Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey), 17 July 2016

Happy New Week and Happy Full Moon on Tuesday!

  • Thanks Diane.  

    Everyone have a nice Sunday.

  • Thanks Diane.  Hope your Sundays are all good, Everyone!

    Mine's busy, so may not write again till tomorrow.

  • Good morning, all.  It promises to be a beautiful day here so it looks like I'm going to be getting lots of washing out.

    Limpy and I visited Rutland yesterday and we had a lovely day - thankfully we were in a hide when the heavens opened in the evening!  The Rutland Belle was out on the water and by sheer luck the stunning rainbow seemed to finish at the boat:

    I did feel sorry for those on board.  Happily the rain stopped and we were able to get back to the car without being saturated.

    Our herring gulls are red listed birds.  Think about that the next time you hear some flaming idiot calling for a cull of them.

  • Bumping this thread above last week's which my OH used and pushed up!

    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Thank you, DIANE.

    The weather here is not worth talking about. My dear brother just phoned to rub salt in - it is about 28 degrees there. Too hot for me but it would be nice to have the choice whether to sit outside or not!

    Callum has just collected Amy. No problems last night, levels at 11pm were higher that the classic 4-7 but she assured me that she would be OK, and she was. This morning, 5.5 at 6.30 am. I had to chuckle last night. I saw this teddy bear in her bed and was just about to feel all sentimental and grannyish when she whipped out her insulin pump, unzipped the  teddy and popped the pump inside! Amazing what the powers that be come up with, she has a special belt during the day.

  • PS I have just been told that it isn't a teddy, it is a lion called Lenny!. Well, I didn't have my specs on...

  • Quiet on here.

    Heather: Amy sounds like a real trooper - and how nice that older brother Callum can do the chauffeuring!

    Went to sleep at 11:30; woke up at 4. Just back from Farmers' Market and Costco and about to have lunch and head for my patio.....

  • I'm not surprised that you are tired, ANNETTE - enjoy a much needed siesta :-) I was planning one when eldest daughter and family arrived unexpectedly. OH was delighted to see them, he can't work outside today. I had to laugh, he has just been watching Countryfile and can't understand why anyone would need to be told how to make hay!

    He tends to forget that some of us didn't grow up in the country.
  • Heather: I've lost track of younger/elder daughters. Younger has Callum and Amy? Am I right?  No, that must be the eldest? Youngest also has the OH with the job that may be going away?...   There must be a middle one....   I know you make hay while the sun shines, but that's about it!

    Granddaughter and Ms. D arriving for a flying visit Thursday morning, which means she'll be driving at night :-( and departing Monday at some point.  We are switching cars with her. Her present one used to be ours, but she drives such a lot it now has almost 200K miles on it. So OH is taking that back and she'll get his Honda Accord, which has only just over 100K miles. She drives a lot; OH drives not much further than the bank/library/hardware store (all within walking distance!) and we have the CRV for "serious" distances.

    Am reading a book called On the Map by Simon Garfield about the evolution of maps. Lots of illustrations, including a reprint of the Daily Mail's Moral Underground map (funny).  Have just finished The Art of the English Murder by Lucy Worsley - a slight, pretty blonde woman with a minor speech impairment (problem with "w"s) who we've seen a lot on TV giving historical tours of various UK sites.

    Tomorrow is first day at the Wildlife Center.  Will be there from around 9 to 12 or so..

  • ANNETTE not surprised you have lost track! I have three daughters and one son. Callum and Amy belong to middle daughter who is divorced. Youngest daughter is the one whose husband's job is in jeopardy. They have two daughters. Eldest daughter and husband have one 14 year old daughter. Son has two children.

    Good that your granddaughter will get your car with less mileage. Our car has low mileage since it is really only used about three times a week these days and we live within walking distance of town.

    Enjoy your day, tomorrow!