The osprey season is in full swing.  The two chicks at Loch Garten have been examined, ringed and named and other nests in the area are following along in due time. 

We are glad to be following two healthy juveniles named Willow and  Rowan.

  • June, Our posts crossed.

    Kind regards, Ann

  • Yes they did Ann.  My next post was to be the bad news that the Dyfi chick did not make it.   I may or may not post some pictures direct from their site depending on what I find over there.

    Thanks always for your contributions.

    Yes, so thankful for two healthy juveniles at LG.   I haven't watched as much this summer and so haven't gotten attached.  Still I find it sad that when they migrate they will be gone forever.  I just hope that sometime in the future their wee blue rings will be spotted and identified.

  • Good morning all. Very sad news at Dyfi, so pleased that T6 seems to have recovered and W8 at Glaslyn. The odds are really stacked against these young osp[reys so perhaps we should not be surprised.

  • Thanks Mike for this very interesting news that the staff have made the decision to remove Ceri's body.  I missed it in my own notifications and there are some on here who do not read Facebook

  • I always feel alright about the decisions the staffs make at the various nests in situations such as this.  I believe they genuinely care about the individual birds.  Then it seems they always consult with experts and consider all angles and possibilities before making their decisions.  Dyfi was even so considerate as to spell it out for us. I feel they have done what is best for the birds in this nest and the general osprey community..

    My thanks to the Dyfi staff for the good work you are doing.


  • Now I'm getting confused!  Back & forth between here and Facebook and Dyfi FB site and my pictures (which I use to post here) and the snipper window and my real garden - I don't know what is where!

    HI, KEITH>  I see you have liked a post above.  Sorry you couldn't stay long enough to chat a wee bit.

    WILLOW, I know you have a special interest in Dyfi, as do I, and that you do not have Facebook so these posts from their site are especially for you as well as any other watchers who do not read FB.

    PS On second thought, Dyfi"s Facebook posts are from their regular site and not from their own Facebook page.  You can and probably alreadyhave access to their site and have seen these posts directly.  I"ll post some more of their pictures anyway.

  •  Before I post some more Dyfi pictures - I was going to talk about my garden.  Instead as I have been without a camera all summer and I have flowers I want to show you, I am this minute on my way to get that new cam I have been talking about for ages.  See y'all later. Wish me luck.

  • OK I now have a new camera.  I just have to learn to use it.

        That may takes weeks, so I'll just say that this afternoon I found my first red star flower of the season. I have several plants and they all came up on their own from seed that scatterd from last years plants.  Some of the seedlings I transplanted where I wanted them.

          Also my Angelina are doing very well now. I have purple and lavender with a few whites, all in baskets.