WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 31, 2016

Morning all:  Happy New Week.  Busy day here....

Brenda: I wonder if you've torn the rotator cuff in your shoulder. That would show up on an MRI.... Thanks for letting us know Margo is feeling chirpier. Ms D's hair is still pretty blonde in some lights but suspect it'll gradually darken (I used to be blonde!).

Lindybird: Oh dear, sorry your OH is paying for his good deed.

ChrisyB: Good to see you! Have fun at Kielder Water.

Heather: Do hope the family plan to sort out "problem" will take the load off you.

Rosy: How nice to combine outstanding tasks with a lazy day following a day where you and friend sorted out the world (nobody else seems to be doing a good job of it).

Have a good Sunday all.

  • Hi!  Found journey very tiring Tuesday but arrived safely, delivered 3 pounds of tomatoes, three courgettes, 2 cucumbers and a ladder to Dau#2 and partner, then had dinner out with them.  Spent a lot of this morning chatting and catching up with family news with our lovely hosts, then visited the Botanic Garden here in Inverness including cacti and succulent house where Rita used to talk about volunteering).  One rainshower while we had lunch, then decided to put scooter in car to protect from further rain while I did some walking.  Eventually rain put an end to our visit.  Just relaxed the rest of the afternoon.

    Heather – big step for your Son, but it worked for us at age 52 – however we didn’t still have young children at the time.

    George – good to hear from you – and well done with the weigh-loss!

    Linda – more lovely pics – thanks for sharing.

    Brenda – sorry it looks like graft will have to follow for your OH, but best that they maintain sight in both his eyes.

    AQ – pleased knee doc was pleased!  Sounds like fun with the little ones’ visit.

    Annette – hope Daughter soon feels better; takee care rushing about -  presumably to feed her and menagerie!

    Margo – enjoy your time in PJs – sounds so comfortable! 

    Sorry replies are so brief – can’t sit very comfortably on armchair with laptop on stool!  Have begun to feel a bit better at last, so hoping to manage the day at the Black Isle Show tomorrow.  Eventually received an email telling me how to collect tickets on arrival – got the email ten minutes after we would have left of we were up to speed!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Heather:  You certainly won't forget Sheana, after such a long and close relationship.

    Brenda:  Glad to hear that you've had a lazy day for once - how is the shoulder?

    Lynette & Everyone who commented on the photos -  glad you've enjoyed the Flower Show ones, and there are more to come, when I return from our break. With more statues!!

    Our grandchildren seem to take giant leaps whenever we see them, as we don't see them every week.  We will be seeing them a little more in the next couple of months, though, as there are birthdays on the horizon.

  • Sorry if I'm a bit scattergun with my replies lately, but its been really busy here...... We are off in the morning, after packing up the car, and watering everything in pots in the garden.

  • LINDA - have a great week away!

    Sounds like one of the cows behind here has gone into labour, so could be an interesting night!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • OG so pleased you managed get away and sounds as though are having a full day.

  • Evening all:  Have been horse/dog/duck/bunny-sitting (yes OG, the menagerie!) while daughter is recovering from nasty bug (C.diff) resulting from antibiotics that were taken for an infection that ended up killing off the good bugs.  She's been in hospital for a couple of days and we're hoping she'll be back home in a couple more.

    Lindybird: What sweeties - and how cool Tomasz looks in those shades. Looks like a nice little family!

    Heather:  My goodness, lots of goings-on in your brood:

    OG/Margo: Do take care.

    Read all posts but too zonked to respond coherently. Not as much running about tomorrow, though will be on pet-patrol again.

  • Good Morning.

    Annette, So sorry for your poor daughter. Where is Ms D ?  Do take care of yourself.

    OG, Pleased that you are feeling a little better. Hope the cow doesn't keep you awake.

    I guess Linda should be on the road to Wales,now. OH won't be able to play golf with his back problem. I hope he feels much better this morning.

    Pat, I omitted to thank you for your EG advice, but the consultants wanted me to be present for most of my OH's appointment. We didn't leave the hospital until nearly  7pm, so I didn't suggest that we proceed to see about my shoulder. We were so hungry and it takes us about 90mins to drive home.
    My shoulder is improving with the help of the anti- inflammatories. Thank you.

  • Brenda: Ms. D is back in Arizona with her Mom (my granddaughter) after visiting us the other week.

    Getting sorted out then back up the road to take care of various critters and to visit daughter.  Take care all.

  • Thanks Annette, for some reason, I thought Ms D was staying with your daughter. I will blame the tablets I am taking. LOL

    Hope you find your daughter has improved when you visit. 

  • Hallo All, from sunny Wales!  We did indeed start out earlier than usual, as my OH was not able to play golf for a couple of reasons. Arrived here at lunchtime, in time for a nice tuna sandwich after a rainy journey.

    Hope Annettes daughter is feeling a lot better and her recovery is swift, so that she can go home - although I should guess that they might need help with all those critters being fed, for a while.