WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016

Evening all;  now popping back to catch up on all your news.

MaryGK: Alaska ferries are definitely for folks who are happy to rough it, sort of.  I wouldn't mind it if I knew I had a comfy hotel near the dock.

BrendaH: Good luck looking for the jacket to go with that dress.   Thanks for news of Margo and OH's doings - great to know they're enjoying themselves.

Heather: Don't think my OH would worry about my disposing of kitchen stuff; on the other hand the garage (which he also doesn't frequent) might be harder to clean out.    Chocolate teapot?  :-))    Cornish pasties - yum yum.

Rosy: Daughter has always had a menagerie (pigs, goats, peacock, horses, dogs, etc.) now it's horses, ducks, dog and floppy-eared bunny.  I just have her ancient cat which caught one bird yesterday and two today!  Pesky puss.  :-(

Hi to everyone else.

  • Well done, DIBNLIB on the swimming. What is VIV32?

    LINDY - Yes,more fantastic pictures from Tatton and thank you!

    OH came back from GP with a digital BP monitor. I have to record his blood pressure twice a day for a week. Other than that,regarding his dizzy spells and consequent loss of balance, she got him to walk up and down, turn etc. Which made him dizzy. He did say that she spoke about a physio referral and I imagine this would be to show him the exercises which would help. I'm thinking about getting him to do the exercises like ANNETTE's OH and see where we get but maybe I should wait for a referral to physios. He has to return to GP next Friday with my BP readings and the nurse will take bloods.

    ANNETTE - Brother's oven door was tempered glass but the working theory is that it had been damaged at some point, weakened the glass so it shattered like a car windscreen can do if it gets a small chip etc. I'm trying not to listen too hard when he speaks about it.

    I think that OG may well be away on her trip to Blyth and the Tall Ships.

    Hope that MARGO is still in her 'up phase' and getting out with her OH.

  • Hello.  Tried to post, at around the same time as I see Heather was on here, but it just wouldn't post at all :-(  I thought you meant that about the oven door, Heather - it was on TV once about how they can just shatter, sometimes. Hope your OH can get his balance back, its rather discombobulating when its not right!

    Got my hair trimmed and did a couple of errands in town, then walked back - a lovely sunny day here but not too hot.

  • Beautiful day today - away from home in Hereford.  On our 'day off' I gave my National Trust card a bashing and visited three properties, all very different and all extremely enjoyable.  Now I'm exhausted ... some day off!!  But well worth it, before a very full weekend.  Hope the weather stays like this - it's really wonderful.

  • Evening all:  Another more or less relaxing day.   New supermarket finally opened round the corner (it's called Sprouts).  Nice produce, good organic options, but I'll still have to go elsewhere for things like bleach and some other cleaning products.

    dibnlib: Congrats on the swim - did like your photo of the "puffer."

    Heather: There are some exercises for inner ear dizziness including a very specific sort of manipulation (the Eply Maneuver; there's a YouTube video on it). Will be interesting to see what the physio suggests.

    PatO: Which properties did you visit?  

    Must go to gym tomorrow; it'll be closing for one week for it's annual scrubbing and touch up now that the summer school camps are done and the kids are back in school.

    Take care everyone.

  • First, Croft Castle, with its spectacular views and cosy, family feel inside.  Then, Berrington Hall, Capability Brown's last landscape achievement, with its enormous man-made lake and lovely walled garden.  Finally, Brockhampton Estate.  All National Trust.

  • Hi, folks. We had another day of freakish and very dangerous storms. Multiple tornadoes hit Indianapolis again -- which threatened my brother's hospital. Flash flooding and damage everywhere. This is a big mall only 1/2 block from my brother. He has power tonight, but my friends in Indy still don't. Here are pics and This is a very short video of the shelf cloud building before the tornadoes descended from it. I know Lindy likes clouds.

    Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm okay and so is my brother.

  • Good Morning, All.  

    DIANE - Thank goodness that you and yours are all OK in such difficult times. Thanks for the pics and video - scary. Do hope its over now and you can all keep safe.

    PAT O - Sounds like a brilliant day out. We do have so many lovely buildings, all over the country.

    A Bank Holiday here (not Scotland though) on Monday, so warnings to keep off the roads unless you really need to travel. Sounds as if Monday will be the best day for weather.

    My OH has just reported that his back "feels much better" in spite of spending most of yesterday out on a Golf Day on The Wirral in Lancashire: he said there were wonderful views of Liverpool across the estuary, on what was a perfect day for it, sunny but not too hot.

  • DIANE - Thank you for taking the time to let us know that you are all OK. I haven't looked at the pics yet but will do so, shortly.

    LINDY - It really is amazing how a game of golf, some fishing or playing bowls makes most men see life/health more positively. You can tell who I am mainly referring to.

    I had a massive confrontation with my brother last evening via the phone. Talk about burying his head in the sand. Anyway, I've said my piece and must now withdraw from the scene and let them continue digging the pit. Hard to watch, though.

    It is much cooler here today. 11 Celsius when I went downstairs this morning. No plans for the weekend except to catch up with some house jobs. The new kitchen may be starting sooner than expected. Just as well that I got ahead with clearing all the cupboards. Only saucepan and roasting trays etc to move now.

    PAT O - yes, as LINDY said, it sounds as if you had a great day out. The NT card is a great buy.

    Everyone - have a good weekend.

  • HEATHER -  Sorry you're having family problems. But you're right - you can be a sympathetic, listening ear and even make the odd suggestion, but the only people who can sort it out are themselves. I do sympathise as it's hard watching, when you feel there are other ways of tackling things. We've had this for years with a relative of my OH and things get worse every year with her, but now it looks as if they will have to sell their house, their only asset as all other monies are gone. All their own fault, and they are no longer young, but what can you do? :-(

    Three cheers for our wonderful NHS!  I felt ill again this morning, and tried to contact our surgery but they now shut at weekends. Rang 111 and spoke to a sensible sounding individual, who made an appointment at a local clinic within the hour. Saw a young lady Dr there and was out in 10 minutes, clutching a prescription for stronger antibiotics. Have already taken some and am so relieved that we get such good service.

  • LINDY - Hope that the new ABs work quickly xx