Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 24 July 2016


  • Goodness, Margo. You certainly had some drama, there. It must be so reassuring that the hospital is so near and that your care there is so excellent. I do hope that the soreness is soon gone and that you are still able to cuddle Billie! Thinking of you.


    Went out to get supplies for the family and on return found a phone message to please get some blue top milk for Amber. I replied by text that I had been busy as had been out buying milk, biscuits and fish fingers!!

  • Margo once again your determination and fortitude are shining through what is clearly a very dark and worrying time.

    I prescribe Steaks and draft Guinness!...or red wine!

    Very best wishes to you and OH.

  • Blimey, Margo - as if anyone could ever accuse you of being an attention seeker!  I'm sorry you've had to go through even more but I'm so glad the hospital delivered when it needed to!

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • MARGO - What a rotten time you have had. Can't fault Poole Hospital, though. The pacemaker will give you some peace of mind, I think, now that you know that you had a very slow heartbeat. My old neighbour Sheana had a pacemaker fitted for the same reason, she had a couple of blackouts/falls in the street because of bradycardia. Love from here xx

  • MARGO   Good to hear from you. Sorry you have had such a tough time of it.

  • LINDY -  of course, you already knew that you had to get full cream milk for Amber LOL. Sometimes I think that our children forget that we have had toddlers to feed - ie them!!

    I did not enjoy my lunch today. I saw a recipe from a book by Miriam Gonzales, wife of Nick Clegg. It looked tasty and I am sure that lots of folk would have enjoyed it, but not me. It was a Spanish dish, chickpeas, feta cheese, fried chorizo, spring onion salad with chopped flat leaf parsley and a dressing. Thankfully I  made OH scrambled eggs with smoked salmon, on toast, which he enjoyed. No way would he eat chorizo and chickpeas and I'm not sure that I will, again. Just a question of personal taste.

    I managed to get Mia's school trousers this morning. The last two pairs on the rack in age 14-15. For an eleven year old, as I said earlier. The waist does look wide but they have a button adjustment which will help a little.

    Yes, LINDY, my nephews are all very tall. My dad, their grandfather, was 6'0 tall with blond hair and very blue eyes, a Scot from North Argyllshire born in 1891 and as often happens, each succeeding generation has been taller. Interesting genes!

    Our clan is Macdonald of the Isles.
  • HEATHER   I Saw that Miriam Gonzales had written a book with Spanish recipes, sorry you didn't enjoy your lunch taken from said book. If you do like fried chorizo I do a nice simple salad using it.  Gem lettuce, sun dried tomatoes, orange flesh melon ( they are so good at the moment) and fried chorizo. Drizzle this with a dressing of honey and balsamic. Enjoy it with chunky bread.

    Did I see one of your nephews is 6'7''? Oh my goodness! very impressive.

  • Morning all:

    Margo: Yay! Always good to have you pop in, but not good to hear of most recent bumpy events, though Poole Hospital sounds really wonderful I must say. Hope stitch removal isn't as bad as you think.  Mike's dietary suggestions sound good to me (I'll take the red wine).  Great fat hugs to you!  

    dibnlib:  That's a long drive. Families indeed!

    Heather: Phew! I was afraid you'd whipped up the meringue with one hand while cooking dinner for one or another family group with the other. Good luck with granddaughter's pants - we have exactly the same problem here with Ms. D, who is tall and so skinny.  Granddaughter was like a beanpole too until she stopped at 5'7" at age 14.   Grandson is about 6'2".  Thing is, even if you get pants that are long enough, at that age the proportions are often "off."  I have one store that makes good quality, good looking pants in tall sizes that fit me perfectly. They just had a big sale and I ordered one pair in each color coz I can wear them year-round here.  (They arrived the same day as new walking shoes - another challenge what with my long skinny feet - and I'm sure my OH must've wondered if I'd gone mad).  I'll likely keep only a couple of pairs of the pants, but I do grab what I can when they're on sale.

    Clare: Sainsbury's sells clothes?!  I remember being sent there by my Mum to buy bacon ("not streaky!") in the old days.

    Really must do some grocery shopping and get to the gym today or OH will have very dismal options for dinner..

    Take care everyone.

  • Lovely to see a long post from you Margo. Sorry you've had such a  traumatic time but great to hear you have such a wonderful hospital close by. Poor Billie must have been so confused by her Mum not being there for her. Hope the pain eases soon.

    Hi to everyone else.

    Kind regards


  • Unknown said:
    Clare: Sainsbury's sells clothes?!  I remember being sent there by my Mum to buy bacon ("not streaky!") in the old days.

    Yup, they do.  They're pretty good, actually - I find them better than Tesco or Asda.  Good (even generous) on size as well.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.