Loch Garten GABFEST in hibernation for Sept, Oct, Nov, and Dec, 2016

                                "AND THEN THERE WERE NONE
   True, so sadly true.  EJ, Odin, Rowan and Willow have all departed on their migrations, leaving the Loch Garten nest empty.  With none of these four tagged, and with the Visiting Centre closing on September 4th,  the 2016 osprey season is ended at Loch Garten.  With winter and frozen rivers and lochs quickly approaching Scotland, many of the ospreys we follow also have migrated and the remaining few soon will follow.
   As this is a Loch Garten Osprey thread and we can not expect any further activity until Spring, 2017, I am now putting The Gabfest into hibernation for the remainder of 2016.
   HOWEVER, If any one just wants to chat, we will be here.  Any personal news - Willow, any winter garden activity, news of the neighbors sheep or of trains, for example.  And Keith, we are always interested in your comings and goings. Any news of wildlife, pretty pictures of birds or flowers to brighten the winter days.  Maybe some music to cheer us up as the evenings get long and dark, As Christmas approaches Carols are always appreciated.  And of course if anyone has news of ANY ospreys, especially the UK ospreys we have been following. we will be here.  We might be buried in hibernation on page 2 or 3 but THE GABFEST WILL BE HERE.    
  • Hi June, Thanks for carrying on with the Gabfest, even if this is an introduction to announce its hibernation!  This time of year, with the Ospreys leaving for points south, I think of that famous book title, 'So long and thanks for all the fish!'  But I look forward to the occasional wake up of this thread over the winter, and roll on the spring!

    Kind regards, Ann

  •  And how about the award winning song THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES.?  Nothing fits but the title, but I like the song, so I'll play it anyway.


  • Evening, June.  Yes, 'Thanks for the Memories' is a good one as well!  It looks like the last Ospreys have left the Dyfi Estuary between 8 and 9 this morning.  But not too long ago there was a juvenile calling for fish at the Glaslyn nest, but it has flown and no Ospreys in view on the nest now; all 4 Ospreys were there as recently as yesterday and at least 3 were there today as well.  You may know that a storm damaged the cameras on the Manton Bay nest at Rutland on Saturday and they have only come back up today.  The Manton Bay pair were both present yesterday and the male there, 33, was captured by a regular poster, Alan, shortly after 7pm today.  Not sure if Maya is still here or not.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Thanks for all the news, Ann. I had not heard about the storm damage.  

        Have any of our youngsters been tagged this year?  Some of the adults already are, I think.  Monty for example.

  • Morning, June.  Monty is not ringed and has never been tagged, I believe.  Dyfi people think he left yesterday but they posted that Blue24 (Glesni's cousin) was still present this morning so she will be the last Dyfi bird to leave (unless Monty reappears today!).  Fingers crossed that next year she finds a nest and mate of her own, far away from the Dyfi Estuary!  I don't think any chicks or adults at Loch Garten, Dyfi Estuary, Glaslyn, or Manton Bay at Rutland Water were tagged this year.  Rutland say that the 2 Manton Bay adults are still present today.  There were 7 active nests at Rutland with 15 fledged chicks apparently, but the Manton Bay nest is the only one available to view by the public.  One adult female nesting at another nest (not open to the public) somewhere near Rutland Water was tagged a few years ago.  If you look at the blog on Rutland Osprey Project's website ( www.ospreys.org.uk ) for September 1st (titled 'Only Just Begun') you'll see that she (known as 30 or 30(05)) left on migration on Tuesday and flew 323 miles to well down into France on her first day's flight of 12 hours.  There were 4 active nests at Kielder this year but I've fogotten if any of those chicks were tagged.  Someone posted on another thread several weeks ago that 15 chicks have been tagged this year.  Presumably most were in Scotland, but I don't really know--Keith probably knows all about them!

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Good evening all I will miss the beautiful Monty hes one of my favorites :) I was wondering if poor Dai Dots had been see again after being evicted from his nest. I wish them all a safe migration and hope Dai Dots makes an appearance next year. 30(05) is really making good progress she doesnt believe in wasting time!

  • Evening Willow, Someone asked about Dai Dot a couple of weeks ago and someone at Dyfi (Emyr?) replied that DD had not been seen since his last visit to the Dyfi nest shortly after he was kicked off his own nest.  If he is still with us he will probably drop in next spring (as usual!), we just need to wait.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Unknown said:
    There were 4 active nests at Kielder this year but I've fogotten if any of those chicks were tagged.  Someone posted on another thread several weeks ago that 15 chicks have been tagged this year.  Presumably most were in Scotland, but I don't really know--Keith probably knows all about them!

    There was one bird tagged at Kielder from Nest 4 - Blue Y8 one of a brood of two.

    As I understand there are 8 tagged birds to follow.

    Y8 from Kielder

    PC1 and PC2 from Aberfoyle

    V5 from Bassenthwaite

    PW0 and PW 9 from Caerlaverock

    PX1 and PX2 from the Back Up Nest at Tweed Valley.

  • TIGER has asked on his Osprey (Pandion Haliaetus) site for Highs and Lows of the 2016 season and are you up for it in 2017.

    I did reply but will also post my reply here.

    On a personal note the high was to be at the nest LOTL when KP0 fledged the third live fledge I have seen. The others were Caledonia at LG and a single chick at Lochter.

    Lows there are none as I am very aware of the hazards - and that some will not make it whatever that stage may be.

    On not so personal a note I think a high may well be 3rd May 2016 when we learnt that Blue 2R (CLARACH) had returned to Wales. I was so pleased for DOP for all the work they put in.

    2017 - Looking forward to March/April

  • 58willow said:

    Good evening all I will miss the beautiful Monty hes one of my favorites :) I was wondering if poor Dai Dots had been see again after being evicted from his nest. I wish them all a safe migration and hope Dai Dots makes an appearance next year. 30(05) is really making good progress she doesnt believe in wasting time!

    Hello WILLOW - Yes we will all miss the ospreys. I think now we are just counting the ones remaining as they all partake in their journey south.

    I think the nest is present at Glaslyn and the adults have been sighted today at Manton Bay. The birds are still around Loch Ard and am going out there tomorrow to see if anyone is around the home. The two tagged males PC1 and PC2 have also been visiting Loch Achray and Loch Katrine.

    On the same note as yourself in wishing them a safe migration I will quote a good Scottish farewell to all the birds from ENGLAND, SCOTLAND and WALES.