Last week's Chat thread is here.
This will be the first Full Moon to fall on the June Solstice since 1967 -- the Summer of Love! -- according to EarthSky. Other sources say it hasn't happened since 1948.The Slooh Observatory will host an online live streaming special dedicated to the Solstice and Full Moon combination event.Everyone have a wonderful week!
PS - don't mean Labour Party, far far left of that.
Hey, folks. I have computer problems, and I'm going to have to do a "system restore" and maybe work on this machine. Someone else will have to start the new thread tonight or tomorrow.
OG: Glad you're having a good time. Safe travels. AQ: I'm glad you're progressing well.
I'm going to bed now. If I'm not on here tomorrow it's because I'm all Referendum'd out.
Hope you can sort it out, Diane.
I'll start the thread tonight - but without posh links.
Lindybird: A minor point, sort of, but to say "They've made their own bed....we tried." Thing is, they've made your bed too. Anyway, glad you're feeling better.
Alan: As British citizen still, I signed that petition, though it's really only a gesture at this point.
Diane: I don't blame you for doing a system restore - wish some other things (fill in this space) could be so easily fixed. :-)
Lindy enjoy your break will probably join you..
It seems more people jumping on a bandwagon that really doesn't impact on their lives.
If this petition works we kiss good by to any elections anywhere as all will be petitioned against..ah well...
Wendyb. Have a nice break.
If I could like your last sentence 100+ times Wendy I would. The democratic right of the people of the UK should be listened to. It's was they that voted not the political parties. We can't and shouldn't change what the free will of the population voted for whether we agree with the answer or not.
LINDY Please post on here tomorrow. otherwise we will think you are still extremely unwell!
I hope you are fully fit soon Lindy!
also best wishes to AQ and Margo, and glad to hear that OG is having a good holiday.
I must say one thing then shut up - it is very undemocratic to immediately want to have another vote if one side does not like the result of the first one. At least David Cameron did not try that one, and his job was on the line, so why should anyone else.