WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016

Evening all;  now popping back to catch up on all your news.

MaryGK: Alaska ferries are definitely for folks who are happy to rough it, sort of.  I wouldn't mind it if I knew I had a comfy hotel near the dock.

BrendaH: Good luck looking for the jacket to go with that dress.   Thanks for news of Margo and OH's doings - great to know they're enjoying themselves.

Heather: Don't think my OH would worry about my disposing of kitchen stuff; on the other hand the garage (which he also doesn't frequent) might be harder to clean out.    Chocolate teapot?  :-))    Cornish pasties - yum yum.

Rosy: Daughter has always had a menagerie (pigs, goats, peacock, horses, dogs, etc.) now it's horses, ducks, dog and floppy-eared bunny.  I just have her ancient cat which caught one bird yesterday and two today!  Pesky puss.  :-(

Hi to everyone else.

  • Heather B said:

    I'm trying to imagine a Pavlova without cream and meringue, AQ!

    Heather - I meant so much fruit on top cancelled the naughty effects of the meringue & cream.
    I hope all your nearest & dearest's problems resolve themselves quickly. {{{HUGS}}}

  • There are also plants to buy, of course, and large displays by the retailers:  (fancy a pink sheep??)

    I took some close -ups of the hydrangeas, as they were so gorgeous - also took note of the names, but don't think I have room for any more than I already have....

    Isn't that pretty?!

    Found the picture of the inside of the BFG's big leather bag!  Lots of "dreams" in jars!

    This company are at the Show every year, and do a roaring trade in parasols for the ladies! - besides these big ones.

  • aquilareen said:

    I'm trying to imagine a Pavlova without cream and meringue, AQ!

    Heather - I meant so much fruit on top cancelled the naughty effects of the meringue & cream.
    I hope all your nearest & dearest's problems resolve themselves quickly. {{{HUGS}}}

    [/quote]I was a bit confused by that, too, AQ!   Can't do it without cream, can you?!  Glad you're getting your Five a Day - do you have Five a Day slogans there, or is it Seven a Day like some countries?

  • Linda - We are supposed to have 2 serves of fruit and 5 of veggies per day. I don't think the pavlova fruit was enough to count as even a single serve.

  • LOL!  We're supposed to have 5 a Day of either/or/and fruit & veg, but its been put forward that its not enough....  I suspect it's not.

  • Before I go back to bathroom cleaning, here are some more pics  (I warned you I took a lot!!)

    The Floristry Tent is always worth a visit, although there were less entries this year. This greets you on entry, and is a Wedding Theme:

    The rest of it seemed to be themed to the colourful Rio influence, and was "Tropical"

    This one has proudly displayed their Silver Medal:

    This you have to study carefully:  the theme is revival, and underneath this is hidden a whole wheelbarrow and set of tools:

    Likewise, some garden containers and a milk churn:

    This was stunning:  a huge frieze, running along a wall, and very striking in real life:

  • DIANE AND HEATHER Thoughts are with you both. 

  • Morning all:  

    AQ: My definition of healthy quiche is one with spinach. But even then, they seem to have an awful lot of cheese...    I like mille feuille - haven't had one in years and years.  In fact, haven't seen one on anybody's dessert menu for that long. They must be out of fashion.

    Heather: What I want to know is why doesn't good stuff happen all at once the way that bad/worrying stuff happens. So is this your brother's house in France? How does an oven door explode? Was it non-tempered glass or what? (Don't feel you have to explain.) And now a penalty from the Dept. of Motor Vehicles?  Dare I ask which one you've been asked to help pay for? (You don't have to answer.) And dare I say neither is your problem?  But truly sorry to hear of your SiL's predicament. Any idea what's with Fujitsu that they're laying off? And a new (filthy) house for youngest daughter and SiL whose job is also up in the air. Filthy house can be sorted, but don't imagine the anxiety over her OH's job can be helping at all.  As I said, why doesn't good stuff happen all at once? Life's pattern can be a little too "rich" on the downside at times...

    Lindybird: My OH also has the inner ear thingy and got rid of it when he faithfully did exercises. The he stopped, and it gradually came back - surprise! Grrrr.  Love the small gardens, but not sure about that large apple (or is it a golden plum?). I really really love the blue/white hydrangeas - so delicate and soothing; I'm always tempted to buy one but there's no room.  How much were those parasols I wonder?  So pretty. I'm not big on formal arrangements - much prefer floppy, natural looking bouquets, even at weddings.

    Hope Diane will be free from tornadoes today; that nothing else will explode in Heather's life, that Lindybird is done with bathroom scrubbing and that Margo is out and about with her OH.

    Off to see daughter. Take care all.

  • A couple of lovely walks by the canal this week. On Tuesday we saw the regal "Lord of the Glens" cruise by and today we saw the "Para Handy" go by on the way to Muirton Basin. We also stopped to talk to a Cocker Spaniel owner and it turned out he had been a PC in Shetland and so we had a few acquaintances in common and he also knew a good friend of mine as they both grew up in "Avoch". For the many of you not in the know, "Avoch" is actually pronounced Och......strange but true.