We have had an absolutely fishin crazy day at LG. At least 9 fish were delivered by Odin during the course of the day. Its been a pleasure to watch the antics of the youngsters and alarm alerts as well.
All quiet on the nest at present, just a little fidgiting going on .EJ has her back to us, but turned round just then at the camera.
Sad news at LOTL, Lady is not well at all and we don't know what is going to happen during the night. She is an old lady and this may be her time, only time will tell.
Happy viewing to all our overseas visitors until we sleepheads join in and catch up with whats been happening during the night. Good night all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
-one near the camera is really not interested in food!
.....changes its mind eventually, but doesn't push forward, so the other two tuck in!
EJ mantling and shouting:
.....can also hear Odin adding his sharp shout at the intruder, as EJ looks up and mantles some more....
.....the chicks keep their heads down whilst all the shouting is going on.... EJ is really annoyed...
Now feeding has resumed.... still only two who want the fish.
Thank you Foxtail. I appreciate your indulgence and the hugs. I know what you means cos I've just looked at your pic and thought (heart in mouth) that it was empty. Well, LoL indeed. I can't spell camouflage either - except, actually I think you are correct !!
Hi cirrus - are we having a spelling bee ?? !! ;-)
EJ getting to the end of the big fish now, she is eating some herself so there won't be any left again for Odin !!
Thanks for the last fish reports, I was in the garden and missed it.