WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • Heather:  You did right changing your mind about the tiles. You'd have had to look at them every day, regretting it, if you hadn't.  I didn't even look for tiles until all my cupboards and worktops were installed, to get the "feel" of the room.

    Sorry your OH is struggling. I'm sure you can get some answers if only you know who to go to - and you're better placed than most of us.

    Must get to bed, I seem to be getting later and later.  Night All.

  • Thinking of Margo & sister and Diane & brother.


    Annette – Brownies. Yum. I’ll be right over.


    Linda – You’ve provided me another enjoyable trip by proxy.


    I’m still a little weary after excursion with Friend on Thurs. A lot of miles travelled. You won’t find too many of these places as all that is left for some is a few abandoned stone huts and a church & cemetery. First we went through Woodside, Mt Pleasant, Springton & Eden Valley in Adelaide Hills to Towitta. The church & few trees standing alone in a paddock is being restored, perhaps someone’s weekender? It began as a Wesleyan chapel, then sold to Congregationals, closed 1963. Next to Sandleton. The breakaway Lutheran church (1895) & adjacent tiny school building have been restored and now a private home. A few miles away the first Sandleton Lutheran church has been reduced to a pile of stones. I’m told it was a roofless ruin in 2010. Both closed by 1960 but small cemeteries are adjacent.


    On to Blanchetown, its bridge a major crossing of River Murray. The town is bypassed and now a sleepy place of river shacks. Across the river we came to another Lutheran church, this one still in use. A 28 km drive south to Swan Reach, a still-in-use Lutheran church and a Congregational later Uniting church now a private home. Then lunch, we were so late there was only one sausage roll and one pie left, so half each! Plus coffee. On we went out east of the river into dry lands to Bakara and yet another Lutheran church. (photos posted today), closed 1988. Nothing much at Bakara now but a garage (for farm equipment repairs?), a house, a mystery chimney, and the church away from settlement at cross roads. Back towards river to Nildottie, another Lutheran church, on to Forster where the little church is tucked up under the river cliff. Obviously a thriving congregation with a new fellowship room built in 2005. Then it was on to the ferry, across the River Murray and the long drive home. It was a long day. A pre-cooked casserole quickly into oven and tea was soon ready.

    Rest day again today as I have a bus trip tomorrow. What a life <grin>

  • Evening all:

    Heather: Quite right to get the tiles you want. As Lindybird says,  you have to look at the tiles until the next remodel (!!).

    AQ: Will check out your itinerary when I'm in a Google Earth mood. (Can't keep up with you.)  :-)

    Busy day here with one thing and another, and another...

    Best thoughts to all....

  • Good dinner last evening - I had "haggis bon-bons" to start, then gnocchi with loads of lovely vegetables and goats cheese, and finally a raspberry dessert.

    Excellent gig by Rose Room - violin, solo guitar, rhythm guitar and double bass, with three of them also providing vocals.  The bass player is Jimmy Moon, the luthier to the stars.  They played mostly gypsy jazz, but some swing.

    Afternoon of assorted jazz at Lockerbie this afternoon £5 for 5 hours of music.  Dinner at one of the hotels there, then back to the hotel for more of Rose Room with another quartet quartet and a solo act.

    Have a good day everyone, but thoughts of those struggling with family sickness or their own.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning Everyone. A dry and bright morning, but the mornings are becoming colder.

    Daughter-i-L's operation will be on the 8th October. They will arrive at daughter's on the 2nd. Not heard when the dog will arrive. yet.

    AQ, You are certainly making up for lost time with your trips.

    OG, Doesn't sound as if you will be at home much of the time. Enjoy yourself.

    Linda, Thank you for your lovely photographs. I wish we were packing for a holiday, but not possible just yet.

    Gardener coming this morning to build and install  raised beds. They will then be left for a couple of weeks to settle for a couple of weeks before he fills them with compost etc. 

  • Good Morning Everyone.  Rather grey here just now, and the wind is definitely colder.

    AQ --  Another long outing: it sounded like a lot of miles, no wonder you were bushed when you got home. And off again tomorrow!!  A good idea to leave dinner ready to pop into the oven. That chapel looked kind of sad and lonely....

    OG --- See that you enjoyed your lovely meal, which I could eat, but without the haggis!  Music sounds great, how lucky you are to have the opportunity to go to all these venues. Enjoy this afternoon, which sounds like a bargain.

    I enjoyed seeing the start of a new 'Strictly' season last night - my OH was out to the final Golf Dinner after a successful but long days golf (he came 4th) so I made myself a big plate of pasta and sat on the sofa with Bonnie, who snored an accompaniment!

  • Brenda -- You popped in whilst I was writing.  Will your d.in-law have the operation in London? You have had such a busy time lately, you must wish you could just stop and tread water for a bit.  I remember your describing the changes to the garden, which sound very sensible for easy care.

    I'm off now for food shopping, followed by examination of what my OH proposes to pack for his hols - he has no colour sense whatever but I've managed to co-ordinate him in the main by choosing his clothes for quite a few years!

  • Hello all, not been on for a while. Not a lot to say but have just skimmed through and seen all your news.

    AQ - looks like you had an interesting trip but try not to overdo it with your knee, its still early days. lol.

    Lindybird - where are you going for your cruise.

    OG - do hope you are feeling a whole lot better and that J is recovering well too.

    George - hope you managed to get something sorted out for your SinL's sister. Glad to hear you are OK.

    Annette and Diane - hope you two are keeping well. Looks like an horendous fire, Annette.

    Just now on Pete's pond

    Have been absorbed with watching NG's live safaris in the afternoon and captured some great shots of the wildlife and birds.

    Have a lovely weekend all, will be back soon.

  • Brenda, just seen about your D in L, I take it she doesn't live in this country.   Do hope that all goes well for her and I know you will be keeping in touch.  Sounds like a good idea - the raised beds, at least it saves ones back.  Just need our garden properly landscaped but that will need money and unless one can win on the lottery I will just have to dream about it.

  • HEATHER   sorry to hear that your OH is so down. Do hope something can be done to help. I do agree that the elderly don't seem to get the attention that the young do.

    We had a lovely walk by the canal this morning and as others have mentioned the Rowan trees were laden with berries.

    BRENDA   So glad the wedding went well, but do feel for you over your DiLs illness. Very hard for all involved.

    LINDY  Do I take it you are out of the country for some of OHs relatives visit. Can't you get conveniently stranded till she flies home!!!!!! From what you have said you are all looking after each other and sharing the problem together.   Loved your pics' thank you.