We have had an absolutely fishin crazy day at LG. At least 9 fish were delivered by Odin during the course of the day. Its been a pleasure to watch the antics of the youngsters and alarm alerts as well.
All quiet on the nest at present, just a little fidgiting going on .EJ has her back to us, but turned round just then at the camera.
Sad news at LOTL, Lady is not well at all and we don't know what is going to happen during the night. She is an old lady and this may be her time, only time will tell.
Happy viewing to all our overseas visitors until we sleepheads join in and catch up with whats been happening during the night. Good night all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Good morning,all. A great day is coming to an end. I have seen my daughter do a charity abseil on the 19th and attended an evening with friends.
Today is Fathers' day and my son's 21st birthday.And yet,at the back of my mind, my thoughts return to an ailing bird at LOTL. No rational explanation can I find for this.
These damned ospreys just get under one's skin.
Bonne nuit a tous.
Thanks Lynette.
Hello Mr C:) What a nice day and happy fathers day.
It is sad about LOTL. I hope she doesn't suffer much longer. You are so right, these birds grab you and don't let go.
Thanks for starting the thread Lynette.
A really funny moment. Two of the chicks squared up to each other and EJ looked at the pair of them as if to say: " Don't even think about it."
Warning! This post contains atrocious spelling, and terrible grammar. Approach with extreme edginess.
Hey Paul!
Just off to bed but see that the 2 chicks are wide awake while EJ is trying to nap. Catch up tomorrow
Gary I wonder how EJ manages to get any sleep with the antics of the chicks LOL. Catch you later.
And now the light has increased at LG. I always find it amazing how the night picture goes from looking like a black & white film to pitch black with just the nest in the middle to a black and white film again. Each stage is almost like the flick of a switch.
Evening all and Welcome Mr. C! Sounds like you had a nice day, with Father's Day tomorrow (Sunday? same here!) and a birthday celebration too. LOTL news isn't good and I'm scared to look at the cam... :-(
Thanks Lynette for starting us off again. Hi and Bye Gary! And Hi Heron!
All's well at LG.
EJ gone for a flyabout.
Please forgive off-topic, but someone is already working the cam at LOTL; I can see movement but not sure what or who. EDIT: Female has lifted her head twice....)
Color at LG EJ still off and about.
Day cam's on. EJ still enjoying early morning flight.