Last week's Chat thread is here.
Seems like a lot of folks on this thread have been facing adversity of one kind or another. Sending you all best wishes and good energy.
Have a wonderful week everyone!
Unknown said: Diane can you not get more four legged animals to come and visit you and eat the grass to save you from the effort of cutting it.
Diane can you not get more four legged animals to come and visit you and eat the grass to save you from the effort of cutting it.
Unknown said: Diane, Beautiful quilts. A lot of work in them. My talents only run to knitted log cabin pattern blankets, mostly done whist watching TV. As for sewing, never did get it ! Well done, Lindy for finishing that hem. I remember sewing at school. We first had to make an apron for cookery lessons. All the others were wearing theirs, long before I had finished mine. And don't even mention the Dirndl skirt! (I never completed it) I think I was relegated to picking up the pins.
Diane, Beautiful quilts. A lot of work in them. My talents only run to knitted log cabin pattern blankets, mostly done whist watching TV.
As for sewing, never did get it ! Well done, Lindy for finishing that hem. I remember sewing at school. We first had to make an apron for cookery lessons. All the others were wearing theirs, long before I had finished mine. And don't even mention the Dirndl skirt! (I never completed it) I think I was relegated to picking up the pins.
Rosy: I'll bet your knitted blankets are beautiful!I was forced to take "Home Economics" in school (that's what it was called then). We were supposed to learn to cook, sew, tend to children, etc. I was awful at all of it, but the worst was the sewing. I was supposed to sew a simple A-line skirt from a pattern. My creation was so, so bad that my poor mother spent all night ripping out all of my stitches and re-sewing it before I had to turn it in to the teacher. Eventually, I taught myself to be a decent cook later in life, but I've never learned to sew. I can hem some trousers, but I find the process very, very tedious and it tries my patience. LOL!
Annette: Please, please don't take any chances if the fire spreads near you. Even if it doesn't threaten your home, it could cause you respiratory difficulties. So get in your car and go to a hotel down the road out of danger, my friend.Also, keep this in mind.
Diane – What delightful quilts. Amongst the barns & farm buildings I spotted a pig! I can admire quilts but I myself couldn’t spend all that time sewing little bits of material together. I sewed for Daus when young but I found it a horrid chore. I much prefer knitting which I am doing now that wrists/hands have healed. There are quilters in Aussieland but noway as many as in US.
Annette – The sprained wrist has recovered during this enforced rest time. Today is Day 48 of me being mobilty impaired. Not doing housework (or very little) has given sprained wrist and other gouty hand time to recover. The knitted Jean Greenhowe clowns for the twins are progressing – soon I’ll need to sew up the myriad of pieces. Fairy godmother would help. Daus, alas, can’t sew.
OG – Thank for good wishes. Enjoy your trip.
Evening all: News of Jo Cox's death made headlines here today, with comments about it being such an unusual thing to happen in the UK.
The wildfire has flared up this evening and the highway has just been closed down again. Lighting was very odd this evening. Sunny over the hills and very dark toward the ocean. Here's a photo of the smoke cloud at sunset. Fortunately, the area burning is way up in the canyons with comparatively few houses in its path and they've managed to protect them so far. Humans, horses and assorted critters all evacuated last night.
OG: You'll be just about 13 miles from my sister's house, just east of Grantham.
Rosy: Ha-ha. They didn't even trust me with the pins in my sewing class. You may not have been on the thread when I confessed to making a nightie (grubby, inky seams) during one class and then sewing it up along the bottom! I'm pretty good at sewing on buttons though. :-)
Diane: Maybe you could put a patio heater out in their corral for the goats when it's cold? Here, you can hire someone to bring a few goats to your property to cut the grass, etc., then take them away after. Our classes were called Domestic Science. I don't even hem trousers anymore; there's an old guy in town who does them neatly for not many $$$. Thanks for the heat map - we're in the turquoise area along the west coast, so won't be anything near as bad as, say, in Palm Springs, where they're forecasting 120F!
AQ: Knitting has made a comeback here of late (I wasn't any good at that either). Forty-eight days of inactivity, but the silver lining is that wrists and hand are doing better - and soon the knee! How lucky can you be? :-)
Daughter is supposed to be taking the train down tomorrow for the day, but if the fire jumps the highway, they'll likely close the railway tracks too. Anyway, we'll see. In the meantime, have a good Friday folks.
OG I remembered you were meeting up with BiL, just didn't know you were spending a few days away. Have a good time and a safe journey.
Good Morning. Dry here!
Lots of wonderful tributes to the beautiful young MP who has died: it really has shocked everyone, not just in politics. Such a sudden and violent end for someone with so much passion and promise. As soon as I heard about the nature of the attack, I knew that it was someone ill - he probably hadn't taken his meds. There has been too much of that kind of thing lately, more money should be put into the mental health care services.
ROSY- I like to buy M&S clothes too, as they often do alternative lengths, especially trousers. I noticed that when they bring out new lines, it's often the "short" version that sells out first - hopefully they will take note and realise that there are a lot of us out here who are not Amazonian!!
OG - Enjoy your hols, and I hope the journeys south and back are traffic friendly.
AQ - There's always a silver lining.... I had already thought that perhaps this enforced rest would do you good. Hope your wrist will recover fully.
ANNETTE - Only just re-read your note that the fires were so near to you! Surprising picture! Hope your daughter makes it tomorrow, and you can enjoy your day.
GEORGE- Enjoy both parts of your birthday celebrations! Nice to hear from you.
MARGO - Thinking of you today, and hope that it's not too arduous having the transfusion. You will feel lots better in a couple of days.
DIANE - The goats sound a great idea to me, but yes, I can just see you with half a dozen of them in the kitchen during the cold weather!! LOL!! (Must be a bit of poetry in there somewhere..... I started the squirrel one and then it got left on the desk as I was busy, but it may still appear!)
Off to get started - decorating today and tomorrow. OH has to start with the ceiling before I can help with the walls, which gives me chance to do some housework.
Mike B said: An article on Sea Eagles with great photos.
An article on Sea Eagles with great photos.
You are welcome Lindybird. I hope Margo will get to see it too once she feels up to it. Let's hope she gets on well today.
Birdies LG DU update.