WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey) SUNDAY JULY 31, 2016

Morning all:  Happy New Week.  Busy day here....

Brenda: I wonder if you've torn the rotator cuff in your shoulder. That would show up on an MRI.... Thanks for letting us know Margo is feeling chirpier. Ms D's hair is still pretty blonde in some lights but suspect it'll gradually darken (I used to be blonde!).

Lindybird: Oh dear, sorry your OH is paying for his good deed.

ChrisyB: Good to see you! Have fun at Kielder Water.

Heather: Do hope the family plan to sort out "problem" will take the load off you.

Rosy: How nice to combine outstanding tasks with a lazy day following a day where you and friend sorted out the world (nobody else seems to be doing a good job of it).

Have a good Sunday all.

  • Evening all:  Busy day here; daughter has nasty bug so lots of running to and fro on this side of the Pond.

    George: Had to smile at your airport shuttle and DBB service - not to mention the highly amusing image of OG sitting in her favorite tree!  :-)))  Congrats on the weight loss.

    Lindybird: Have a nice few days away; hope the weather is kind.  I like the alum fireworks.

    Good to see posts from Lynette, Brenda and Harelady.

    AQ: Sounds like daughter#2 is coping well with the appendages.  Congrats on getting out in the car - freedom!

    Have a good Wednesday all.

  • Good Morning.  Dry here with fluffy clouds.

    AQ -  "Come back in 12 months" -  Yay!!  Plus, able to drive again, wonderful.  Little ones must be pleased to see you, but as you say, you'll have to watch they don't bash the knee.

    Annette - Sorry about your daughter - hope it's short lived.

    Diane - Hope the Docs are on the case with your brother. Thinking of you.

    Off to hairdressers this morn, plus lots to do........Off I go

  • Now I've missed Brenda out.  Sounds serious stuff for your OH and something you could both do without, with the wedding not far away. Hope it's not too stressful having such a lot going on.

  • Good Morning. Heavy rain overnight, so everywhere very wet with a grey, cloudy sky.

    AQ, Great that your knee doc doesn't want to see you for a year and that you have started driving again. You have done so well so far, so please don't overdo things.

    Annette, Sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she recovers soon. You don't seem to have had much relaxation, recently.

    Linda, Thank you. We expected the hospital results as OH has been having frequent blurring in his right eye. The good part is that his sight in his left eye, which has had the graft, is much better without his glasses, except for reading. The consultant said it would be a waste of money to change his glasses yet.
    Hope your OH's back is recovering.

  • Brenda:  Good news about the left eye, at least.  How precious our eyes are, and how much we take them for granted, when younger.....

    My OH is right now en route to the Chiropractor again:  he was hoping either not to need him, or to go again when we return from our trip, but this morning he woke up bent over and had to ring up as an "emergency".  Hopefully they can pop it back in again and he can then take it easy on our hols.

    On a coffee break, so time to put on some pictures of our grandchildren, who are as usual, growing apace:

    Amber, looking taller than her nearly two years:

    Clinging to Daddy in the garden:

    Matthew, my smiling little Singer (not talking yet, but singing most of the time!)

    Tomasz, wearing his treasured new sunglasses and eating an apple:

    Edit:  Note one of Bonnies well loved old shoes near the door, LOL!

  • Dear All

    Recovery  ongoing but still sore and horrendously bruised. As I mentioned getting dressed is still difficult so have decided where I can to wear PJ's with a jacket that I can button up without lifting my left arm to high so as not to cause the pacemaker to move. At the end  of six weeks the little wires should be embedded  in my heart properly. Of course when I do go out eventually will be dressed appropriately lol.

    diane thinking of you at a worrying time for you.

    AQ you must be pleased to be able to drive again but I agree that Nanny duties have to be put on hold and  that you have just visits for the time being.

    Annette sorry daughter has a bug hope she recovers soon. She must be grateful for your help

    george lovely to see a post from you and love the humour. Well done on los ing weight, hard to do if you like your food.

