We have had an absolutely fishin crazy day at LG. At least 9 fish were delivered by Odin during the course of the day. Its been a pleasure to watch the antics of the youngsters and alarm alerts as well.
All quiet on the nest at present, just a little fidgiting going on .EJ has her back to us, but turned round just then at the camera.
Sad news at LOTL, Lady is not well at all and we don't know what is going to happen during the night. She is an old lady and this may be her time, only time will tell.
Happy viewing to all our overseas visitors until we sleepheads join in and catch up with whats been happening during the night. Good night all.
RSPB Giving Nature a Home
Odin just delivered fish #2
No one is hungry and Odin is waiting to see if he can have the fish back . Now EJ is nibbling at it and won't give it to him . Poor guy finally flew away. She is so protective of the food for the chicks . Even if no one wants it now she wants keep it on hand for the moment they want a bit or two . Now she is food soliciting with an uneaten fish under her foot. What is wrong with her ?
Formerly known as Barbara Jean
And another fish just arrived :)
my photos in flickr
Chicks don't seem to be very interested 'bout that fish so maybe EJ can have it all :)
edit: one of the chicks is taking some
She was like that last night (evening) BarbaraJean - Odin lands with a fish, EJ takes it, and starts to loudly call for more fish immediately. I really hope he takes time to eat himself.
Cirrus: I didn't think ospreys were cannibals ;-)
Seriously, I was glad to see two fish already by 7.30, even if EJ isn't satisfied! Have taken video clips, but having problems uploading to YouTube at the moment :-(
"Only two things are infinite - the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not too sure about the universe..." - Albert Einstein
Thanks R the B - I'll probably have to wait till this afternoon to watch as I'm out a little later. (such is the state of my spirit at the moment that it took me a few seconds to latch on to what you meant by ' cannibalism' - but it did raise a smile thank you)
Well, the lad's about, I can hear him. Buzz off intruder.
Just logged on. Thank you to all who follow during the early hours, for posts and pics. Glad to hear they have had 2 fish delivered already.
Just looked in at LOTL, situation still the same.
Chicks are stirring again, moving about the nest, exercising, doing what chicks do.
EJ gone for a break, chicks preening and resting.
And back she comes, chicks start to stir and stretch, first one, then the other, one still lying down. Waiting in anticipation for a second breakfast!!!!!!!!