I was going to say Have a good week all, but I know some of us are going through bumpy times right now, so will just send hugs and encouragement to everyone in those circumstances.

Rained here this morning, bright and breezy this afternoon. Did a lot of garden work and now enjoying an early glass of wine - as they say "The sun is over the yardarm - somewhere!"

Take care all.

  • OG: Not sure about hammock - it's a procedure to put up the stand. More likely the zero-gravity reclining patio chair...zzzzzzz

  • I watched Poldark and now off to my bed. I know that if Margo was able, she will have been watching.

  • Good Morning, All.  A bit grey here, but reasonable weather predicted this week.

    Bonnie was pleased to see us: she had had a lovely time at my OHs sister's - she slept on or next to her bed and was spoiled rotten! Only casualty was, she ate one of her 'Croc' shoes.......

    We had a repeat of earlier in the year, as our Youngest made the long trek with his family to our Eldests, so that we could all share lunch together. Little Amber was excited about her birthday and loved ripping the paper off her presents. Sadly it started raining during the afternoon, so the children were unable to play outdoors, but we made up for it with balloons and fun. A glass of wine for all the adults after they had left was most welcome!

    The nursery Amber attends has moved her up to the older section now, and also say that she is proving to be exceptionally bright......  She is already talking in sentences and wants to know the name of everything!  She is fascinated by nature and brings in leaves and snail shells from the garden.

  • Didn't watch Poldark - didn't watch original, although I know my parents were addicted (they lived in the SW of England) - gosh was it that long ago?!

    Shopping at Morrison in Dumfries later today - what joy!  OH was pleased to mow all the grass yesterday - front and back.

    Heard from DIANE - she is still in the city with her brother, she is sleeping on hospital chairs when she can.  At last there is a proper care plan for him, but he is very sick.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Morrisons in Dumfries - cheapest petrol in the town!  And very good coffee.  I shop there when I visit my friends who live just outside Dumfries - on rare pilgrimages from Sussex over the border.  Enjoy, OG!

  • Thanks OG for news of Diane. Proper care plan is positive news.

  • Sorry, Linda, I posted at same time as you!  Pleased you saw all the grandchildren together for Amber’s birthday – but I expect there were times you wished they could all play outside!  Pleased Bonnie’s stay with S-i-L was not too destructive – I also saw while I was away that she has calmed down a lot – so glad for you.

    Pat – we are halfway between Dumfries and Carlisle, so our cheapest fuel is actually Asda in Carlisle!  Whereabouts near Dumfries do your friends stay?


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi OG - no probs!   I didn't see your post either until just now.

    It was rather noisy in the house for an hour or two.....    Tomasz has started in the 1st Year at school today, after completing his Reception Year already. He was proudly showing off his Swimming Certificate to me, although he can only   j u s t  swim now, without armbands - but at least it's a start!  I'm a firm believer in every child learning, if only for safety reasons.

    Pat - we fill up when in Caernarfon, as the petrol in Morrisons is always a good price.  No Morrisons near to us here, without a journey.

    AQ - Good that your knee is recovering so well - don't overdo it!

    Rather dull and drizzly this morning, but warmer weather hoped for, for everyone this week. :-)

  • OG - my friends live in Moniaive.  Haven't been up for more than a year ... it's more than time!  On one occasion when I was staying with them we took the bus from Dumfries to Carlisle - not an experience to be repeated, at least not until they upgrade the buses!  

    Lindybird - The Morrisons down here don't seem to have petrol stations.  They are few and far between.

  • Thank you, ANNETTE.

    A strange weekend here, we enjoyed Callum's birthday meal on Saturday, but OH's spec frame broke while we were at Alison's house and he had a difficult day yesterday, without seeing (or hearing) very well. But he still climbed a ladder to clean out gutters of the garage. I was watching, he didn't know. I don't want to cramp his style too much but am always ready to rush outside and rescue him, ha ha. So today, we walked arm in arm (!) to opticians with old glasses and a lens in his hand. The staff were superb. They found a new frame that his old lens would fit into with only minor adjustments and did them straight away. He has always kept a pair or two of old glasses, just in case, but since 1st cataract op they are of course, no good. He is waiting for 2nd cataract op, possibly later this year. So didn't want to buy new lenses as he will need a new prescription after that.

    Thank you all, for your news. I am thinking about DIANE and her family. Thanks, OG.

    I haven't watched the remake of Poldark. Did watch the original, back along. Even then, as a West country 'maid', I found the accents excruciating. A bit like Dick Van Dyke with his attempt at the cockney accent in Mary Poppins!

    Happy that you had a lovely family weekend, LINDY. You will have appreciated that glass of wine, I'm sure ;-)  

    AQ - Just pace yourself, as OG says. And hopefully, no nanny duty.

    Thanks to all I haven't mentioned, for your chat.