WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 2016

And it's a new week. 

Check the last page of last week's thread for Lindybird's "Ode to a (Dirty?) Kitchen"   :-)

  • Evening all:  Got three bags of oranges with the grabber and trundled them off to the Food Bank. Another few hours and the tree should be done for the year. Phew!

    Diane: You beat me to it (though I wouldn't have included all those time zones).  I should be up and about in plenty of time to welcome Autumn.

    AQ:  St. Mark's in Penwortham is gorgeous. The church I found on Google was St. Peter's Anglican (not the one you mentioned). I love the brickwork on both.  Hope you enjoyed your day out.

    Take care all

  • Hi, all.

    MaryGK, Lindy, Annette (maybe): I just happened across this article about this crazy high-tech, futuristic cruise ship, and I thought you or maybe others might enjoy it. At least watch the video of the robot bartenders. LOL

    Really, really exhausted, so I'll make replies later.

    I think I missed Brenda. I wanted to send her good wishes for the wedding.

    Take care, all.

  • Diane: God. That cruise ship looks awful. Why!?!?!?    Don't worry about responding to posts, rest, rest, and then rest some more.

    Thanks for mentioning Brenda. I'm also wondering how the wedding went and how her DiL and son are doing.

  • margobird said:
    As a family we are trying to come to terms with this news but it is extremely difficult. Cannot believe that 3 sisters have been diagnosed with 3 different forms of cancer.

    It's difficult to find words to say how sorry I am, both to hear this latest news and to learn that three of you have now been diagnosed with cancer.  You have our sincere sympathy.

    margobird said:
    We will be writiing a strongly worded letter to the doctor as we feel that she should not have been left in such severe pain for so long. Appreciate that it would not have made any difference to the final diagnosis but feel she should have got to the hospital sooner so she got appropriate pain relief.

    Good for you.  I'd probably want to flatten that doctor - what an awful six weeks that must have been for all concerned.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • DIANE - it is another lovely day for sunshine here, but getting cooler, with an autumn feel about it.  Don't put effort into posting and replying on here - get yourself rested and concentrate on your own priorities first.

    ANNETTE - good that you can take all the spare oranges and they will be used.

    All well at the cancer clinic - very quick examination, but mammogram probably in early January.  Had lunch out but not good - café at the art centre has "gone downhill" - I don't think they have a proper cook/chef any more.  Soup was extremely peppery.

    No result on J new mattress.  We have actually decided to put a single bed in his room, to give him more space (if anyone else decides to come and see us, they can book into a B&B, hotel or campsite - plenty of choice around here!)  He found a mattress he liked, but we have to work out whether it will suit the bed that he likes (from a different shop!)

    OH team didn't win first or second prize in last night's quiz, but equally didn't win the wooden spoon!  But they enjoyed a good man-chat, I believe.  J and I had a useful evening, but also watched a recorded programme which OH doesn't bother with.

    Cleaning day today, and for me - you guessed it - ironing!  Then all at home this evening.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Good Morning All (just)

    Been mad busy as we were out yesterday for most of the day, then Eldest came to stay last night and has left early this morning. Got my hair cut, and it feels good:  also in afternoon, went with my OH for useful chat with junior on his Consultant's team about his six monthly check-up - he will have 6 monthly blood tests in future but will only need a check up talk once a year, Yay!  He had an excellent result on the blood test this time, so things still look good.

    Eldest got in late last night due to a major hold up (accident somewhere?) and so was very tired and more or less went straight to bed. Just had chance of a short chat this morning and gave him some DVDs which are being passed around the family, for the younger children.

    Sunny here now, so putting out laundry again - where does it all come from?


    OG:  Good to hear you sounding lively again, and you must be feeling much better (so do I!).  Sorry that there are problems with the mattress idea, these things can get complicated, I know.  We refined down our facilities for visitors to stay, but now may need to install a fold up bed for the little ones, as they graduate from baby beds.  Will look into it next year.  Nice for EE to get out and have a man to man chat!  Its so annoying when you think you have somewhere you will like for lunch, then find that its been changed :-(

    DIANE:  Thanks for the reminder about the Autumn - we did have a talk on our Breakfast News about how the year is divided up, whether we think the weather says its Autumn or Spring or whatever!!   Its still good weather here at the moment but just beginning, as OG says, to feel slightly autumny as the leaves begin to turn.   Hope you are getting some rest in between dashing around and sorting out your life after putting everything on hold.

    Thanks for the link to the cruise ship - those giant ones look awful to me anyway, so impersonal and teeming with people. And I don't want 'virtual' staff, I want actual people!

    MARGO:   Still thinking of you daily, and hope that you and your sister will get lots of opportunities to keep in touch.  Hug that lovely Billie for me!

    Do hope that all is well with Brenda:  she had a busy time with the visit of her son & d.in-law, and then the Wedding, so I expect we are last on the list at the moment!

  • So pleased to see Mary Berry put her foot down and stand firm - my Uncle would have been proud of her!  And she even ended her statement with a reference to soggy bottoms!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • LINDA - pleased OH's check-up was useful - and good to become less frequent.  Sorry you didn't get much time with your son due to traffic problems - but always a relief when they arrive safely.  Done half ironing, too much for one session but will finish this afternoon.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG - Heard about Mary Berry at lunchtime, and can't say I'm surprised that she stated she would be "loyal to the BBC". The new programme is now doomed to be a disaster, as there is much talk of it, and no one says anywhere, in the press or online, that they will be watching it on Channel 4!

    Had our lunch when my OH returned from golf, and then I suddenly remembered that today was Flu Jab Day here, and the special clinic was closing at 2.30. It was five to 2.00!!  Mad dash to comb hair, change shoes and jump into car to get across the town -- phew!!

  • LINDA - good thing you remembered Flu Jab Day!  I may get mine tomorrow at blood test time, otherwise it will be at October blood test appointment, then I shall make sure OH gets his too!  He is seeing doc next week, with what I call "skin abnormalities" - three odd things, all different, and J and I had to bully him to show them to someone.

    DIANE is readying herself and her car to go to Lafayette, as her brother has continued to decline (at home) overnight; she will be guided by advice of visiting Hospice Nurse who is on her way to see him.  If she manages to tell me later, I'll pass on any news to you all.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!