Daily Update (LG Nest) Friday June 18,2010

Webcam still down; let's see what the morrow brings...

  • not yet Eldest ... not yet !! Just leave it at looking   ...   fledging will come soon enough.

    Eldest REALLY interested in what's down there!!

    Well my friend will be picking me up very shortly so thanks in advance of any fish reports and pics/videos still to come.

    Enjoy the viewing everyone

  • Unknown said:

    not yet Eldest ... not yet !! Just leave it at looking   ...   fledging will come soon enough.

    Eldest REALLY interested in what's down there!!

    Well my friend will be picking me up very shortly so thanks in advance of any fish reports and pics/videos still to come.

    Enjoy the viewing everyone

     Have a good evening Jane.  Reports will abound no doubt :)

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Feeding time is such a joy to watch. After last year I thought I couldn't watch that again! 

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Don't know how big that last fish was as I didn't catch the delivery, but I know where it went - mostly down #1's throat!

  • It was a fair size, Sandy - not huge, but plenty big enough for all 3!

  • EJ now sitting peacefully on the nest - or at least trying to, as its rather crowded now.  Sun is still shining on the nest as it gets lower in the sky: the wind has dropped somewhat.

    Wonder if there will be fish #8  ???  Hope Odin remembers to eat one himself, seeing as they are all so well fed today.

  • Foxtail said:

    Thanks for the welcome Cirrus I have to go now duty calls,but hopefully will get back later.I have been asking on the main blog for ages but so far have had no answers.Does anyone know if Richard is asking for donations towards the costs of tagging.I know he did last year but I have seen nothing posted tthis year.



    Hi Jay Jay  and welcome. I don't think donations are being asked for this time. We were asked earlier on to donate towards mains power being put in for the Osprey Centre which has now happened (they were running on generator power before) but I believe the tagging has already been sponsored this year. I could be wrong tho' so please correct me anyone if so :)


    Foxtail&Cirrus thanks for your replies re tagging maybe I will send the money any way I'm sure it can be used for something Thanks every body for todays pics etc,still trying to catch up.

  • There probably will be a later fish don't you think!! He's a genious that Odin.  Off topic I was so excited a few minutes ago to see a greenfinch - one- as I haven't seen any in the garden for about two years.  So hapy .  There is bound to be two. :))

    Everything in life is speaking in spite of its apparent silence.

  • Hello vallerie, Jay Jay, Alan and all the others who have spoken to me last year and more recently.Not very good at this site and don't know where to type, so put it in here.

    Thank you to all inviting me in and supporting me on the main site yesterday and today. I am thoroughly confused as to what was wrong in me not naming the fish farm when everything kicked off. I read my blogs through and cannot see why anyone would be upset by the recent ones I have written. It is a shame that like last year several people spoil the enjoyment of others on the main site. It did upset me to read what one person had written.

    As several of you said I have in the last 3 years become even more interested in birds and am following 9 bald eagle nests in America, about 6 osprey nests in Canada and America as well as the Mull eagles and all osprey sites here and the Barn owl trust. I have become an adict of theses sites but Loch Garten is my favourite and I visted it at the end of July last year with the Mull sea eagles.

    I havn't put much on my own page about me but I live in Bournemouth, am 52 and run a Community playgroup and am also the chairperson at the community centre where the playgroup is (voluntary). I am a member of the RSPB, National Trust and English Heritage. I love nature, classical music and play the clarinet and piano and love exploring the coastal scenary around here, Britain and France. I don't drive but we have a motor-home and love exploring France, Switzerlan, Ireland and more recently Scotland.

    Hope I havn't bored anyone Whether I will be able to work out this site again, who knows.



  • Hi Jillian - welcome to the site ....so glad you joined us ... I'm sure you will enjoy it!  

    Joan - avid bird and nature watcher in Northumberland!

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