Daily Update (LG Nest) Friday June 18,2010

Webcam still down; let's see what the morrow brings...

  • Hi Foxtail: Youngest tucking in and Oldest I think. Till the one stands up I can't be sure  :)


    And good moringing all.

  • Unknown said:

    Medium sized fish delivered. What number fish please?

    not a clue, the webcams only been back on for an hour...


    judging by the lack of enthuasim from on of the chicks though, it's not the first of the day

  • Titch and what I think is Chick #1 feeding. Chick #2 (?) not very interested yet and still lolloping around in the camera end of the nest. Odin still here.

  • oops forgot to say

    Thank you for letting me join this forum!


  • I actually think it was Oldest taking it's time. Standing up now and making towards the fish- no just not interested. Must have stuffed on previous fish. Actually, Eldest does not look to fat ! I hope it is building up the reserves it's going to need on migration.

  • Lynette D said:

    At present:


    ---- incidentally, I have been over on the Main Blog to look for any news of the webcam (there is none) and found that there have been new cases of 'arguments' on there - this is why you never find my comments on there any more, for some time now, except to occasionally thank the LG Team.


    I think I know what you mean Lindybird. I went on yesterday to try and stick up for us that tend to be sentimental about the family etc. and that we feel very priveledged to be able to view them even if we get daft over them.

    Each to their own and I have come to the conclusion that, apart from thanking the LG team when they post, I will stay on this site all the time.  Hope you understand what I'm getting at.  By the way Dors posted a note that it was back on.

    [/quote]Lindybird Lynette,Big Rab &all I'm begining to come round to your points of view.I've always used and enjoyed the main blog site,simply because I cannot log on very often and then mostly at night.However things seem to be getting abit heated so maybe Iwill give it a miss,apart from reading and commenting on the Garten blogs.Sad but so be it.Thanks for all your pics ,they are great wish Iwas as clever.

  • Odin gone now and Chick #2 has suddenly come to life, standing up and stretching wings

  • Cirrus you may be right. Up until yesterday #2 still had a bit of white stripe on it's back but I can't see that today so now I am really going to struggle to tell them apart LOL

  • Unknown said:

    I actually think it was Oldest taking it's time. Standing up now and making towards the fish- no just not interested. Must have stuffed on previous fish. Actually, Eldest does not look to fat ! I hope it is building up the reserves it's going to need on migration.

    Maybe Oldest is a girl,females are usually bigger and fatter I think

  • Jay Jay and any others now moved over to Dailly Update - hi to you and good mornging. If I've missed anybody out please forgive me and welcome. Loads of 'newcomers' recently, can't keep track but welcome all.