WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016

Hope it's a good/better week for everyone.

  • Clare Bailey said:

    I've just read my favourite story from the Olympics so far.  I thought this was fantastic!

    Oh, CLARE!  -  I hadn't seen that and I'm wiping my damp eyes now..... how truly astonishing and moving.

  • Sunny & bright here today - Good Morning, All.

    Going to visit dear sis-in- law as it's her birthday shortly but she will be away, so I have her present to deliver. She will have two of her 4 granddaughters with her as she shares childcare with their other grandma during school hols. We will be discussing Awful Cousins visit -  sis-in-law has had her to stay several times on these visits and then said Never Again, and made excuses this year, as did we.......she is going to stay with their oldest and not in good health cousin who she persuaded on the phone that she would Be No Trouble.....

    AQ - We knew roughly the time she might be coming and are indeed going away on holiday halfway through the visit. More on that, later. Laughed so much at your description of the gift of the clowns and that poor dog, LOL!!

  • CLARE -  Don't know about the washing up liquid trick, but last year it took all my strength not to whack her, and I'm normally rather a pacifist, LOL!

    (She is my OHs cousin, not mine, so it's not my argument - otherwise I think I would have told her we all have the Zika Virus or something so she couldn't come.....)

  • OG - hope you are feeling a lot better soon.  Haste ye back.

    AQ - thank you for correcting me - even so doing one for each of the grandkids is no mean feat. They are gorgeous.

  • Annette - No, it doesn't appeal now, too much traffic on the road and yet if I felt confident on my bike, I've no qualms about riding it on our local roads. Weird to say the least.  

    Went up to East Midlands Airport - only an hr. away - to pick Dau up early evening. All safe, had a great holiday and completely chilled.

    Come Sunday, having son and d-I-l round for pre anniversary lunch. Going out on the day in the evening for a nice meal at a local restaurant.Its also OH's birthday same day.

    HeatherB - you make me envious (in a nice way) about your up and coming new kitchen.  Really could do with an update myself but don't think it will happen any time soon. Been in this house for 34 years and are not likely to move so it would be nice to have one more update, last one was 2001. Can but dream.

    Talking of AF, OH has it as well, but we keep going. Doesn't stop you from doing most things as long as one is sensible.

    Lindybird - hope your OH's back soon gets back to normal.Chiropracters or even Osteopaths can be quite useful. Years ago my dad attended the latter for an ailment and it really helped - so did my mum for her twisted knee.  Oh Lindy, take a deep breath, calm yourself, and face whatever comes along. Surely it can't be as bad as all that!!!!!!

  • Hello all -

    Nothing much to report, weather good, no urgent phone calls from family, OH approving of the first estimate of kitchen cost. Can't ask for more.

    LYNETTE - Our kitchen was last updated in 1986 !! Before that, it was the original circa 1958 Formica in garish shade of orange, which of course, was very fashionable at the time. I remember my sitting room in the mid sixties, orange ceiling.

    Better fly and do some garden work if it isn't too hot outside.

  • AQ: Oh my. No good deed goes unpunished!  What a hoot about the knitted toys wars - so typical and almost predictable, but only in retrospect (that doesn't make any sense at all!).  Hope you have plenty of supplies on hand.  Too bad about the car; hope they can finish the job soon.

    Clare: Nice Olympics story. Re dish-washing liquid in toilet, can't help but wonder if the homeowner wouldn't have to clean up the mess (have never tried it and don't think I will).  :-)

    Lindybird: Good luck with cousin - is she unusually demanding or what? Failing Zika virus, how about an infestation of rats?

    Lynette: Enjoy your double celebration on Sunday.  

    Heather: Wow. OH happy with $$ outlay; family all quiet - what could possibly go wrong?  :-)

    Off to daughter's. We're going to watch the Rio equestrian events together if she hasn't confused the dates...

  • Annette - I have plenty of wool. I could knit a zoo or something. But won’t. I intend to pack the remnants in plastic bags, colour coded (red, blue, green, etc). But I must wait until OH is out lest he discover how much unknitted wool lurks in my cupboard!!! Last night I completed the upper head of dog No 2 using a pink that is horrible to knit with, a bad buy many years ago.


    Much angst as Aussie Olympians did not all come up to commentators’ expectations. Someone pointed out per population we have done well. Too much fuss about medals and not enough sportsmanship. As in Clare’s story.


    Good news yester eve. My Chauffeur Friend is back early from their “Grey Nomad” trip. They had seen & done everything they wanted. The good news is that she offered a photo-bakery excursion sometime soon.


    I must be out early for food shop as this warm weather won’t last. 22 C yesterday, 24 today with storm arriving later today.

  • So busy nattering that I forgot to say that I have posted clown pics on flickr. Click on pic to enlarge. Thanks Linda for the poem.

  • AQ: Those clowns are adorable. You would get lots of money for them at our autumn Covered Bridge Festival here.

    Annette, MaryGK, and anyone interested: The big cruise ship, the Arcadia, and the smaller ship, the Hebridean Sky, are both due into Lerwick Harbour very early in the morning. It should be interesting to watch them ushered in. Some of the Shetland webcams have been freezing. The techies are working on them.

    Annette: I looked at the map, and it looks like you're safe from that ghastly, unprecedented fire, I hope.

    Heather: Enjoy your new kitchen plans.

    Best wishes to everyone! Sending healing energy to all who are suffering.