    Lynette good to read your news. When you mention cricket it made me think summer (if yould call it that) is nearly over, cannot believe how quickly time has gone. Hope your daughter enjoys her holiday and has a good rest. I know things have been difficult at times.l

    Brenda hope your pain is still improving. We have got a fair amount of much needed rain but sun has just broke out.

    Lindy wonderful photos from the flower show and also of Tomasz,  the always smiling Matthew and last but not least Amber such a pretty little girl. You must be so proud of them. Sorry OH's back is causing big problems hope the trip to Chiropractor will ease things and he can get some rest while you are away. safe journeyand I hope weather will be kind to you.

    Sorry I  have not mentioned everyone but I do get a bit behind with things.

    Have  a good day and take care.

    Love Margo xx

  • Beautiful pics, LINDY. Just look at Tomasz, such a big boy already. Love the shades!

    Your photos from Tatton - amazing work went into the displays. I have never been to a flower show, don't think I would stop oohing and aahing.

    Sorry to read that your OH's back has given way, again.

    BRENDA - Another graft for your OH but as you say, you both suspected that would be the case. I am wondering how your shoulder is doing?

    LYNETTE - A week in Kos for your daughter sounds just the ticket. Guaranteed sunshine and relaxation.

    AQ - Great news that you are driving again and so glad that you have decided no Nanny duties for a good while. I know what you mean about books. I read on kindle and also real books but before kindle, always panicked if there wasn't an unread book on the bedside table. Still do, actually.

    ANNETTE - Sorry to read about your daughter, don't overdo things. That is probably the most stupid thing that I have ever said to you....

    GEORGE - Well done on the weight loss. I, too chuckled at the DBB stop and OG sitting in a tree. If that isn't a cue for a LINDY poem, I don't know what is! I think that OG has taken a week off from the blog but most likely has her Microsoft thingy with her, so she may have had a chuckle, herself. If you are reading, OG - hope that you are feeling better.

    A busy week, here. OH has the annual Probus day out plus lunch at Culloden House Hotel - lucky him. Also a couple of family lunches and the Canadian student, Rebecca, who we will be seeing at the weekend.

    It is indeed all change on the job front in my family. Eldest is positive about what he/they will do next. Maybe set up a business themselves. A campsite has been mentioned... I can just imagine Sam let loose on a campsite! Don't know where that idea came from. It will be a big change from IT.

    Middle daughter phoned this morning, very excited, has secured a second cleaning job in another primary school so she will now be working for 23 hours per week. Youngest son in law still waiting to hear about his job. Even eldest son in law's brother, also an engineer, with oil/gas industry, in Kazakhstan, says that his job is seriously unsafe:-(

    Take care, all - hope that MARGO is managing to get dressed and get out for lunch xx

  • Hello AQ - knee will feel tender for some time, mine is still a little tender and numb and that's 3 years now. Some days are better than others.

    Annette - sorry to hear your dau has nasty bug, do hope she will feel a lot better soon.

    Margo - hadn't realised it was a pacemaker fitted, but am sure that you will start to feel a lot better once everything has settled down. Take it easy and before long you will be out and about again.

    Its been a mixed summer, weather here is breezy with cloud and sunshine, had rain yesterday.

    Lindybird - Amber and Matthew are growing up, lovely pics.

  • Sorry MARGO - missed your post when I was busy typing! PJs are so comfy, enjoy them in the daytime, while you have a good excuse! Sheana never wore a bra in all the years I knew her so I guess that in the first weeks after her pacemaker insertion she managed to put blouses on using the left sleeve first, as you must be doing. Certainly I was never asked to help, so can only guess, LOL. I still think about her quite a lot.

  • Linda, Hard to believe how quickly your grandchildren have 'grown up'. Three different characters showing in your photographs and so adorable.
    Do have a great time in Wales. I do  hope the chiropractor was able to help your husband, this morning.

    Heather, I am taking the anti inflammatories and  things are improving, thank you. I have been completely lazy today.

    Lynette, I envy your daughter and her holiday in the sunshine.