Weekly Chat (Non-Osprey Topics), 5 June 2016


Last week's Chat thread is here.

No time for a post or replies from me, folks. Really, really busy. I'm sending good wishes to all. Heather: I hope your daughter is improving.

Everyone have a wonderful week!

  • Evening all:

    Diane: Thank you - you're a gem (I think I've said that several times this year!).

    AQ: Sounds like you might be feeling better - at least part of you anyway. Had to smile at your OH missing the meat pie under his nose. Sounds very familiar. Is he still doing nanny duty?

    Good day here; may make it to the Farmers Market tomorrow morning, but then again may just be lazy....

  • Annette: Hope you don't have to go to Los Angeles any time soon. I just saw the reports of the Calabasas fire.

  • Good Morning, and thank you to Diane for starting the thread.

    Nice to hear from AQ - Sounds like a low key birthday, but then as you say, they don't know: it seems a lot of trouble sometimes for very young children who are unaware and certainly won't remember, later.

    Laughed about the pies, but not surprised!! Things like that happen here!!

    Sun is coming out, and we're off to an Artisan Market this morning, then clearing up mess made by pruning.

  • Lindybird said:
    Good Morning

        Good morning ladies and gents  Really going to be the hottesh day here so Roger tells me, has the saying goes " mist in the hollow fine day to follow"  usally true this time of the year.

    Lindy. Heather, dibnlib, Has you can see your lessons are playing off so thanks so much for that.

    Linny glad you had a good day in the garden, ours is going grazy with vine weed, does anyone else get that climbs up anything in site, if l stood long enough would be up me!!!

    Annette  Water melon it his have usally got the yellow ones easier to know so will give it a tap. Has for the books the autors l told all about 2 books l have bought second hand from web  cause l liked them so much is called  The Lady most likely  and Brighter than the sun   We usually get about 20 books from our libery and go through them some don't get read if there take ages getting going, we've started recording all the books we've read and from 2014 have read 141 books all sots of subjects even childrens adventures. The granddaughters school sounds really good wouldn't have minded going to that one. and yes roger is a big sweetie gave me back my self worth when my own family took it away, but won't bore you with that long tail.

    And to all my lovely new friends 

    Annettes garage story reminded me of a thing we do now and then, because we have a lot of folks going passed the front of our house because it's the cotswold way, we put out things we don't want and say FREE HELP yourselfs  we've put plants that have drop seeds, and plant from pond,  and had a clear out of the garage had some of the last owners stuff in so go rid of a 3 legged chest a draws l put would be good for work shop needs brick under end, that went, old knitting machines, artic table, and onice a old christmas tree in january l put beat the christmas rush, most things go, fun to see people walking around with these things. one christmas l put out a tin of chocolates called lucky dip put a hole in the tin, and a peom with it they took longer to go, think they may have worried l injected something in them, but lorry driver was please. nice to give with out wanting money, even charity shops can be expensive, l think if l put roger out there with a sign round his neck. In good working order, needs feeding good round the house, needs oiling at times, good for his age, How would you advertise your OH? l wonder?  Well story reading time bye for now have a lovely sunday from your friend Yas



  • Glad you cracked the bold type, Yas!

    Like the sound of advertising your OH, will have a crack at it, on here, later! Must go for now as getting ready to leave, and it's getting hot here already, too.

  • Glad to hear AQ You are getting some better food, laughed about your husband and the meat pies, just has l was reading that my hubby came in from the freezer in the garage with some pies to see what we'd have for sunday dinner, going for the chicken in white wine.

    Hard to think how cold it is there when our summer is just getting going. Still when we are huddled round our christmas dinner, you get yours in the sunshine, so alls fair. take care of yourself don't over do it. from Yas

  • Vivienne G said:
    l think if l put roger out there with a sign round his neck. In good working order, needs feeding good round the house, needs oiling at times, good for his age, How would you advertise your OH? l wonder?  Well story reading

       roger had some ideals to add to his sign,  " only one careful owner, warranty ran out, big end hasn't gone yet,  a bit of rust here and there,  and l would add  dependable,  good natured. a keeper. So l've changed my mind not for sale or for free. yas

  • LOL Yas!!   Sitting watching Andy Murray in the tennis final:  it's too hot to sit in the garden anyway.

    Enjoyed our walk around the market, bought two pies, two plants, and gazed at lots of jewellery and pots, then found some beautiful artwork. Have seen this man before, he paints in enamels, lovely countryside themes.  My OH offered to buy me a small one, so I didn't say No and now have a nice (small) picture of two birds in outline, sitting companionably together. :-)

  • Hi Lindy Rogers up stairs watching the match won't get much out of him now, if l'm in the same room l get a running commentary. l love arts and crafts l love glass work where the sunshines through it, l love fresh flowers from our garden, but the smell doesn't like me anymore, so have pictures of them, l change my ornements around every so often for a change with the season, l might have a sit in our small consevatory. l had a look at your gallery lindy was nice to see your family, so put a older picture of me on mine well about 6 yrs ago.Was looking forward to your sign for your husband lindy??? Yas

  • one set all....come on Andy.