WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016

Hope the new week is kind to all...

Lindybird: How distressing for your friends who moved to a town house. My sister and BiL have a lovely house in the country but are thinking they should be closer to services/family - all in Bucks - and are very concerned about the options.

Lynette: Was this your former family home that's listed and has been in limbo for a year? You mention a landlord who went broke....

Hot here these last couple of days and more to come, but still, we've had a nice summer. Got my "project" table in from the garage tonight with an eye to starting on the dreaded sorting and culling of photos taken over the last - um - decade.

It was granddaughter's birthday today. She went out with her coworkers last night but didn't have a great time. She now works with people in detox treatment and apparently saw too many party types throwing back the booze who reminded her of her clients.

Anyway, best thoughts for all for the coming week.

  • ps.  Thanks, Annette. Re Awful Cousin:  It looks as if she will be coming every year, however rude to her I am, until she turns up her toes.....

  • LINDY - We will miss you! Have a wonderful time xxx

  • Good Morning - sun is shining  - well, at the moment - and we are off to Elgin shortly, to see youngest daughter's new home for the first time. Her father is law is going over to look at the garden shed ( a window blew out in the gales the other night) and he asked if OH and I would like to go with him. SiL is working somewhere off the west coast of Ireland, so it is good that his Dad can help out.

    OG - I hope that you enjoyed your concert and meal last evening. Also thinking about MARGO and hoping that she is feeling the benefit of her transfusion.

    I think that the reason I thought LINDY was going on the 3rd is because that date was in my mind. Now, am wondering if that is the date that BRENDA's DiL has surgery.

  • Lost a long post, doom.

    DIANE    Good of you to post. Thinking of you and your family.

    BRENDA  Wonder if it is the 3rd that your DinL has her op? Hope all goes well.

    HEATHER   Enjoy your trip to Elgin, maybe it will cheer your OH up a bit.

  • Glorious day here and tomorrow as well by the sound of things. All being well we will have a walk round Loch an Eileen and soup at Cartridge tomorrow as OH is busy doing mortar repairing today. I gave Benson a good walk earlier and hopefully we will both take him for a longer walk in the woods this afternoon.

    Eureka....We found a box full of wallpaper spares in a box on top of a cupboard in a spare (junk) room, inc a full roll of the paper required to repair the living room. OH should be able to do that midweek when we can be sure the wall has fully dried out

  • Morning all:  Busy morning with King (daughter's dog), who is very sneaky when it comes to scarfing down cat's food when your back is turned.

    Heather: Hope your OH (and you) have a good day out.

    dibnlib: Hurray for saved wallpaper (we have a box of bathroom tiles from remodel, just in case...).

    OG: Hope you enjoyed the concert last night.

    Will be quiet on here with Lindybird. Does anyone remember when she gets back?

  • ANNETTE - I can't remember how long LINDY's cruise lasts. I did hear on the radio that Monarch airlines have got an extension on their ATOL (reimbursement if airline goes bust) protection for ?12 days. That is the airline they are using to get to their cruise ship and apparently said airline is in financial difficulties. This is said to be due to the decrease in people booking flights to Egypt and Turkey - two of Monarch's most popular destinations.

    DIBNLIB - Great that you found the wallpaper. Enjoy your walk around LanE tomorrow.

    We both like youngest daughter's house. It has a very cottagey feel to it but with a fairly large kitchen. The stairs could be difficult for anyone with restricted mobility as they curve around like stairs in an ancient castle! I've quite forgotten the proper name for these stairs, sorry! Could it be spiral staircase?

    Better go and see to dinner. I made a beef stew when we got back from Elgin and now will go and make dumplings.

  • Concert was as good as expected - that is, excellent!  OH printed the church newsletter this morning when we were at the church.  It was Vestry day when people give extra gifts or decide whether they can up their regular giving but also look at ways to help out in the life if the church. I have offered to join the rota to do readings or lead prayers - both of which I have done before elsewhere.  I mostly sat around drinking coffee at nattering!

    Well, I failed this week - so goodnight for the whole week, if you see what I mean, and I'll try harder next week!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Goodnight, OG! Glad that you enjoyed the concert and managed to meet your church commitments.See you soon and fingers crossed that ANNETTE will be able to start the week for us.