WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 31, 2016

Morning all:  Happy New Week.  Busy day here....

Brenda: I wonder if you've torn the rotator cuff in your shoulder. That would show up on an MRI.... Thanks for letting us know Margo is feeling chirpier. Ms D's hair is still pretty blonde in some lights but suspect it'll gradually darken (I used to be blonde!).

Lindybird: Oh dear, sorry your OH is paying for his good deed.

ChrisyB: Good to see you! Have fun at Kielder Water.

Heather: Do hope the family plan to sort out "problem" will take the load off you.

Rosy: How nice to combine outstanding tasks with a lazy day following a day where you and friend sorted out the world (nobody else seems to be doing a good job of it).

Have a good Sunday all.

  • Diane,  So sorry to read bad news  about your brother. Thinking of you and his family.

  • Annette,  Glad to read that your daughter is recovering. That sounded a very nasty bug,

    Does she live far from you?

  • DIANE- thinking about you and your family x

  • Diane:   I am thinking of you and your family at this very worrying time. I pray that your brother will improve quickly!

  • Annette: Glad to hear your daughter is improving. Sorry my replies are so sporadic...

  • Good afternoon everyone. I have finally found time to write a post.

    Diane: after our own situation with my brother you have my full sympathies, I can appreciate the feelings.

    Our trek to obtaining grant of Probate has been painfully slow. We have been waiting for four weeks now for one company to come back with a figure to complete the application. It took a while to insist to HSBC and Barclays that they need to follow the instructions on the appropriate forms to release fluid assets before Probate is obtained – finally got there. Went to HSBC Gloucester with an appointment to open the executor account to find the business manager on long term sick! This week has been a bullying one to get people moving. We now have an appointment after we come back from Grantown-on-Spey.

    On the nature side we have acquired a fourth male hedgehog. In the IR lighting of the trailcam they each have their own distinguishing marks. Another acquisition will not come as a surprise with the numbers of starlings, it is a sparrowhawk!

    We have now stopped chasing for answers and concentrating  our efforts getting ready for our journey north on the 13th. Nobody knows the phone number and internet access only if we want to, the Garth hotel in Grantown has the advantage of two Cairngorm Brewery beers on and good access on the internet if we want. Their food is not bad either!

    Now back to weeding!

    Ps drafted this post earlier. Since had a letter giving us the final piece in the jigsaw. Weekend has now turned into preparing all the paperwork for submission to Revenue & Customs and Probate Office. YAY!!!!

  • Thanks so much to everyone for your kind comments and concern.

  • DIANE - You are having such a busy and stressful time. We are all thinking of you.

  • Keith - Nice to hear from you, and to hear that you're finally making headway. Hope you can enjoy some R&R now you've done all the difficult bit!

  • bjane said:

    Annette: Glad to hear your daughter is improving. Sorry my replies are so sporadic...

    bjane -  Lovely to hear from you, and hope that you are in good health.