandson Matthew as it's his birthday soon. What quick service, and I didn't pay extra for speed!

  • Great service indeed, LINDY! I often shop online these days, quite often from Amazon. I bought a replacement Kenwood Chef last week, it arrived in a couple of days. I've yet to make a cake, though.

    Good news from my sister in law, she had a needle biopsy following a mammogram recently. Results yesterday, all is well.

    A weekend away might indeed do the trick. Before that, kitchen ceiling getting done tomorrow, Danes arrive Sunday, kitchen tiling happening next Tuesday and the flooring on Wednesday. Joiner will return to trim kickboards as required any time after that and then decorator again for walls. Then, after what seems to have been an age, I will have my new kitchen. I still find myself going in the wrong direction when looking for things!

    At the risk of boring you, I can say that my OH is beginning (just) to accept that his hearing will probably not get much better, although he still at times, hopes for an improvement. I can't say how much that means to both of us. We have spent a few weeks trying to adjust and developing lip reading skills and our own version of signing.

  • PS- when I said how much it means to us, it is coming to terms with it, the acceptance, that means a lot- it makes day to day living easier. However, given the more serious things that - for example- BRENDA and MARGO are coping with, it is such a minor issue.

  • Good evening, All, and special thoughts for those who need them.

    More good weather, but definitely colder, although we still have plenty of flowers in the garden, including Fuchsias, Geraniums, Hebes, Penstemons and other shrubs and perennials which don’t know summer is over – as well as lovely winter Cyclamen.   Reached bottom of ironing pile (again) today, as well as minor HW, while OH cleaned a couple of rooms.  Microwave man came and extracted a bowl of half-cooked rice which had been stuck in the m/wave since Saturday, when the door decided to stay locked closed!  All that is broken is the little lug inside, and he reckons he can order a replacement handle.  J went to see dentist with a tooth which had lost part of a filling, but she said it can wait until his next check-up in January, so he only missed a few minutes of work to walk into town.

    Heather – I thought I would be the last one to plant my tulips, so glad to see your OH was doing his!  As you will see above, our geraniums are still out; actually considering letting them die when the frosts come and give them a miss for a couple of years.  J really can’t afford to move out, so asked if his room could be decorated.  We wanted to buy a new mattress for that room, so made the big decision that it will no longer be a guest room, and we are buying a single bed, changing the bed orientation to fit more of his bookshelves etc in, and I have even ordered the requested black curtains (I even ordered blackout ones as that room has street lights just outside and gets car headlights too)!  I hope your Nephew can settle in France and will get the help he needs.  I hope you two can get an autumn break – maybe just a couple of weekends away would break up the darker days – but it is good that your friends are due soon.  I hadn’t realised the kitchen is still unfinished.  Pleased your OH is coming to terms with his worsened hearing loss – maybe you could both go to BSL classes to pass the winter, which would help you to converse with others too.

    Linda – pleased your OH is converted to cruises, if that is what you like for a holiday (wouldn’t suit me, I know).  I thought the poppy thingy at Caernarfon would appeal to you; as soon as I read about it, you came to mind!  We also need to reduce the height of out trees – postponed in spring and now getting desperate; not high ladder work I hope, but think I’d be happier if J can help between painting sessions next week.  Goldfinches will be annoyed – huge autumn flocks again this year, so don’t know what happened last year.

    AQ – glad the bus trip was a success for you and you felt fitter for it; I hope you can soon book a NZ trip for next year.  I hope you and your little people enjoyed your books together.

    Annette – I hope your journey continued well; I am sure you had a warm welcome when you arrived and are having a fun time.

    Daughter is now legally separated from her ex-husband, and I think the house sale is to be finalised next month; then they will get completely divorced (after two and a half years).  Elder Granddaughter (child of other Daughter) is certainly living the high life in her job - today she was supervising girls at a polo match!

    OH and I are out tomorrow for an afternoon performance of Flanders and Swann songs - suppose it would be called a "tribute act" these days; we shall also have lunch at the venue in Langholm.  Then we also hope to go to bird club in the evening, but that depends on timing and tiredness;  we would like to go, as it is about Highland specialist birds in the Cairngorms.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG- re Flanders and Swan- I have now got a song buzzing in my head- 'January brings the snow' etc etc.