Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 7 August 2016


Everyone have a good week!

  • CLARE: Oh dear; well isn't that the way.

    Off out early to take daughter to doc's tomorrow. Have a good Tuesday all.

  • Hello all -

    Welcome home, OG. I bet that EE is already working outside while you are loading the washing machine. (Sorry, made assumption that you are able to do that, apologies if that is not the case)

    A very routine day planned here so not really worth writing about.

    Yes, LINDY - I often get caught out like that but the one thing that I find is that as I get older, the less I worry about what people think. I have a friend - not close - who is unduly concerned about such things. The words 'appearances' and 'impressions' feature largely in any conversation. Think Hyacinth Bucket and you will get the picture. Honestly. She once asked my OH to take her to a relative's house - she doesn't drive - saying that she wanted her relatives to realise that she had friends with a nice car. At this point I'll say that our now 11 year old scratched and dented car (window cleaner's ladder fell on it a few years ago) was brand new and shiny.

  • HEATHER    love that story.

  • Annette:  I have got as far as around page 100 of 'Lord of the Rings' several times, but have always given up at that stage.  It's very long - and not sure my brain works that way!  I have seen a couple of the films and can't really get on with those either.  Isn't it a good job we all like different things!  Perhaps I'll have another go at the book sometime ...

  • LOL, HEATHER!  Like your story.

    PAT & ANNETTE - I've never read the whole of the Lord of the Rings series. Just never got around to it, even though I adored The Hobbit! I love all the films, but as you say, Pat, it wouldn't do for us to all be the same :-)   Just couldn't get into the recent TV phenomenon, Game of Thrones - it looked like a violent version of a children's series, to me! But many people were hooked by it.

  • Sitting here reading old magazines, while my OH has gone out with the dog - it's just started raining even though it's not supposed to today :-(

    Feel better already for having a relaxing time. We really enjoyed yesterday and I will post photos later.

    OG - Glad you managed to have a lovely holiday and are safely home again.

    Thinking about DIANE and her brother.

  • Good evening, all.  This post is especially for Alan:

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Hi Everyone. Sorry I haven't posted. Weather has been sunny here. Village summer fair last Saturday, followed by a bowls tournament on Sunday. I went to support OH and friends. Looked after friend's dog yesterday. while she took another friend to hospital, for a lung tumour biopsy. Shopping today and a walk along the local river.

    Good to see that OG and EE are home after a successful holiday.

    Annette, Such a pain about daughters meds. You must be so tired.

    Linda, So glad that Wales has been so enjoyable.

    Heather, It is so pleasing when an evening meal is so enjoyable and your Canadian guest was so pleasant. Well done.

    Watching the Rio Olympics this evening. Sorry to see some of our team have failed  to win a medal, but that is sport. 

  • Hello Brenda,  Hope the shoulder is improving,

    Annette, You are having a difficult time, but, as you say, such are the joys of being a parent!

    Hope your sister can find out more about the problem, and have appropriate  treatment.

    Glad you are  enjoying your break in Wales, Lindy. You were in need of some relaxation.

    I also love your story, Heather. Sorry about the wind damage to your garden.

    I hope you also enjoyed your break, OG.

    I couldn't 'get into' Lord of The Rings, either. My sister gave me a copy years ago, as she thought it was the greatest! I don't think I even managed 100 pages.

    I cannot (Shock, Horror!) get into Harry Potter either. My granddaughter is really enthusiastic about the books, although just above her level of reading, and has seen all the films. Her parents have just bought her the book of the play.

    I know they are written for children, but many adults seem to like them.

    Thinking of Diane.

  • Rosy -  I enjoyed all of the Harry Potter books, and have friends who even pre ordered the latest one, so as to be amongst the 1st to read it!  (I was not so obsessed :-)  )

    We have had a local drama here in N. Wales, with a helicopter having a forced landing on a mountain, and bursting into flames. No one hurt, thank goodness, due in the most part to the coolness and skill of the pilot.

    I see that Diane has not posted for a while, I do hope that she will have better news when she does.

    Off to bed, I seem to be getting later and later...