Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 28 August 2016


Just to cheer everyone: Here are some cute wild raccoons ("trash pandas") that were playing at the Nature Center at the Turkey Run State Park just down the road from me. There are several pics.

Everyone have a wonderful week!


  • Good to see you are safely home, OG. I do hope you are feeling much better.

  • I echo the above - welcome back, OG. Hope you've enjoyed yourselves.

    In bed myself, and too tired to say more, but thanks to Brenda for relaying Margo's news once again.

  • Margo:  I hope you will feel much better now. Thinking of you.

    Brenda, Annette, Rosy, and all: I'll answer your kind questions about my brother either tomorrow or the next day. He's seen a specialist, and we've had some startling developments in the last couple of days. He's undergoing a new procedure Wednesday morning, and he may have a new diagnosis. Thanks for your concern.

  • Brenda: Thanks for letting us know Margo is feeling chirpier!

    Diane: Well, here's hoping any new diagnosis is better than the last. Take care!

    Lovely long chatty lunch with friend, then a putter around a garden center and a couple of consignment stores where I bought a lovely linen shirt and some cotton pants (the US version!) for almost nothing. :-)

  • Welcome back OG.


    Margo – I was thinking of you yesterday. I hope all was well.


    Brenda – Best wishes to your d-i-l . Hope treatment is soon.


    Diane – Fingers & toes crossed for good news.


    We have a lot of wetlands here. They “reduce the impacts of floods, absorb pollutants and improve water quality. They provide habitat for animals and plants and many contain a wide diversity of life, supporting plants and animals that are found nowhere else”. Yeah right, but what about the mosquitoes? Dengue fever (QLD), Ross River virus & now Zika to concern us.


    Food shopping this morn. Monday I ventured on to the bus to city to library for long-awaited research. Tiring, hence yesterday was definitely a rest day.

  • Diane - You could always do Ireland and Scotland in the one trip.      On Saturday the 10th Caribbean Princess will be anchored in Lerwick, now that is a big ship to visit, around 3200 passengers and 1200 crew, hopefully the tills will be ringing well in Lerwick that day. 

    Hope you receive good news soon.

    Annette - No I didn't know that about the Serenissima, you learn something new every day :-)

    Brenda - Yes we are away a lot, just making the most of it while we can as you never know what tomorrow will bring, health is everything. Hope your D-I-L gets her op soon and makes a full recovery.

    Good to hear that Margo is feeling better already after her long day of treatment.

  • Unknown said:

    Heather et al. Margo very kindly rang me earlier about our D-i-L, which was so kind of her, after the day she has had. She had to get up at 6am as her first appointment was at 7,30am. They didn't return home until 6pm. Although she was very tired, she survived the ordeal and was already feeling happier this evening. 

    Thank you Brenda. Glad to hear the news.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A lovely sunny morning.

    Diane, Thank you for your reply. I do hope everything will be fine for your brother and he will receive the best treatment. X

    Annette, Well done on your clothes purchases. I like the thoughts of buying something for next to nothing.

    AQ, Good to see that you managed a bus trip to the library, but it does sound rather strenuous and tiring for you. Take care.

    Margo, Hope you had a good night's sleep and feel refreshed this morning.

  • Good Morning, All.  Lots of news from you all, so I'll reply later.  Good to know that Margo is OK.

  • Not a good week for us. Just heard that a friend in the village was told yesterday that she has thymoma ( a rare cancer ) and then her husband died, at home,  during the night from stomach cancer. Enjoy life, we never know what is in store for us.