WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 21, 2016

Evening all;  now popping back to catch up on all your news.

MaryGK: Alaska ferries are definitely for folks who are happy to rough it, sort of.  I wouldn't mind it if I knew I had a comfy hotel near the dock.

BrendaH: Good luck looking for the jacket to go with that dress.   Thanks for news of Margo and OH's doings - great to know they're enjoying themselves.

Heather: Don't think my OH would worry about my disposing of kitchen stuff; on the other hand the garage (which he also doesn't frequent) might be harder to clean out.    Chocolate teapot?  :-))    Cornish pasties - yum yum.

Rosy: Daughter has always had a menagerie (pigs, goats, peacock, horses, dogs, etc.) now it's horses, ducks, dog and floppy-eared bunny.  I just have her ancient cat which caught one bird yesterday and two today!  Pesky puss.  :-(

Hi to everyone else.

  • Lindy: I liked that horse, and I also liked that lovely wooden heron and the wooden owls, also the woodpecker.

    I can't seem to find the energy to make replies. I just stopped in to let you all know that I'm okay. A super-cell storm front moved through central Indiana a few hours ago and multiple tornadoes hit. Two of them struck on the edge of the town where I shop for groceries. I just noticed that the news has made the national media, so I didn't want anyone to worry. Tornadoes also hit in Indianapolis, near where my brother is staying in a specialty hospital, but there wasn't any damage to his facility.

    National News coverage: NBC NEWS , CBS Newscast on youtube
    Helicopter footage of the damage near me, on the edge of the town where I shop

    Safe travels tomorrow OG and Annette. Have a great holiday, OG.

  • Geez Louise Diane! That second link to the damage near you is amazing. I walked through the living room while OH was watching the news and assumed they were talking about the floods down South. I don't know about safe travels for me and OG, but you be safe at home!  As it was, we were glued to local news coverage earlier when a brush fire broke out just 10 minutes up the road. Lord knows how many fire engines and planes jumped on it and it was knocked down really quickly.  So: Floods, earthquakes, fires and tornadoes - what's next?  Locusts?

  • Annette: Don't even mention locusts! I had a HUGE cricket in my house for 4 days. That thing could chirp as loud as a jet plane. When he was in full voice at night, he drove me stark-raving mad!!! I couldn't catch him.

    I'm glad they got your fire out rapidly.

  • Diane: Can't remember anything in the Bible about a plague of crickets, but sounds like your sole practitioner is doing his best to fill the role.  In the meantime, we have a very young possum visiting our garden these last few evenings. Don't know where its Mom went - they're solitary critters; just hope there's enough bits and pieces in the garden for them to snack on....  Off to bed now.

  • Good Morning.  Relieved to come on here and see a post from DIANE, as the first thing I noticed on waking was an internet report on the dreadful tornadoes in Indiana.  So glad you're unaffected, Diane.

    AQ - Great that you're off out with your friend. Don't see why you couldn't have healthy quiche followed by decadent dessert ;-)

  • Good Morning Everyone. Another hot morning after a very sticky night, even though we had a large fan on all night.

    Diane, So happy to see your post and read that you haven't suffered from the horrendous tornadoes.

    AQ, Hope you enjoyed your trip out with your friend, not to mention the delicious food.

    Linda, Thank you so much for the horse sculpture. It really is magnificent.

  • Linda – You know me well LOL. We had healthy quiche (roast veggie for Friend and tomato & bacon for me), followed by coffee eclair (her) and pavlova (me). The pavlova was barely 2” across, covered with about 8 different fruit slices or berries, so they cancelled the meringue & cream. Plus coffee. Plus chat. As if we hadn’t chatted all morning! Oh yes, photo-ed 15 churches, mostly boring boxy 1960s designs. One interesting very modern one – built after 2011 as it’s not in that street directory.


    Diane – You sound flat. Sending you uplifting vibes.

  • Hello all!

    I'm trying to imagine a Pavlova without cream and meringue, AQ! Good to read that you and your friend had such a good time together. My OH can't imagine what it is that two women can talk about but when he returns from bowling green he is full of chat about what all the men have been talking about!!

    I'm still smiling but my goodness, at times it is a struggle. Yesterday heard that the oven door in my brother's house had exploded and they have no funds at present to replace it. In addition he has received a fixed penalty notice from DVLA for not having insurance ( he does have but it is with a French company but the car is registered in UK) Also, now my eldest son in law's job with Fujitsu may now be in jeopardy. Youngest daughter in tears because their new home has been left in a very filthy state by the last owners. Her OH has still not heard whether or not he will have a job in four weeks time. My OH is convinced that his poor balance is due to an unspecified fatal disease and is going to see his GP tomorrow..... I'm wondering what today will bring:-)

  • PS I am aware that the above is just part of life's rich pattern. None of it is that serious when compared to the awful events that are occurring in our world and indeed, in our own 'family' on here. I just saw the funny side of it all, every time I answered the phone yesterday I wondered what I was going to hear. I'm sure that you have all had days like that. At least it stopped me continually checking the specs of the oven I have ordered!

  • Oh dear, Heather:  Your family are going through a bad patch.  Sorry to hear that your brother has further problems.  Fingers crossed for your son-in-law.

    Your OH is probably worrying unnecessarily, as you must know with your medical background:  there are so many causes of poor balance. At least that's what I told myself!  (Mine comes & goes and must be because of something in my inner ear, I think). MY OH also has spells of it, and looks terrified - he's someone who likes to be very much in control of himself. Ho hum.

    Thinking of you {{HUGS}}  - and hope the kitchen work is going well.

    Dull and grey here, today.  Doing lots of little household jobs including cleaning bathrooms, which I hate.  Friend is calling by this afternoon for a gossip.

    Meanwhile, here are today's pics:  These are all classed as "Small gardens"

    Here's another one with lots of grass!

    This is one of my favourites, though:

    Side view: