WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016

Hope it's a good/better week for everyone.

  • Hi, all.

    Lindy: I hope you're feeling better now and that your OH's back is healing. I hope you enjoy your upcoming cruise! The photos you posted were lovely.

    OG: Sending you continued healing energy. Take care of yourself and don't try to do too much.

    Lynette: Glad you daughter enjoyed her holiday.

    AQ: Glad your chauffeur friend has returned and you can enjoy some outings.

    Heather: It sounds like you have an excellent plan for the kitchen renovation. I hope everything goes smoothly.

    Brenda: So glad that you've found your MOB outfit. Not long now until the wedding! I hope it's wonderful.

    Nature Lover: So sorry about the hen harrier.

    dibnlib: Fascinating about your life in Shetland! I didn't know your OH was the manager of the airport. I watch the planes take off there sometimes on the webcam. I've noticed how much light Shetland enjoys in the summer. I read about their climate on that website. I was surprised to learn that it doesn't get very cold in the winter, and Indiana has much more snow than they do! I know they have strong winds and wicked storms, though.

    Annette: That photo of the osprey and the heron was powerful! Hope your daughter is now feeling much better and best wishes to your sister!

    Margo: Thinking of you and sending good wishes.

    MaryGK: I would not want to climb up that ladder on that ship! I've enjoyed your posts about all the ships. Too bad about that poor seagull. Hope the fella made it. Looks like you had lovely accommodations on that ship, though. Looks like the Ocean Majesty has arrived just now. You can see her on the Town Hall cam and the Taxi Rank cam.

    I forgot to tell folks that you can usually see the ships and other vessels on the Lerwick Town Hall cam (but that cam has been freezing lately) and also sometimes on the Sea Level cam, the Taxi Rank cam, and the Victoria Pier cam.

    Sorry for the short replies. This has been a really, really stressful week. Take care, all.

  • Evening all:  

    Lindybird: Hope you're continuing to improve. Those kinds of infections are no fun at all.

    MaryGK: I've always wanted to take one of the smaller ships (and yes, uch mmore expensive trips) through the Inland Passage up to Alaska, though I've heard that the Alaska state ferries are a great andmuch more affordable way to see the small towns/harbors/inlets that the huge cruise ships miss completely.

    Alicat: Glad you got some info re Bobbie, though I'm sure it doesn't make you feel any better.

    Heather:  When does the kitchen remodel start?  Good luck - I know I was quite discombobulated just organizing space for dishes/utensils even with simple meals.

    Diane: Really sorry to hear things are still so difficult. Do hope you're taking care of  yourself...

    Margo: Hope you're managing to get out and about.

    Had a very quiet day and  hope more of the same for the weekend. Take care all

  • Diane - Ocean Majesty is another one of the older ships still around. That was really early for it to arrive.   Take Care, hope you can find something to reduce the stress for you at this time Diane.

    Annette - I am sure the Alaska State Ferries will take you to small islands not covered on the cruise ship Itineraries, but it is much easier this side of the pond to book a cruise.    Hurtigen in Norway run similar ferries, which I have had a fancy for but when you see how many stops they make throughout the day it would feel more like a bus LOL.....

  • Good Morning Everyone.  We got the promised wind and rain in the night but it's not too bad just now, just breezy and much colder than of late. I have to get off to the Post Office as we need to send some shoes back my OH bought in a Sale as they're too small......They are size 12.........

    DIANE - Thinking of you, you really are going through a hard time.

  • Good Morning Everyone. A windy morning. The wind is forecast to get stronger this afternoon. Plenty of leaves swirling around.

    Heather, Surprising how much we store in our kitchens. You sound as if you have everything organised well, though. Don't forget plenty of tea/ coffee for the workers, LOL

    Diane, You are often in my thoughts. So much pressure for you to cope with at the moment. {{HUGS }}

    Alicat, Pleased you got the vet's report at last. Take care of yourself.

    Linda, Sorry you have been feeling bad, but glad you have the necessary meds. to take.
    Pity about your OH's shoes.

    I have enjoyed seeing Mary's photographs, together with her and Heather's comments.

    My OH just doesn't want to know about taking a cruise holiday.

  • I bought a hat and shoes yesterday. I am looking for a suitable light jacket to match my dress. I did buy the matching short coat for the dress, which is quite heavy, so I would like an alternative, if the weather is good.

  • Hello Everyone,

    I have just written a long post and lost it! I will try again when the will returns!

    I remember saying you were doing well with the MOB outfit Brenda. Did you mention the colour?

  • Hello all

    BRENDA- Exciting times! Good luck with your search for a jacket.

    ROSY- why can it never be a short post that we lose? It has happened to most of us as you will know. Looking forward to when you gird your loins and try posting again.

    I have been emptying kitchen cupboards and OG would give me a gold star for flinging things. My OH has been hovering, he is a hoarder. Favourite phrase of the day from himself is 'Somebody might like it'.

  • MaryGK and Alicat, Good to 'meet' you on this thread. Sorry to read about Bobbie, Alicat and your difficulties with the vet.

    Diane, thinking of you and hoping that no news is not bad news. Sorry that things are rather overwhelming for you at the moment.

    Annette, Glad that you seem to have overcome the latest family difficulties.

    Was your daughter a great animal lover as a child? Did you always have a menagerie?

    Good to read that you are feeling better, Lindybird.

  • Rosy - My sympathies on the long post. We've all done that at least once!  Sooo annoying.

    Thank you, yes, I feel lots better now and seem to be functioning - got several errands done this morning so am pleased with myself.

    Just heard that Sir Brian Rix has died this morning. He seemed a good man.