WEEKLY CHAT (non-osprey topics) SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2016

A new week - no posh link to last week's thread I'm afraid, but then again, it may not be worth the aggravation!  :-)

  • Diane: I was thinking that caption might also work for Boris, but it's a shade too red.  My friend and I were wondering if there was anything significant in the similarity of their hairstyles (or lack thereof)!..>

    Limpy: Gorgeous shots; what elegantly sculpted/designed beaks! Thank you for the link.

  • Good evening.  Getting through washing and ironing – most of it having to dry indoors.  Actually moved photos from camera to PC folders this afternoon, and unpacked various bits of written material we had collected.  Holiday seems a distant memory already!  Today is J’s birthday, but this evening he is out with his colleagues as some are moving on; they are having an end-of-term fish and chips take-away lunch on Friday to mark the last day.

    No chance of gardening since we arrived back, but have been eating lettuce, radish, rhubarb, cucumber and courgettes from our garden.  Dishwasher repair man fitted the more serious new part today and one load successfully washed this afternoon.

    AQ – pleased to see that you are doing so well – keep it up!

    Clare and Limpy – great photos from Bempton; lucky you going there, and lucky us seeing these birds there without the effort of going – thankyou.

    Linda – I hope you are feeling much better now and will enjoy your break in Wales.

    George – have a wonderful trip north, and I hope the trains will run as they should and not spoil your journeys.

    Keith – sorry that paperwork has not run smoothly at such a sad and difficult time.  Your brother must have been a lovely person to know, and I am sure you have some great memories of him.  So pleased you and your wife have a lovely holiday to look forward to.

    Dibnlib – sounds like a great day out in Lossiemouth.  We often come home with beers from the Black Isle Brewery usually as a gift for someone.

    Lynette – our holiday was spent in and around the Vale of Belvoir, but one of the days we went to see the Manton Bay Ospreys and the Cormorants at Rutland Water; didn’t see the Egrets this year.

    Diane – we have a Ukrainian POW chapel near Lockerbie.  Can't find the photos there, but it is a very ornate chapel - in a hut!

    Brenda – I hope the consultant was pleased with your OH again this time and that all goes smoothly for you both with the busy time ahead – then maybe you will be able to consider a holiday trip!


    Ospreys Rule OK, but Goldfinches come a close second!

  • Brenda: Hope all went well at the hospital.

    Lynette/Pat O: Here's to warmer days.

    OG: Assume you'll be celebrating J's b/day with one of your yummy meals?

    Friend went home on the train this afternoon. We had a lovely visit with lots of time to hang out and chat; she's an easy house guest.

    Had a rather wretched experience this morning though: I went out for a walk early and spotted a bundle on the front lawn of a house up the road. Turned out the be the rather gruesome remains of a cat, which I assume had been caught by a coyote. Was very grateful it wasn't my mess to clean up. Unfortunately it's not an unusual fate for cats in this area. :-(

    Take care all.

  • Brenda: I hope your OH had the best possible outcome at the hospital. Best wishes to you both.

    Annette: Glad you had a nice time with your friend.

    OG: I looked at that Lockerbie POW chapel online. So very ornate inside and plain on the outside!

    Have a good day, everyone.

  • Good Morning. Light, but steady, rain this morning.

    OH had good and bad results at the hospital yesterday. His graft is fine and eye pressures are under control, but there are problems with the other eye. He has further drops now, which hopefully may delay the need for a graft, if they work, but seems inevitable, in the future. Thank you ALL for your good wishes. 

  • AQ   The Italian chapel in Orkney is lovely. I saw somewhere recently that they are going to start charging for entry, which is a shame, but I suppose it helps with the upkeep.

  • ANNETTE    We have some lovely beaches up here and usually pretty deserted.  Because we don't get sun baking hot, most of us walk on the beach and don't do the tan thing.

  • dibnlib: Regardless of the reason for not lolling on a beach, tanning is not smart - I see young girls sprawled on the beach here (I used to be one of them) and want to rush up and ask "What are you doing!?" I was chatting to a very old guy during a trip to the UK many years ago and he commented that many American women he'd seen looked like dried prunes. Sent me rushing home for #50 sunblock! :-))  That Italian chapel is lovely - very ornate ironwork and what a lovely ceiling. And in a converted Nissen hut! Just read about them on Wikipedia (I used to see them when I was growing up in Hertfordshire).  I guess you wouldn't mind paying an entry fee knowing it was helping to preserve the site.

    Brenda: How is your OH taking the news of another possible op? Can't be thrilled....

    Still following the events in the UK; more fascinating leadership developments there I see.

    Must catch up with paperwork here today; take care all.

  • ANNETTE  very unpleasant for you. We weren't too happy this morning when the previously mentioned cat passed through the garden with a dead bird in it''s mouth.

    OG   belated Happy Birthday to J.

  • BRENDA  hope all works out for your OH.