We have had an absolutely fishin crazy day at LG. At least 9 fish were delivered by Odin during the course of the day. Its been a pleasure to watch the antics of the youngsters and alarm alerts as well.
All quiet on the nest at present, just a little fidgiting going on .EJ has her back to us, but turned round just then at the camera.
Sad news at LOTL, Lady is not well at all and we don't know what is going to happen during the night. She is an old lady and this may be her time, only time will tell.
Happy viewing to all our overseas visitors until we sleepheads join in and catch up with whats been happening during the night. Good night all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Cirrus I don't think so. Just been looking through the facebook group discussion and it looks like the last fish mentioned was the one around 2.45
Chicks starting to get a bit restless and chunnering now. I hope Odin arrives with some dinner soon.
Don't be too concerned Foxtail. The FB group missed all the fog that was holding Odin up from bringing fish the other day (I forget exactly when). I believe us as group keep closer watch on nest doings. Also, David (RSPB guy) at the centre wouldn't miss a delivery, if he says that Odin delivered at 3.17 pm I believe it. It is a rather long time from then until now, I agree, but let's face it we've been as spoiled as the chicks with Odin's prowess . The chicks are particularly well fed and a little waiting for youngest won't harm him or her. I can hardly believe this is me , Cirrus, talking, but I've learned a lot from last year (thankfully) . Also, I've had so much emotional roller coaster syndrome with LoTL that I can't take any more. My mind needs to be calm and somehow I am amazingly calm and believe this highly successful year for EJ and Odin will continue with three strong and healthy chicks fledging sometime in July.
A big hug to you Foxtail and just be confident that all is well at LG (cos it is :) )
Here he comes Foxtail
A fish at 8.42 pm number five I believe.
Odin flies in with fish - EJ was shouting excitedly and got the yougsters up for his arrival. He now proceeds to move a large branch to his liking.Meanwhile EJ begins another feed.
Fish ... thanks Odin ... and you would think those chicks hadn't eaten for a week!
Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!
Index Thread
Thanks Cirrus. Not too concerned really, I didn't see the info regarding the fish at 3.17 so that's really good to know. I think my anxiety levels are just raised because of what is happening at Lowes. After five years of Osprey watching I should really know better!!! With Odin there really is not much to worry about is there? You are so right, after two days of completely stuffing themselves it will probably do them good to have a bit of a rest today, :)) (I still hope he brings supper soon LOL )
LOL my wish is Odin's command!!!!!!!!!