I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • OG  there were certainly cards there that would have suited me, but not OHs sister.

  • ANNETTE    sorry to hear your favourite restaurant is closing. Enjoy it while you can.

  • Off for a swim, then coffee with a friend.

  • Good morning – if it still is a.m. when I finish and post!  Overnight rain, today variable sunshine, occasional showers, still warm and windy.  Both bee catching up with tasks this morning – OH will shop this afternoon while I finish ironing – again!

    Had a wonderful evening, The Blues Band (Paul Jones etc), preceded by an excellent meal; I had spring rolls with salad and sweet chilli dip, slow braised beef with potatoes, carrot and cabbage and Belgian waffle with maple syrup and icecream.  Home by 11pm, and all managed to get up on time this morning.

    Linda – pleased you arrived safely despite busy roads.  Sorry you are tired – that could be the infection and the antibiotics.

    Rosy – I think we all have a deep-seated feeling that books should not be thrown away, but sometimes the day comes when there is no option – must be a dusty task sorting them at the charity shop.  Problem with second hand books is that they are often not displayed in any order – alphabetical by authors for fiction, and Dewey system (or at least by subject) for non-fiction – so people can find what they are looking for.

    Annette – lovely exotic blooms – well done!  Diane’s comfy couch may have only been for one night, facilities vary every time her brother gets moved, and they were expecting him to progress from ICU to intermediate care very soon.  It’s his birthday today, poor man!

    Dibnlib – I expect you have finished swim, coffee and chat by now, and are beginning to think of afternoon walkies!

    Brenda – thinking of your D-i-L and all the family.


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hello all, just skimmed through all the news and caught snippits.

    Margo - So lovely to hear from you but wish it could have been happier news re your sister - do hope that she is sorted out before too long. Take care of yourself too and as you say OH is so good at looking after you. They do come into their own when the chips are down.

    Lindybird - love the pics of the woodland walk on Angelsey - visited the island earlier this year but weather was wet so we had a tour round managing to stop at a nice place when the weather was dry and have a picnic which I'd taken with us.

    Just had the weekly shop delivered - find it much easier this way but sometimes do get to the supermarket if I have forgotten anything. Friend has just completed her 3rd chemo cycle so is half way through and it seems to be working for her. Weather here is dry, windy, and sunny so washing is out having a blow. Love it like this.

    Glad to hear that things are looking up for Diane.

    Just thought I'd post a couple of pics of African wildlife - not quite East Africa where EJ and company are located.

    this is the lone male that visit's Pete's Pond most days.

    playtime in the shade as well as browsing.

    Tembe elephant park

    Have a lovely weekend all.  Hope things improve for those with health problems.  Take care.

  • I'm just popping in, house is disorganised but I am not - in that when I'm looking for something, I just wander around the dining room and can usually see what I want.

    Thanks for your news. OG- you brought back memories! In between nursing jobs in the sixties, I worked in local government, looking after books, films, music for schools. I had to go to the local library to learn about the Dewey classification system.The staff were helpful but a bit precious. They had spent much time learning this and here was I , expecting a ten minute tutorial!!

    Kitchen stuff is progressing. I'm a bit nervous in case the plans don't match up to what will appear...

    Have read all your posts- thank you.

  • HEATHER - you sound surprisingly relaxed - have they estimated how many days to work?

    I hope I haven't given a false impression of Diane's news - her brother is still far from well.  The procedures so far have been in preparation for the big stuff still to follow.  The surgery was risky, so a good sign that he came through that one okay, but still a long way to go.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG: I'm just wondering if Diane's been able to get home at all or just couch surfing at the hospital, but I'm sure she'll let us all know what's going on when she has the time/energy. Lots of other more important things on her plate at this point...  

  • {{{HUGS}}} to all unwell.


    Thanks OG for news of Diane & her brother.


    Linda – I enjoyed wandering Anglesey with you.


    On Thurs Chauffeur Friend & I escaped to the Murray Flats – between Adelaide Hills & River Murray. Mostly the weather was kind with rain easing as I captured old churches or cairns, until Cambrai. Alas it poured. Too busy looking at a foundation stone I walked under an overflowing gutter! We lunched in a bakery in the river town, Mannum – chunky steak pie, bienenstich (yummmm) & coffee. With the rain eased, we ser off again looping back towards Freeway. Half an hour after I returned home a storm hit, thunder & a downpour.

  • AQ: Just took a Google Earth trip through Cambrai (took about a minute). Lots of farm country there? What do they grow?  I notice it used to be called Rhine Villa but was renamed during WWI.  Do these towns have a hard time keeping young people around? Checked out bienenstich too (I could probably choke one of those down!).

    Lynette: Haven't watched Pete's Pond for ages; thanks for the reminder.

    Got half the house cleaned; the living room and "my" room tomorrow. The kitchen is on Sunday's agenda.