Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • Diane: Damn!  Not the news we were hoping for.  Very best thoughts and hugs to you dearie.  

  • Diane - So sorry to hear the sad news about your brother. My thoughts are with you and your family.

  • We protested cuts to our library but to no avail. They have had to cut hours and staff. This is a brand new beautiful library that was paid for by FEMA after our city flooded in 2008. Highly used but no one wants to fund it.

  • bjane: That's a shame about your library. I assume you have a strong volunteer group, although when I was talking to one of the librarians at the City Council meeting I attended here, she said they had many volunteers in addition to a "Friends of the Library" contingent, but there was still a need to hire a qualified librarian - in this case one for the all-important and much used children's section. They did get that but as I said, it's a short-term solution with the City Council kicking the can down the road to the new members who'll be elected this November. Doubt Andrew Carnegie would find any sympathetic ears these days.

    Heather: That quake lasted at least one minute; a long time to be wondering how bad it could get. I saw a video someone posted of their chandelier swaying and swaying - and swaying.  Do hope your OH will be given some ear exercises; his symptoms sound just like my OH's.

    Off to do Stuff.

  • Oh Diane what awful news for you to receive. My thoughts are with you and your family at this terrble time.

    Kind regards


  • Sorry I can't concentrate on the thread to make the promised replies, I am just so concerned for Diane's Brother and his family.

    Will just say, I have seen a number of you worrying about family members these last few weeks, so am hoping for good outcomes soon - too many to mention.

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Hi all.

    Lindybird - lovely photos of Bonnie - now that she is growing up just maybe the hyper activity will calm down as she becomes a "young adult".

    Margo - so lovely to see that you managed to post. What a great team you have behind you, what with the hospital staff and your OH, it really does make a difference.

    Diane - So sorry to hear about your brother. God speed you on your journey.

    Thoughts and prayers are with all those that are suffering in one way or another and hopefully reasonable health will be restored before too long.

  • Diane – {{{HUGS}}} at this terrible time. Thinking of you & family.


    Linda – I forgot to say how much I enjoyed your recent photos. Good idea not to broadcast you going away. I dislike checkout chicks who ask “Are you going away for Easter/Long Weekend?” As if I shall advertise to whole shop our house would be empty!


    Heather – It seems so hard for our OHs to “give in” and slow down. It is worse if we ask s-i-ls for help, then my OH has to prove he is as strong as they.


    A good crowd attended the Save Library Staff rally but it didn’t make the TV news. Overshadowed by men dressing in high heels for an Against Domestic Violence rally elsewhere. A few years ago a rally saved National Archives from closing its branch in our city, so we have hopes. Today The Knee is sore and I am tired. I am sure it is because I am so unfit. Antidote on Monday – Murattis with Travel Friend. Washing machine is calling. Darn, it was blue sky when I filled it. Now sky looking as if the predicted showers are due.

  • AQ: Men in tights and now in high heels? Well, I can certainly see how that would make much better TV than a bunch of library groupies. :-)  Had to Google Muratti's to remember it's a patisserie (sounds like an Italian sports car; thought your travel friend was taking  you for a spin).

    Have been thinking of Diane all day.... :-(

    Have a good Saturday all.

  • Bonnie is just beautiful Lindy